This study attempts to assess the effects of motivation on employee performance using field data collected at Government House in Abuja. Correlation technique was employed to find out the relationship between two variables. Regression technique also was used to find out to which extent one variable affect the other using coefficient results. Correlation results for salary is 0.589, Transport benefits 0.421, medical benefits 0.395, extra duty allowance 0.421, carrier achievement 0.562, promotion benefits 0.672 and correlation for recognition is 0.407 which reveal existence of positive relationship between motivation and employees’ performance and therefore implying that the increase in motivation will lead to increase in employees’ performance. This situation insists on increasing attention to employee motivation practice in order to improve employee performance. The findings suggest enhancement of current motivation package by incorporating both intrinsic such as promotion, recognition, support for carrier achievement and extrinsic motivation factors such as salary, extra duty allowance, transport allowance, medical benefits will help optimum utilization of human resources as well as increasing employees’ performance. Furthermore there is pressing need to develop organisation motivation policy that will help the Government management properly handling motivation function.

1.1 Background to the Problem
Motivation is one of the most important factors affecting human behavior. Motivation not only affects other cognitive factor like perception and learning but also affects total performance of an individual in organization setting. This is the reason why managers should attach great importance to motivation in organization (Prasad, 2005).

Motivation seems to be one of the most important tools for retaining employees and increases productivity. Organizations design motivation systems to encourage employees to perform in the most effective way and attract potential candidates. One of many ways to motivate employees is to give rewards and incentives for good performance (Memmott and Growers, 2012).

Every human being has got a push behind him/her to do something, organization with wise management should conduct research on such human behaviors as well as effective and efficient way to achieve organization objective. In such situation motivation becomes important as it makes better utilization of resources and workers abilities and capabilities (Scott, 1987).

Motivation is among crucial factor towards increasing the performance so as to achieve organization goals. Low motivation or complete lack of motivation at any organization within Nigeria or across the world leads to high employees’ inefficiency, turnover, fraud, corruption, absenteeism, and indiscipline at work. Good Supervisors and Managers maintains positive attitude by valuing employees and treating them fairly through designing supportive environment which motivates employees. The key to create the efficient motivation system is by answering the question on what really motivate employees (Memmott and Growers, 2012).

The significance of employee motivation is influencing employees to behave in a certain ways, motivation can ultimately decide the success or failure of an organisation. If an organisation knows why its employees come to work on time, stay with the an organisation for their full working lives and are productive, then the organisation may be able to assure that all of their employees and such understanding is essential to improve productivity. This imply that organisation success depend heavily on motivation and managers must understand what motivate their employees to perform better (Matsei, 2008).

Motivation function is among major task that should be handled by every organisation with better performance dreams. Motivation is a major task for every manager in creating the will of work among subordinates. Workers in any organization need something to push and keep him/her working for an organisation therefore an employee should be motivated to work for an organisation, if no motivation given then the quality of work or all work in general will be distorted (Mbogo,2013).

Pay and incentive in public service aim to compensate for work done, motivate and retain employees to avoid the need for expensive recruitment and training for replacement. It is in this context that The Government of Nigeria continues with efforts to motivate its workforce (Nigeria Public Service Pay and incentive Policy, 2010).

1.2 Statement of the Problem
Employee’s and organisation performance mostly depends on employee motivation. Low motivation affects employees and organisation performance. Motivated employees’ are royal, committed, and productive and provide good services to the organisation. Employer should exercise employee motivation through the series of rewards for job well done and better organisational performance (Sevanson, 2011) Although the Government of Nigeria has made an effort in enhancing compensation in the Public services but the increase did not result in convergence between public service pay level and those of the labour market comparators. A sizable gap still remains.

However the study on staffing problem in Nigeria conducted in 2008 on staff motivation, attraction and retention revealed that there some motivational problem existing in public services including lack of special incentives, lack of supplementary income opportunities, lack of quality housing, inaccessibility to social services such as education, health, water and electricity in working environment (Nigeria Public Service pay and incentive policy, 2010).

Some of researchers have just expressed problem of motivation in public sector in their studies, for example Gisela, (2014) conducted a study on “effects of motivation factors on employees’ job performance” and found existence of mismatch of employer rewards and employee’s need that affects employees peformance.

Despite the fact that Medium Term Pay Policy and Medium Term Pay Reform Strategy recognized the importance of non-pay factors in improved work performance due to motivation derived no system approach have been developed till now to incorporate them into the public service Also, pay and incentive levels in the public service especially for technical, professional and lower group cadre are still low leading to poor performance and low job satisfaction. For employees to carry out their duties effectively they have to be well motivated both intrinsically and extrinsically. A well-motivated employee seems to undertake tasks for his/her own sake (Nigeria Public Service pay and incentive policy, 2010).

Therefore completion of this study will improve motivation practice in public sector so as to improve employees and organisation performance.

1.3 Research Objective
This part constitute general objective and specific objectives.

1.3.1 General Objective
To assess the effects of motivation on employees’ performance at Government House.

1.3.2 Specific Objectives
i) To identify different type’s motivation offered at Government House.

ii) To examine the relationship between motivation and employee performance.

iii) To determine challenges towards effective motivation practice at Government House.

1.4 Research Questions
i) What kind of motivation tools offered at Government House?

ii) What is the relationship between of motivation and employee’s performance?

iii) What are challenges toward effective motivation at Government House?

1.6 Research Hypothesis
H0: There is no positive relationship between salary and employees’ performance

H0: There is no positive relationship between support in carrier achievement and employees’ performance

H0: There is no positive relationship between employees’ recognition and performance.

H0: there is no significance difference between motivation among ages of respondents

1.7 Significance of the Study
Completion of this study intended to help employer to develop new regards towards motivation function in public sectors through development better motivation program that will help to improve employee performance and organizations performance.

Also the study was to contribute in knowledge acquisition for academicians when undertaking further studies in the relevant field with readily evidenced academic materials.

Furthermore the study intended to help Government policy maker to develop efficient Public Service pay and incentive policy so that it brings greater positive effect on employee performance.

1.8 Scope of the Study
The study covered Government House located in Abuja as a public sector where selection of the particular institution was based on accessibility to researcher for data collection and limited time and financial resources.

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Item Type: Project Material  |  Size: 56 pages  |  Chapters: 1-5
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