The study was carried out on the impact of workplace conflict on teachers’ work performance in teaching learning in Obafemi-Owode LGA. The study seeks to analyze the impact of workplace conflict on teachers’ work performance in teaching learning in Obafemi-Owode LGA. The descriptive survey research design was used for the study. Two research questions guided the study. The population comprised all the 403 teachers in Obafemi-Owode LGA. Ogun State. The sample size for the study was 250. The instrument for data collection was a questionnaire. It was validated by 3 experts, two from Educational Management and Policy and one from Measurement and Evaluation in Educational Foundations Department from Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka. The reliability of the instrument was done through test retest and the reliability coefficient was 0.74. The data was analyzed through mean rating. The study found among other things that workplace conflict influence teachers‟ co-curricular activities and teachers‟ professional growth in Obafemi-Owode LGA. Based on the findings it was recommended among others that principal as the school administrator should avoid the occurrence of conflicts and prolonging of conflicts when they occur to avoid teachers shying away from extra-curricular activities. Also principals, Government and school management boards should organize regular workshops and seminars and training programmes for teachers development so as to avoid conflict with the teachers in the place of their work.

Keywords: Workplace conflict, Teachers‟ Co-Curricular Activities, Teachers‟ Professional Growth and Teachers‟ Performance

1.1 Background of Study
Conflict is a recurring decimal in all human relationship in every organization or institution. The school like any other modern institution is not without potential negative features, incompatible behaviours and conflicts. The word conflict brings to mind images such as antagonism, struggles between parties, opposition processes and threats to co-operation. Fadipe (2000) sees conflict as a form of disagreement in an establishment between two individuals or groups who have cause to interact formally or informally. Conflict, therefore is a process of incompatible behaviors. It means that people are working against each other in such a manner that what one wants is incompatible with that which another wants. The nature and type of conflicts that occur in any organization vary from one organization to the other. The common types of conflict as relates to this study include the one between students in one hand and the school authority in the other (Udoezika 2006). Other forms of conflict include interpersonal conflict among staff and as well as the students. Conflicts may include student-staff conflict, student-student conflict, studentprincipal, workplace conflict. For the purpose of this study the researcher will concentrate on workplace conflict. This is because this kind of conflict can have severe effect on teachers, students and principals‟ performances and the overall performance of the school in general.

Nnamara (2005) found out that principals and teachers in Ogun state have conflict over roles, teacher non compliance with principal‟s directives, principal disregard for teacher‟s welfare, staff development, communication gap, teacher indiscipline, truancy and rivalry between principals and teachers thereby hindering the attainment of school objectives. He wrote that lack of participatory form of decision making was associated with conflict between the principal and teacher and hinders teacher development. Udoezika (2006) also opined that in many secondary schools in Ogun state, conflict between teacher and principal exist. This has resulted in petitions against colleagues. He is of the opinion that workplace conflict can be observed in the teachers‟ participation in co-curricular activities and the teachers „professional growth. Participation in co-curricular activities may include directing students to keep school environment cleans, teachers putting maximum effort in participating in school sports activities as well as helping to train student during the sport activities and trainings, teacher‟s participation in supervise students during manual labour as well as making sure that defaulters are brought to book, preparing students for external quiz competitions with other schools and in occasions to represent the school and the state or local government in such academic competitions, attending ceremonies organized by colleagues such as burial, wedding and so on as the case may be.

Professional development include taking part in professional organizational life, reading professional writes ups, attending professional lectures and all other activities that continuously enhance their teacher‟s job competences. As Onyekwelu (2005) noted all these elements need nurturing and directing throughout the teacher‟s teaching career. Thus, identifying the impact of workplace conflict on teachers’ work performance in teaching learning with regards to participation in co-curriculum activities and professional development, will provide a basis for determining how such conflict can be altered to benefit both the teachers and the school organization. Kahler (2006), defined job performance as the execution of teaching tasks and rendering of expected teaching services by the teacher. The duties of the teacher can be identified to include, teaching pupils in the assigned classroom, taking part in general life of the school and professional activities. Among other things the purpose of this study will include to find out the influences of workplace conflict on teacher‟s job performance.

In analyzing conflict situation in corporate organizations, Boevé, (2017) explains that workplace conflicts arise because participants in an organization differ in their attitudes, values, beliefs, goals and understanding. For this reason, conflict is unavoidable. This implies that it is the difference in the orientation, personalities and identities of individuals and groups within a workplace framework that brings about workplace conflict.

In the context of industrial relations, Verawati, et al (2019) describes workplace conflict as any disagreement between workers and employers over a breach of the tent. As long as workers and employers stick by the terms of agreement there is bound to be organizational harmony. Disagreements arising from breach of the terms of employment contract have been known to result in organizational conflicts. Accommodation and resolution of conflict is the central them and subject- matter of industrial relations.

Agreements are reached between the workers and employers on the terms of employment and conditions of work. Kissi, (2018) indicates that the terms of employment of persons include such things as wages, hours of work compensation, leave, promotion, fringe benefits among others. Conditions of work include environment to the workers‟ efficiency and commitment to the job, these include safety and working conditions generally, health and welfare of the employee

1.2 Statement of the Problem
Principals and teachers are expected to work in harmony with each other for an efficient performance in the part of the teachers. Observations however have shown that conflicts arise from time to time to mar the good relationship between principals and their teachers. In secondary schools in Obafemi-Owode L.G.A, the researcher observed that there is prevalence of conflicts between the principals and teachers due to poor administration, not involving teachers in decision making, communication problems and rigid control that lead to low staff morale. As a result of this conflicts between principals and teachers there have been negative results such as communication gap, teaches indiscipline, polarization of the school poor performances on the part of the teachers and their students. Any conflict situation is bound to inhibit the overall performance of the teacher and by extension the smooth running of the school. It is in recognition of this conflict between the principal and teacher that this study is being undertaken to find out the impact of workplace conflict in secondary schools in Obafemi-Owode LGA

1.3 Purpose of the Study
The main purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of workplace conflict on teachers’ work performance in teaching learning in Obafemi-Owode LGA.

Specifically, the study seeks to investigate:

1. The impact of workplace conflict on teachers‟ co-curricular activities in secondary schools Obafemi-Owode LGA.

2. The impact of workplace conflict influence teachers‟ performance in their professional growth in secondary schools Obafemi-Owode LGA.

1.4 Research questions
Three research questions guided the study.

1. What is the impact of workplace conflict on teachers‟ co-curricular activities in secondary schools Obafemi-Owode LGA.?

2. In what ways does workplace conflict influence teachers‟ professional growth in secondary schools Obafemi-Owode LGA.?

1.5 Significance of the Study
At the end of this research work a lot of people especially those within the educational sector will benefit from the study. Those to benefit from the study includes-School management, the policy makers, principals, teachers and students.

At the end of this study, it is expected that the result of the study will help the School management to improve the working relation between the principal and the teacher. It will also make policy makers aware of the possible effects of principal-staff conflict on teacher‟s job performance so as to guide them in formulating relevant policies that will help in managing workplace conflict other than encourage it.

Furthermore, it will suggest some management strategies which when strictly applied by the principal will reduce conflict between them and their teachers so as to achieve the goal of the organization and also improve the performance of the teacher.

The teachers through the study will also learn what to avoid so as to stay away from conflict with the school authorities and this will in turn help them to avoid all unnecessary delays on their promotions on the job and professional growths as the case may be.

The findings will widen the knowledge of the students as relating to conflict situations with the acquired knowledge they can be able to deal and manage conflict at all cost. Also it will go a long way in helping them in their relationships with one another.

The study will be of immense benefit to future researchers as it will provide them with the needed materials for carrying out their research on the topic.

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