This study focuses on effect of cultism in tertiary institutions. In carryout the study, a questionnaire was designed and administered to both the students and staff (academic and non-academic) in College of Education, Yenagoa. The data collection were analyzed and interpreted. It was observed that power, security, wealth, parents, peer group and among others are the major factors that influence the growth of cultism in schools. In the light of the finding recommendations were proffered, in the hope that if carefully considered and implemented by concerned individual and organization and bodies that would help in reducing cultism in schools.

1.1 Background For The Study
Cultism is the state where persons are bound together with a common belief or course usually through rituals. According to the oxford dictionary of English the word “cult” means a system of worship usually expressed through ritual. Form this definition, cult which is now properly known as confraternities, hence assumed a monstrous feature in our institution of higher learning. To give end therefore, out various campuses which were hitherto a mode of intellectual quest citadels of violence and terrorism. Cultism which started in the late 50s, but the first (secret) cult in our institution was the sea dog popularity known as (pirates). It was formed by seven men gang men then, led by professor Wole Soyinka of the then university, college, Ibadan in 1952, there was nothing secret then here it was merely introduced. The main motive is to move the country forward and to fight against oppression by the colonial masters the “motto” says one thing we all agreed as that, there world not be any room for colonial mentality in the club. According Ehigie (2007) stated that there are some major reasons why student join secret cult activities.

Protection: Many ignorant students join one secret cult or the other all in the name of being protected by the cult leaders who cannot even protect themselves.

Popularity: Many students join cult because they want to know where ever they are because of their ever activities.

Superiority: some other students believed that as a cultist they have gain superiority over the non cultist (Jews).

Access to girls: Many boys think that cultist at trust girls and there will be no scarcity of girl friends for the cultist. Verse versa.

But today cult’s activities have change from it original plans. It is now a saying that cultist’s activities are all evil and satanic and the youths who are future leaders of this nation be the one involved in this activities (cult). If cultism is playing our citadels of learning of learning, where the mind and character of our youths be being sharpened for good, then the very foundation of a national development is shaky. This study therefore is to examine the Effects of cultism in tertiary institutions in the Niger Delta University of students in selected departments in Bayelsa State, Nigeria.

1.2 Statement Of Problem
The fundamental problem of cultism is the uncertain and unsafe atmosphere in our campus across the state of the society have complained that standard of education in allergies is falling very fast especially in our higher institutions of learning, there is of the fact that the problem caused by cultism are very many and deadly. Any time the struck there is always tension amongst the student’s population as it leads to insecurity of life and properties. Cultism has send people to their early grave and many other disabled for life.

1.3 Purpose Of The Study
1. Find out the social factors that lead to students’ campus cultism in tertiary institutions in the Niger Delta University.

1. Determine the relationship between Cultism and academic performance of students.

2. Find measures that can effectively control campus cult activities in tertiary institutions in the Niger Delta University

1.4 Research Question
1. What are the factors that lead to students’ cultism in tertiary institutions in the Niger Delta University?

2. What is the relationship between Cultism and academic performance of in- school adolescent in college of education Ekiadolor?

3. What measures can effectively control campus cult activities in tertiary institutions in the Niger Delta University.

1.5 Hypothesis
Ho1: There was a significant relationship between students’ Cultism and their academic performance.

1.6 Significance Of The Study
All research works are aimed at finding solution to already existing problem. This study will help to expose the public to the current situation of cultism in our schools and society at large. However, this study will help to identify other areas of research interest.

1.7 Scope Of The Study
Many authors have written a lot in Effects of cultism in tertiary institutions in the Niger Delta University of students in some selected departments. But this study is limited to college of education Ekiadolor and some other institution Nigeria.

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