Alwasilah, (2002) stated that, school location refers to the community in which the school is located, such as village hamlet or rural area 9fewer than 3000 people), a small town (3000 to about 15.000 people), a town (15,000 to about 100,000 people), close to the centre of a else where in a city with over 1000,000 people. Akilaya (2001) explained school location as specific geographical site of the school and it contains building where the school equipments are kept for educational use.  He further explained that the location of any school must in most cases follow some laid down guidelines. This is so because the school should not be close to noisy environment such as the market, highway roads rails and very risky environments. He also pointed out that the most important thing in the consideration of the school location is the population that the school is going to serve and the distance the students would have to get to the school. 
Previously, sociologists such as Jacobs (1961) and Hall (1988) asserted that the cities grow through widespread economic development (Savage and Warde, 1993). Development scholars currently believe that among the set of investments (physical, technical, and labor), labor productivity is the most important variable (Pishgahi-Fard and Qodsi, 2009). Considering higher education as a linchpin for fostering experts and academic productivity (Merton, 1938) in societies, a skilled and trained workforce is valued in the labor market. The term “academic productivity”was introduced into higher education research in Japan, in 1973. From Arimoto’s perspective, this concept is adaptable not only to research but also to all functions of knowledge. Hence, academic productivity is thought to apply to research, teaching, and service productivity (Arimoto, 2006; Rabbani Khorasgani and Moazzeni, 2011). The concept of academic productivity may be understood as a creative, original activity, academic vitality and other higher education activities in the scientific community (Savage and Warde, 1993). In summary, the university holds a basic role in academic productivity.
Universities have other consequences on cities apart from academic productivity- Their most
important functions are providing efficient manpower and expanding the frontiers of knowledge and technical skill while advancing technology. Both the aim and the means of academic services are necessary and interdependent. Academic service also plays an underlying role (Foyoozat, 2003). Meanwhile, development in the communication and information age and globalization (Giddens, 1990) along with the emergence of the knowledge-based economy, have led to a more decisive role for higher education in a nation’s wealth and capital. This results more competitive conditions for community development.

Statement of the Problem
            The growth of higher education, together with the limitation of public resources, enhance stakeholder sensitivity towards higher education quality as well as its value. (Brennan and Shah, 2000). Intuitively, the demand for higher education increases the importance of quality and outputs. On the other hand, decentralization is likely to result in heightened expectations among authorities for universities to align their needs with their community obligations and powers (Massey, 2005). Therefore, external stakeholders (the labor market, government, society, and public culture) as well as internal ones intend to recruit faculty members; on the other hand, students have coordinated and have continuously demanded to improve the quality (CHEA, 2003). This research aims to study the impact of universities such as Modibo university in light of the economic, social, cultural development of Yola in Nigeria. It also seeks to answer the question of whether the establishment of such universities has had a positive impact on cities from a citizen’s perspective.
Purpose of the Study
            The research objectives are both qualitative and quantitative. The first objective is qualitative,
and the others are quantitative.
1.                    Determine the economic, social, and cultural impacts of university establishment in Yola in Nigeria (qualitative)
2.                    Explain the relation between economic, social, and cultural impacts of university establishment with regard to Yola development in Nigeria (quantitative)
3.                    Compare the attitudes of men and women on the consequences of establishing the university in Yola and its development (quantitative)

Significance of the Study
            Although several studies have been conducted on the effect of university and higher education institutes in development, they only consider the impact of student academeic development. In other words, the effects on other universities on its neighborhood have not been studied. Hence this research will add to the body of literature on the subject matter.

Research Question
            The following research questions would guide this study:
1.                    What is  the economic, social, and cultural impacts of modibo university establishment in Yola
2.                    What is  the relation between economic, social, and cultural impacts of modibo university establishment with regard to Yola development
3.                    What is the attitudes of men and women on the consequences of establishing the modibo university in Yola and its development (quantitative)

The Scope of the Study
The scope of this study focuses on the relationship between school location and sommunity socio economic and cultura development in Yola Adamawa state.

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Item Type: Postgraduate Material  |  Attribute: 118 pages  |  Chapters: 1-5
Format: MS Word  |  Price: N3,000  |  Delivery: Within 30Mins.


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