To discover and appreciate the problem and prospect of investigative journalism in Nigeria there is the need to know the history of investigative journalism in Nigeria. In chapter one, we are going to discuss and define investigative journalism so as to know what it deeply means. The definition of investigative journalism will also be looked into and examine as well. The statement of problem will also be discussed likewise the classification of investigative journalism in Nigeria and media of investigative journalism will also be critically observed and discussed. Functions of the press are of great importance in the field of investigative journalism in Nigeria, this will also be discussed in chapter two. In this chapters the freedom of the press will not be left out of the discussion likewise the problems and prospect of investigative journalism. In chapter three, the research methodology, research design, research procedure will also be critically looked into.

Title page
Table of content

1.0       General background
1.1       History of investigative journalism
1.2       Objective of the study
1.3       Research question
1.4       Relevance of the study
1.5       Limitation of the study
1.6       Definition of the study
1.7       Definition of the study

2.0       Literature review
2.1       Investigative journalism and journalist
2.2       Career opportunities for journalist
2.3       Investigative journalism as a craft or a profession
2.4       Specific functions of journalist (Press)
2.5       Press freedom
2.6       Problems in investigative journalism
2.7       Ethical issues in investigative journalism
2.8       A review of travails in the last decade
2.9       Economic problem
2.10     Theoretical frame work
2.11     Authoritarian
2.12     Social learning theory

3.0       Research methodology
3.1       Research question
3.2       Research design
3.3       The study population
3.4       Sample size
3.5       Sampling method
3.6       Method of data analysis procedure

4.0       Analysis of research findings
4.1       Presentation of data
4.2       Analysis of finding
4.3       Discussion of finding

5.1       Summary
5.2       Conclusion
5.3       Recommendation
5.4       Bibliography

Investigative journalism can described as day-to-day activities or operation of gathering and transmitting of a news or information to a large audience through a suitable media or channel. It can also be regarded as the events of the day condensed into few words, sounds or pictures to satisfy the human’s curiosity of a world that is, always interested in knowing what new (Longman dictionary 1984).
 The introduction of investigative journalism and its media are (Electronic and Print) which have a lot in reducing the rate of ignorance in the society, because from the general observation both media have been disseminating information to the general publics.
The journalists are those that practices investigative journalism in Nigeria and other countries, the journalist are always in problem each time they disseminate the news story that against important personality, most especially the politicians.
Therefore, this research is meant to let the people and entire publics know the level at which the problem and prospects of investigative journalism had been existing in Nigeria.

This research of the problems and prospects of investigative journalism with particular reference in Nigeria.
As it has been observed that investigative journalism has helped in the development of information in Nigeria. In the course of this research, it will help the receiving information, white-ups, presentation and gathering of fact from the society, people, communities and the individuals at large.
It will also discuss the problems and prospects of investigative journalism in Nigeria and career opportunity for journalists.

1.3            RESEARCH QUESTION.
1.                What are the problems in investigative journalism in AIT abuja?
2.                What are the medium of invegative journalism in AIT abuja?
3.                What are the challenges of abiding to the code of conduct in invegative journalism in AIT abuja ?

It is interesting to note as Africans continue to grow politically, economically and socially. The need for well trained journalist had become of a lop priory. Therefore, the tendency toward investigative journalism and journalist in African had diminished particularly in such countries like Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya, Senegal, Tanzania and many others. To the extent, journalists in most black African countries particularly Nigeria are now better paid and to a degree are now looked at a bunch of trained intellectuals whose roles as a communication, interpreters and purveyors of good and bad news indispensable in a rapidly growing economy such as that of Nigeria.

This project work does not discourage the journalist, but to help in investigative journalism in Nigeria
and to find way in curbing the deviant behaviour in investigative journalism. This research work will also disclose the bad habit of journalist; this project does not discourage a political journalist or journalist in future, but to teach them the ethics of the profession.

1.6            Scope of study
The study is limited investigating the problem and prospect of investigative journalism in AIT Abuja.

1.7            DEFINITION OF TERMS.
Ewuola (2001:1) defines the term investigative journalism as the collection and editing of materials of
current interest for presentation through news media. Investigative journalism is concerned with giving out information to an audience on regular basis. Therefore, investigative journalism is sharing of information ands idea using a suitable channel of communication. It is also the ability to comfort, reassure and satisfy the human frailty through the entertainment page; it is also about people getting information on what is new, interesting and passing such information to their neighours. Journalist can be described as the intermediary between the citizen and the government, to receive and transmitting information to the people in needs. Journalist is also a person that is involved in the operation of gathering and disseminating of information through the appropriate medium.

Journalist could be referred to as a person, whose primary occupation is to gathering, writing, editing and transmitting of information or control events to the publics. He usually works for news medium. This definition leaves out many personnel involved in the mass communication such as advertising and Public Relations men and several party time contributors ranging from stringers who provide routing coverage of minor news basis into intellectuals who contribute to the culture or health page of great dallies.

Media of Investigative journalism

As noted by Longman Dictionary (1984) says “ investigative journalism is the collecting and editing of materials of current interest for presentation through news media”. In this view, the materials that have been collected and edited must be present through a suitable channel or medium, we have two types of media which a journalist can use to disseminate or pass across his news or idea; these are print and electronic media.

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Item Type: Project Material  |  Attribute: 41 pages  |  Chapters: 1-5
Format: MS Word  |  Price: N3,000  |  Delivery: Within 30Mins.


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