This study was carried out by the researcher on accounting system, behavioural content of management accounting system and its concern in planning and control. It also looked at the impact of natural and corporate culture in individual and organizational behaviour in achieving set goals.
The purpose of the study was to find out the behavioural implication of budgeting in some companies, investigate how accounting aid management, in motivating employees in an organization and to find out the problem of cost accounting as it relates to performance in achieving set goals.
To achieve the purpose of this study, three organizations were selected, seventy- five questionnaires were distributed; twenty -five senior officers were issued questionnaires from each of the selected organizations. Personal interviews and observations were used to gather primary and secondary data which were then analyzed using statistical techniques namely percentages, frequencies and chi-square(x2).
The study found out that accounting aids management in motivating employees, participation in budget formulation encourages higher performance in employee and when budgets are related to employees aspiration (attainment) level, better performance is achieved. Another finding revealed from the study was that communication of result to employees plays an important role in moulding the organization’s behavior of the employees towards goals achievement.

Finally based on the findings of the test result of the study, conclusions were drawn and recommendations made.

Chapter One
1.1  Background of the Study
The purpose of the management accounting system is to provide adequate and necessary information that helps the management to make decisions and create activities that would enable the organization achieve its set goals and objectives. Thus management accounting system helps measure and report financial information, which enable management achieve its sets goals, objectives and monitor the progress of the organizational policies to be unplanted.

By its nature, accounting is a behavioral process. Accountants in the past have dismissed the importance of behavioral issues as a major consideration in accounting. They have focused on the financial performance and not on qualitative factors. The motivation of managers as participants in the information presentation was not considered and the behaviour induced by the information presented was ignored. Perhaps, it is because accountants consciously or otherwise adopted an attitude that the main thrust of a firm was that of resource allocation.
In pursuing the goal of profit maximization, the individual, his perception, aspiration, attitudes, goals and motivation were ignored.

This traditional approach of accounting has been questioned especially in the area of management accounting, because of the evolution of the modern organization theory.

The modern theory of organization view management control (ie planning, budgeting and control) in three perspectives; the problem in goal setting, performance evaluation and its impact and the reporting of relevant data.

The various behavioural model of budget process have dealt with the problem of agreement between management goals and standard and the personal goals of the manager/lower workers. The conflict can exist at any level. Hoopwood’s researches suggest that there are numerous problems in achieving goals congruence He concludes that though accounting system of budgeting is often dominant in setting short-term objectives and goals, it has severe limitation in achieving the overall objectives of the organization in the short-term.

The problem of achieving the acceptance of management standard is complicated by the Accountant implicit assumption....

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Item Type: Postgraduate Material  |  Attribute: 101 pages  |  Chapters: 1-5
Format: MS Word  |  Price: N3,000  |  Delivery: Within 30Mins.


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