The application of information and communications technology in Nigeria and in African countries generally is increasing and dramatically growing. Over the past few years, ICT has turned out to be a step by step more imperative to schools at all levels and to the entire education system at large. There exist an extensive variety of researches focused on the investigation of the utilization of ICT in the process of training in Niger delta university. This study aimed to assess how ICT is used in training in Niger delta university particularly office information management (OIM) students. Built on the three central research questions, the objective of this study is to assess the degree of usage of the ICT facilities in training practices. In this study, a mixed-methods approach for data gathering was applied by using questionnaires and interviews to collect data from office information management students, instructors and administrators in the studied states. The responses were then analyzed based on the research questions outlined in chapter one. The result shows that the use of ICT facilities are very low and this is attributed to the poor policy implementation, lack of basic social amenities and insecurity. 



1.1 Background of the Study

In every work place, there is every tendency to experience difficulties in the course of performing one’s duties particularly in the higher institution of learning. Going by these pressing issues, there is a lot of problem faced by  office managers in work. They are expected to face some challenges and some of these problems are inherent to today’s institution while some emanates from academic environment, visitors and other staff of the institution.
            According to Njoku [2005] some of the problems inherent from today’s office managers may be inadequate equipment or unfamiliarization with some modern office equipments for production of satisfactory work.
Ifedili (1995)  noted that office managers are one of the most indispensable tools needed in all spheres of  human Endeavour. He further added that government parastatals, ministries, companies and private organization and institution need office managers for the smooth operation and achievement of their set objectives.
Elendu (2000), described office managers as the life –wire of organization. He further defined office managers as the pivot on which the  management of any organization revolves. He describes the office managers as an assistant to the executive, possessing mastery of office skills and the ability to assume responsibilities without direct supervision, who display initiative, exercise judgment and makes decision without the scope of her authority.
But research have shown that the  office managers in Federal Polytechnic Nekede and other institutions are found wanting in these attributes. The  office managers are fresh graduate managers who have little experience. They were trained with absolute equipment.
Okoye (1999), stated that employers expects their office  manager  to be  able to operate electronic gadgets such as word processors, computer, telex, fax machines, the switch board equipment and other office equipments. It has been discovered tha the new graduate of office manager cannot operate these machine (a part from  computer) because they were not exposed to these machines during their trainingThe use of computers in education have ended up as a significant instrument and innovatively affected how we learn and see the world in broad. Today, the place of ICTs in education cannot be quantified. Cutting edge organizations are operating in online and real time modes using smart ICT gadgets via the web. The marvel has brought forth the contemporary e-activities such as trading, marketing, healthcare, education, banking and government. Bamidele (2006) has described ICT advancement as something that revolutionarised the world through the use of computers and internet and it touches every facet of our lives.
Jimoh (2007) characterized ICT as the taking care of, preparing and transformation of data such as text, pictures, diagrams, and so on in to meaningful information using electronic specialized gadgets, for example, PCs, satellites and internet. Similarly, Ofodu (2007) likewise described ICT as computerized gadgets, helped by man and intelligent materials that can be utilized for an extensive variety of educational activities and for individual use. Going by the above delineations, it can be concluded that ICT is the processing of data using all kinds of technologies for the manipulation of information in every aspect of life.
Modern instructional techniques required the use of ICT which provide a more simplified and reliable training methodologies. From the office information management students` viewpoint the integration of ICT education help in both cooperative and self-paced learning. Office information management students can adjust their learning paces with immediate feedback and selfassessment in an institution where the new technologies are being used. Such office information management students extend their learning capabilities beyond classrooms as they can communicate with peers from everywhere around the globe. This novel achievement of the 21st century is presently not fully employed in the niger-Delta region of Niger delta university. This negative development might not be unconnected with the lack of ICT facilities in our public schools, negligence from the authorities concerned or the misuse of the available ICT equipment on the ground by the office information management teachers. This unfortunate situation is in fact, what motivates the researcher to evaluate the level of ICT usage in our public university.

1.2 Statement of the Research Problem

            This is more like a question that needs answer. What gave rise to this problem are the complaint made by firms or institution who have inexperienced office managers as their manager and also firms who have ordinary typist {clerk} as manager.
            The office managers lack skills in operating computer, electronic typewriter, photocopies etc. If they should posses the skill required of them; the modern business will reap the benefit of electronic equipment.
            The use of the ICT to disseminate information has posed more problems of constant failure, inadequate finance to purchased these machines, lack of training and retraining, facilities to retain office managers on the intricacies and operation of those sophisticated machines, besides; the use of office equipment may expose an office manager to substantial risk of loosing their job.
There is widespread acknowledgment of the necessity to employ the use of the new technology in training as we move in to the time of digitalization of data streaming by means of satellite and the web ruled worldwide data and information dispersal. As of now, Nigeria is still on the negative side of the worldwide digital divide because she is yet to incorporate ICT into office information management education . Most of the educational and managerial tasks in Nigeria collages are still completed physically. Probably, because there are no enough ICT facilities deficiency in office information management teachers` competency or resistance from the side of the office information management teachers. Again it is perhaps due to lack of good policy and readiness from the side of the administrators to get together with the complications of the 21st century. This study is considered so important especially at this present era of information age as it will look in to in-depth understanding of the current perceptions by all the stakeholders and also to understand the policies and politics surrounding the integration and application of computers in the public institutions particularly in that  region of the country.

1.3 Aim of the Study

The main objective of this study is to investigate the level of use of ICT in Training office information management (OIM) in University of Niger-Delta Nigeria.

1.4 Research Questions

This study intends to achieve the above aim through the following research questions.
      1.      What are the office information management students’ perceptions on the availability and usage of ICT facilities in their class rooms?
      2.      What are perception of office information management teachers and their level of competencies in the use of ICT facilities in their teaching profession?
       a.        What are the office information management teachers opinions on the availability of these ICT facilities and how much they are been used?
       b.        What are the office information management teachers opinions regarding the policies and interventions toward the use of ICT in schools?
      3.      What are the opinions of the administrators regarding the use of ICT in Training office information management (OIM) in Public schools?
        a.        What are their views about the policies and interventions either by government, private organizations or individuals with respect to the use ICT in schools?
        b.        What are their opinions on the availability of these technical facilities and how much they are been used?

1.5 Significance of the Study

A statistical survey report released by Join Admission and Matriculation Board reveals that the enrolment of the office information management students In the computer based test (CBT) in the Niger-Delta states is very low (JAMB, 2015) in view of the above and some related challenges it’s a strong reason why this research work is considered important.
Moreover, the study is timely and relevant because today it’s the use of ICT that is making some nations a highly advance in education. So if ICT is properly integrated in to education system it can make not only the region but the country at large a highly progressive nation.
This study will also provide an enquiry through which the application of this new technology in education can be assess so as to help the administrators to ascertain the level of office information management teachers` competencies and the perception of both the instructors and the learners in using ICT in training practices. Again the study will be useful in discovering the weaknesses of the instructional materials (if any) which will be beneficial to the policy makers because they will make the findings of this study a basis for formulating policies and developing a better strategies for incorporating ICT in academic activities. Furthermore, the study will again be helpful in identifying possible causes of poor usage of ICT facilities in the national exams so that a remedial measures will be instituted to solve the problem and to use the situation as an avenue to seek for more intervention from the federal government and other relevant ICT facilities donor agencies.

1.6 Limitations

This research work, the assessment of the use of ICT in training was conducted within the period of July to December, 2015. The study was limited to the public schools in towns and cities of the selected states due to a number of reasons which include insecurity, bad roads and financial constraint.

1.7 Definitions of Key Terms

ICT: Information and Communication Technology/Technologies- is a general term comprises of any communication device or software and the various services and applications associated with them (wikibooks, 2015).
CAI: Computer Assisted Instructions- A self-learning system, generally offline/online, including communication of the office information management students with modified instructional materials (wikieducators, 2008).
CAL: Computer Assisted Learning- is defined as learning through computers using a set of learning packages/materials (wikieducators, 2008).
CBT: Computer Based Training: these are programs occasionally called
"courseware" that give two-way instructional meetings to all disciplines (,
ICT in Education: this refers to the training using ICT (wikibooks,


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Item Type: Project Material  |  Attribute: 50 pages  |  Chapters: 1-5
Format: MS Word  |  Price: N3,000  |  Delivery: Within 30Mins.


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