This work was centered on web based stadium information management system. It is worthy to note that the current process of information management is being operated manually and due to this procedure, numerous problems are encountered especially in the management of the booking of sports arena processing. The motivation of the software is to eliminate the manual procedures in the stadium and proper auditing is carried out in ensuring that those booking the arena are authorized personnel. The objective of the system is to successfully implement the computerized procedure; eliminate the clashing of two events and to reduce the work of stadium managers and operators. The new system which is the expected data provides management software and advisory services to the sports and entertainment sector. The new system was designed using OOAD methodology and implemented using sublime text and WAMP server IDE on a Windows 10 system using HTML, CSS and Jquery as the front end; PHP and MySQL server as the back end. This language was chosen because it is easy to read and understand. It is real time and user friendly.


1.0       Background of study
1.1       Statement of the Problem
1.2       Objectives
1.3       Significance of the Project

2.0       Introduction
2.1 Theoretical Background
2.2 Review Of Related Literature

3.0       Introduction
3.1 Description of the existing system
3.2 Analysis of the Proposed System
3.3.0 Design of the Proposed System
3.3.1 Database Design
3.3.2 Input Design
3.3.3 Output Design
3.3.4 System Architecture
3.3.5 Algorithm Design

4.0 Introduction
1.1       Choice of development Environment
1.1.3    Choice of Programming Language used
4.2 Implementation Architecture
4.3 Software Testing
4.4 Documentation
4.4.1 User manual
4.4.2 Source code listing

5.0 Summary
5.1 Conclusion
5.2  Recommendation

Appendices – Source Code

1.0 Background of Study
A stadium is a structure that surrounds a central field or a stage in which a spectator event takes place. This project is developed for use by the public for the sole purpose of booking space for sporting activities. Although many stadiums built in the early 20th century were constructed for a narrowly defined use, the design of stadium evolved so that many modern structures can easily be used for a variety of events, also involving the seating capacity of stadiums which depends on event.Stadiums can be either multi-use for designated for one of several types of sporting events, including track, soccer and football. Washington State’s Qwest Field & Event Center, which is home to the Seattle Seahawks, provides a venue for job fairs, soccer games, trade shows and concerts.  For example Rogers center, (formerly referred to as Sky Dome), in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, holds 50,600 spectators for baseball games, 53,000 for football games, and 67,000  for concerts, which had entertained manual manner of booking, and then the online in the recent times.
The project is hence, designed to speak volume on the assistance of the stadium managers for managerial and supervisory council skills on the  stadium facilities like football court, basketball court, volleyball court, etc.
This project has been in use in some other developed countries like the United kingdom, United States of America, etc.,. Who have over the years shown strong sporting involvement.For example, siting Wembley stadium in the United Kingdom of which, their stadium resources/facilities for the past ten years has been greatly managed, and it has been of real help to the management team.
This software will help/provide solution in the clashes in booking of stadium arena and redundancy.
1.1 Statement of the Problem
1.     Stadium managers allocate stadium arena/space for more than one person.
2.     Users travel from a long distance to visit the stadium, only to find out that all the space has already been booked.
3.     Poor file management is on the high side.
4.     Fraud is encouraged.
1.2 Objectives of Study
1.     To login to the website or register to book a space.
2.     To view the available spaces, both the space in use and unused.
3.     To enable users book a space for an event without stress.
4.     To help stadium managers approve or decline orders.
5.     To reduce the work load of stadium operators, managers and individuals.
6.     To enable users complete the transaction by making payment.
1.3 Significant of the Problem
1.     Booking of space in stadium will have central database.
2.     It will be easy and convenient for the officials in charge of booking and space allocation.
3.     It will also give room for easy accountability of events that take place in a particular stadium.
4.     It will also help to eliminate the clashing of two events.

5.     It will control fraud or deception rate on the stadium property and resource.

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Item Type: Project Material  |  Attribute: 61 pages  |  Chapters: 1-5
Format: MS Word  |  Price: N3,000  |  Delivery: Within 30Mins.


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