This study investigated the use of information and communication technology in academic libraries in Nigeria. Auchi Polytechnic library was used as a case study in this research. The importance of library as an institution has been realized. The Objectives of this study were (a) ascertain the extent of use of ICt in Auchi Polytechnic library (b) to find out the level of utilization of ICT (c) to identify the problems encountered in the use of ICT in Auchi Polytechnic library and (d) to give recommendations for effective use of library. The nature of this study was descriptive. The population of this study consisted of all the registered users of Auchi Polytechnic library. One hundred and twenty students were selected randomly as sample. A self developed questionnaire consisting of 13 items was used as instrument for data collection. It was concluded that in spite of the huge problems bedeviling ICT application in the Nigerian academic library setting, the prospects and possibilities are abundant as academic libraries are experiencing greater improvements in the areas of teaching, learning, research and communities activities. It is also indicated that the internet had greater impact on students’ projects writing as ICT has made it possible for Nigerian academic libraries to use the internet for search engines. The study recommends that individuals should be sensitized on the availability of ICT facilities and be encouraged to use them for their personal and library services. The government must also increase the funding of academic institutions. This is imperative seeing that some of the private institutions owners lukewarm attitude is inspired by similar attitude on the part of government. It is only when the funding of academic institutions is increased that the academic libraries in Nigeria will have the required funds to increase ICT applications and support with local infrastructure such as LAN and local data bases such as electronic cataloguing systems and e-publication. 

Layman tends to equate the application of Information and Communication Technology in any profession to being online, meaning connected to the internet. Although the internet is an integral part of the Information and Communication Technology, it is not all there is to it. This paper seeks to investigate the many opportunities for the application of Information and Communication Technology in Nigerian academic libraries. It is hoped that the use of Information and Communication Technology in academic libraries will assist both the patrons and the library and information professionals in the libraries.
However, what is the ICT? ICT is an acronym for information and communication technology but beyond this acronym, “there is not a universally accepted definition of ICT why? Because the concepts, methods and applications involved in ICT are constantly evolving on an almost daily basis. It’s difficult to keep up with the changes they happen so fast. A good way to think about ICT is to consider all the uses of digital technology that already exist to help individuals, businesses and organizations use information. ICT covers any product that will store, retrieve, manipulate, transmit or receive information electronically in a digital form. For example personal computer, digital television, email, robots (
Also ICT is an umbrella that includes any communication device or application encompassing radio, television, cellular phones, computer and network hardware and software, satellite systems and so on, as well as the various services and applications associated with them such as video conferencing and distance learning.
From these definitions, some of the application of ICT has become clear such as video conferencing and distance learning, both of which can be facilitated by the academic library. Other applications of the ICT specific to libraries could include access to online resources on the internet such as e-journals, e-books and e-magazines, e-publishing, using CD-ROM for literature searches, access to local or network data bases on LAN (local area network) or WAN (wide area network). The opportunities for the application of the ICT in an academic library especially in a developing nation like Nigeria seem endless.
The application or sue of ICT in Nigeria academic library is justified in that it provides access to learning resources, information and knowledge until now inaccessible by reason of distance technology.
However, since according to the European commission the importance of ICT lies in the technology itself in its ability to create greater access to information and communication.
It is obvious that ICT has brought Nigerian libraries into a larger pool of resources. The use of the internet and its resources being an integral part of ICT has added values to the services provided by Nigerian libraries. Acquisition of current and usable information services through the use of ICT is expected to facilitate community development. That community development can only be enhanced through the elimination of all inhibitions to and provision of ICT facilities in all the existing libraries in Nigeria.
The Auchi Polytechnic Library System was established to serve the then newly founded Auchi Polytechnic. It coordinates the collections and services of the polytechnic Library. The administration of the Library System is centralized under the polytechnic Librarian. The last years have been a period of rapid growth, with the printed book collection now well stocked. The Library stocks other items as well as current periodical titles. The virtual Library will be available to the polytechnic students and staff online 24/7 via the Internet, regardless of the user’s physical location. It mission is to assist in the preservation, dissemination, communication and increase of knowledge; provision of resources and services to support all disciplines of the polytechnic’s academic programmes, in study and teaching, in research and development, to meet or to exceed the standards required and expected of a polytechnic of excellence; and to support and stimulate intellectual growth and academic development for the institution and beyond.
The polytechnic Library strives to provide all its users with a variety of services that meet their information needs. Such as assistance for clients with special needs, Borrowing / requesting library material, E-learning centre, Inter-library loans, Information/Help desk, Photocopying, Renewing library material, Returning library material, Study areas / facilities, Internet facility, Binding

There are copious studies and opinion on the use of ICT facilities for library functions in general. In Nigerian university libraries, ICT facilities were primarily used for serials functions and are still in use.
Considering the enormous benefits that are experienced in the impact of ICT in Nigerian University Libraries, the Nigerian academic libraries still experience some obstacles or hindrances in the effective and efficient use of the ICT resources in the library. Today, ICT acquisition and implementation of ICT in Nigerian academic Libraries is facing a lot of problems. Among the militating factors hindering the use of ICT in Nigerian academic Libraries are
i.                     a lot of capital investment to buy hardwares, softwares and standby generators for the library.
ii.                 lack of search skills, automation at infancy level, epileptic power supply, and
iii.               technical know - how are some of the problem encountered by the academic libraries.
However not much has been found in literature as regards the areas of functions they are used and the facilities is use. Hence the survey tends to address this gap by identifying the extent of ICT use in the academic libraries operations.

The broad objective of this study is to examine the use of information and communication technology in academic libraries in Nigeria, using Auchi Polytechnic library as a case study. The specific objectives are
To find out the level of existence of ICT in Auchi Polytechnic library.
To ascertain the extent of use of ICT in Auchi Polytechnic library.
To find out the level of utilization of ICT in Auchi Polytechnic library.
To show the advantages and benefits of the use of Auchi Polytechnic library.
To identify the problems encountered in the use of ICT in Auchi Polytechnic library.

1.4             RESEARCH QUESTION
The following research questions will be used to guide the study.
        i.            What are the reasons for using the ICT resources by the students?
     ii.            How often does the student use the Library
   iii.            What are the inhibiting factors against the usage of ICT resources?
   iv.            Does a student feel better in making use of the ICT facilities?

1.5             SCOPE OF THE STUDY
This research topic is wide both in scope and study; therefore it cannot be adequately covered. For this reason the research will be limited to the Auchi Polytechnic library and the librarians, staffs, and students within the institution to gather their views on the use of ICT in academic library in Nigeria. The researcher is also going to find out how staff and students make use of the digital facility as well as the challenges facing the use of ICT in the Polytechnic library.

The result of this survey will help academic libraries which do not apply ICT facilities in their library to know their importance in the use of ICT in the academic library. And the areas of the library in which ICT can be used, and the ICT they can use, with that they can strategize on their use.
For libraries using ICT facilities for various operations, they will be acquainted with other areas ICT can be employed in the Library operation and the institutions applying such. Donor agencies will also be aware of the state of ICT facilities application in Nigeria’s Academic library operation and decide on the areas to assist such institutions.

INFORMATION: The oxford advance learner’s dictionary 7th edition defines information as facts or details about somebody or something.
COMMUNICATION: The oxford advance learners dictionary 7th edition defines communication as the activity or process of expressing ideas and feelings or of giving people information.
TECHOLOGY: oxford advance learners dictionary 7th edition defines technology as scientific knowledge used in practical ways in industry for example in designing new machines.
ACADEMIC LIBRARIES: Academic libraries are libraries attached to tertiary institutions such as universities, polytechnic institutions, colleges of education, colleges of agricultures, colleges of technology and also research institutes (Apkorhonour, 2005).

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Bappah, M.A. (2010). Availability and use of Information and Communication Technology  (ICT) in six Nigerian University Library Schools. Available at www.webpages.University Library Schools. Available at

Ilo, Promise and Ifijeh, Goodluck (2010). Impact of the Internet on Final Year Students Research: A Case Study of Covenant University, Ota, Nigeria. Available at ifijeh.htm.

Iwu, J., & Yusuf, Felicia. (2010). Use of Academic Library: A Case Study at Covenant University, Nigeria. Available at

Kamba, M.A. (2008). The Changing Role of Researchers in Nigeria: The Internet as an Alternative Future Modernity. Available at context. cgi?article=1231&context=libphilprac

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