The problem of poor acting has bedeviled the quality of production content of the Nigerian movie industry, and too many ambitious Nigerians jump into acting without understanding the demands. This project which focused on the acting technique of a successful Nigerian actor is a qualitative study shall employ the interview methodology to investigate the techniques of the actor under study. The research deduce that there is the need for all talented actors to be exposed to trainings and capacity development programs that will refine their raw talent. Among other things the researcher recommends that Nigerian actors should endeavor to re-event their techniques by being innovative enough and offer fresh innovations to the acting profession.

1.1                       Background of the Study
The definition of art as ‘skills in performance which may be acquired by experience, study or observation’ (Dean and Cara, 3), applies also to the idea of acting as a performing art. Meanwhile, Whiting has described Acting as ‘the most glamorous and fascinating” (185) art of the theatre. This could own to the fact that the actor is atheatre workforce that is readily recognized by the audience, as well as by members of the society, due to his task. Hence the Actor is the “image maker” of the theatre, there is the need to develop and improve his capacity, so that he can maximize his impart on the society.

For the purpose of providing a document that can improve the quality of acting in the Nations performing Art industry, this study seeks to examine and analyze the acting techniques and approaches of an outstanding Nigerian actor.

1.2                         Statement of the Problem

Statistics have revealed that the Nigerian video film industry, popularly known as “Nollywood”, is the “world’s 3rd largest producer of films” (Wikipedia). However,one can observe that this achievement describes production in terms of quantity, and not quality. The quality of the “Nollywood” films, with regards to technical inputand acting still remains poor. Among other factors, the poor quality of acting owns to the problem of incompetence and inadequacies on the part of untrained, but ambitious individuals who parade themselves as Actors. It is the researcher’s thinking that a study ofthe acting skill and techniques of a successful indigenous actor will not only help in the aspect of documentation of the African experience in the acting industry, but such document can aid incompetent actors and ultimately improve the quality of acting in the Nigerian Video Film Industry.

1.3                         Aim and objectives of the Study 
This researcher aims at improving the capacity of the Nigerian actor by documenting the acting technique and approach of a role model, and successful Nigerian veteran Actor. The objectives of the study shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

1)      To review the history and development of acting.
2)      To survey the Nigerian acting profession on stage and on screen.
3)      To analyze the acting techniques and approaches for role interpretation.

1.4                         Justification of the Study
The justification of this study also lies in its purpose for improving the quality of acting on the Nigerian Actor so as to expand patronage for the industry, and ensure a better impact on the society. Thus, it seeks to engender growth in the Acting profession for stage and screen.

1.5                         Significance of the Study 
The strong influence of western education on the Nigerian performing arts, including acting, makes it difficult to account for technical innovations derived from the Nigerian experience. This research, which shall document the acting techniques of a veteran Nigerian actor, with regards to role interpretation, shall serve as a useful resource material for actors in the Nigerian industry, and for scholars on research in the field of acting.

1.6                         Scope and limitationof the Study
The scope of this research shall focus on the techniques for role interpretation deployed by a successful Nigeria Actor-Peter Fatomilola, who is a model to many actors in the Yoruba Regional video Film Industry. Peter Fatomilola has stared and featured in numerous films, but this study shall limit its investigation only two (2) of such video films, titled Asiri Aye (2015) and Oparun(2015)

1.7         Research Methodology
This research depends largely on literary fact and its primary source shall be from the performances of the actor understudy and interviews with the actor, while the secondary sources shall include textbooks, journals, encyclopedia, library archival, and internet resources etc. The study shall adopt Modern Language Association (MLA) style of documentation, and the research methodology shall be mainly based on the interview method.

1.8                         Definition of Terms
Terms and phrases, which will serve as pivot for this study have been defined accordingly. They shall include the following: Acting, Role Interpretation, Techniques, Documentation, and Approaches.

Acting: This term refers to the “imitation” of an action and character

by a performer(actor) for the audience’s view, be it on stage or for screen medium.
Role interpretation: This phrase describes the primary duty of an actor in relation to a performance script. It is

the fulfilment of this task, by an actor, alongside with other performers that give life to the script.
Techniques: This refers to the manner and approach with which an actor’s skill is manipulated to achieve a

desired result.

Documentation:This explains the process of generating and providing valuable information, recorded in a

manner and order that it can be used for reference purposes.

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Item Type: Project Material  |  Attribute: 42 pages  |  Chapters: 1-5
Format: MS Word  |  Price: N3,000  |  Delivery: Within 30Mins.


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