The aim of the present study was to investigate the relationship between use of academic library and students’ academic performance in Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma. The descriptive survey design was adopted for the study and questionnaire was used for data collection. Multi-stage sampling technique was used to draw a sample size of 250 from a population of 21,154 undergraduates of the university. Findings revealed that majority (85.9%) of the respondents indicated that they use the library while 77.6% majority indicated that it plays an important role in their academics. Findings also showed that majority (total of 84.3%) of the respondents indicated that they rarely or never get the information resources they need from the library while the purposes majority of the respondents use the library are to get materials to supplement lecture notes (mean rating of 3.12), to keep abreast with their studies (mean rating of 3.01) and to read their notes (mean rating of 2.96), and as such, these were the reasons they often use the library. It was shown that majority of the respondents indicated that the use of the library has brought about increase in their academic performance (mean rating of 3.08), enables them understand concepts taught in the classroom better (mean rating of 2.69), and helps them perform well in their assignments. Also, majority (total of 90.7%) of the respondents was shown to have a CGPA of between 2.00 and 3.49, while they (72.3%) saw an increase in their CGPA from the previous academic session even as they (72%) attributed the increase in their CGPA which shows their academic performance, to their use of the library. Finally, it was discovered that the challenges undergraduate students face in their use of academic library include inadequate information resources (mean rating of 3.48), unfriendliness of librarians (mean rating of 2.72), lack of awareness of the resources the library has (mean rating of 3.01) and lack of training on how to use the library effectively (mean rating of 4.0). Recommendations include that the library should educate users on how to search for information-bearing resources on the shelves and that academic library budget should be reviewed upward to ensure the collection of the library is beefed up with information-bearing materials that are relevant to their clientele.

1.1              Background of the Study
The academic library is the nerve-centre or the hub around which scholarship revolves. It is an in dispensable instrument for intellectual development. A well stocked academic library is a storehouse of on formation, or a record of human experience to which users may turn to for data or information.
It was observed that academic libraries have for centuries played critically important roles in supporting research in all subjects and disciplines within the host universities or colleges Jubb and Green (2007). Guskin (1996) notes that the use of university libraries promoters’ active learning, thus contributing to students ability to think critically and work well independently or in group. An academic environment without a library is tantamount to a person without a brain. It would be pertinent to discover whether academic libraries are indeed living up to their objectives. The effectiveness and efficiency of se4rvices provided in academic libraries are mainly determined by library users.
            Popoola (2001) observes that information availability does not mean accessibility and use and that academic libraries should stimulate primary demand for their products and services. This view was upheld by Mason (2010) who opines that libraries must be sympathetic and helpful to all students on the hand and that on the other hand, students must be aware that librarians and faculty members are there to instruct and encourage their intellectual odyssey and should be seen as facilitators.
            Several authors have written on the use of academic library. Amkpa (2000) in his study of the use of university of Maiduguri library discouraged that a majority of students did not use the library effectively because they did not use the library catalogues. In a study on students and faculty use of academic libraries Nigeria, with particular reference to Delta State University Okiy (2000) found that respondents used books more than other materials and that they browsed the shelves to locate these materials. Julien (2000), on the other hand, observed that regular library users are active learners who participate more in class and read, write and study more. Opera (2001) noted that the objective of the academic library are based on the functions of it parent institution. The basic functions of an educational institution are teaching, research and public services.
Ifidon (1999) highlighted the objectives of a university library as follows:
              i.      Provision of materials to meet the requirement of faculty specialists and postgraduate students carrying out research.
            ii.      Provision of materials in support of the learning process, that is, materials for students course work, assigned reading, as well as background reading for essays, term papers and projects.
          iii.      Provision of materials to assist the library user, in his own personal development.
          iv.      Cooperation with other university libraries with a view of developing a network of academic library resources at the disposal of all students and teaching faculties.
            v.      Meeting the specialized information needs of the regions within which the universities are situated.
            From Ifidon’s enumeration of university (academic) library objective, it can be deduced that the success of achieving academic goals of the parent institution lies on the provision of accessible library and information materials by the library. Furthermore, his enumeration indicates that the region or communities in which the institutions are situated benefit from the knowledge of the academic library.
            The use of library and students’ academic performance according to Cambridge University Reporter in frequently defined in terms of examination performance. In this study student’s academic performance was characterized by the overall performance in each year which culminates in a grade point average (GPA).
            To this end, this study tends to survey relationship between the use of academic libraries and students’ academic performance in Ambrose Alii University, Benson Idahosa University and University of Benin, all in Edo State.

1.2              Statement Of The Problem
            An academic library provides integral support services to its parent institution. To this end, the head librarian, his staff and academic staff are expected to team up and build information resources that can support the curricula.
            Literature abound on the relationship between use of academic libraries and students’ academic performance some of them are:
            Study habit counseling and academic performance of senior secondary school students (Abdullahi, Atsua, Amuda and Ago 2013), factors affecting students’ academic performance (Mushtaq and Khan 2012), factor influencing students’ academic performance in community and government built secondary schools (Mlozi, Kaguo, Nyamba 2013), use of academic library (Yusuf and Iwu 2010), library use and undergraduate student outcome new evidence for student’ retention and academic success (Soria Fransen and Nackered 2013), the role of the academic library in promoting student engagement in learning (Kuh and Gonya 2003), emotional intelligence and academic performances of high school students’ (Jaywardena and Gregar 2012), study habit use of school libraries and students academic performance (Jato, Ogunniyi and Olubiyo 2014), students’ satistaction and academic performance (martirosyan, Saxon and Wanjohi 2014), the impact of enquiry based learning on academic performance and student engagement (Summerlee and Murray 2010).
            Despite the abundance of literature on the relationship between use of academic libraries and students’ academic performance there are lapses, as none is available in the case of undergraduate of Ambrose Alli University. Hence, the researches seek to examine the case of Ambrose Alli University undergraduates.

1.3              Objectives of the Study
            The general objective of the study is to determine the relationship between the use of academic libraries and students academic performance.
            The specific objectives are to:
        i.            Ascertain the reasons for which student’s used the academic library.
      ii.            Determine the frequency of library usage by students
    iii.            Ascertain the fraction and challenge students encounter when using the library.
    iv.            To determine the level of students’ academic performance
      v.            To determine the relationship between use of academic library and students’ academic performance.

1.4              Research Questions
The following questions were posed to guide the study.
i.            For what reasons do students use the academic library?
ii.            How frequently do students use the library ?
iii.            What are the frustrations and challenges students encounter when using the library?
iv.            What are the levels of students’ academic performance?
v.            What is the relationship between use of academic library and student academic performance?

1.5              Significance of the Study
            The purpose of an academic library is to support students, researchers and faculty members in their academic activities by providing necessary and adequate information materials.
            Therefore, the finding of his study will be relevant to students, researchers, Liberians, lectures and universities authorities.
            To students and researchers, it will sensitize them on the need to make effective use of the library resources. It will also inform the university authorities about the overwhelming role of the academic library in the instruction.

1.6              Scope of the Study
The operative concepts involved in this project are two. The first is the use of academic library. The second is the students’ academic performance.
            To deal with the concepts of this investigation within the time at the researchers’ disposal, the research is limited to Ambrose Alli University library, in Edo State which will serve as a case study.

1.7              Operational Definition of Terms
Academic Libraries: These are libraries that are attached to Universities, Polytechnic and Colleges of education to support teaching, learning and research activities as well to render public services.
Academic performance: This is the extent to which a person has accomplished specific goals that were the focus of activities in instructional environments, specifically in school, college and university.
Relationship: This refers to the manner in which two por more people, things or groups behave towards or deal with each other.

Undergraduate Student: A student is a person study at university level for a first degree.

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