The aim of this thesis is to examine the impact that the recurrent civil crises have on social welfare, using Jos, Plateau state, Nigeria as a case study. Social welfare was viewed from the socio-economic perspective because the relative term in the Nigerian context.

This research comprises literacy from a past research conducted in Jos-North location government area, in relation to the reoccurrence of crises in the state and a government commission of enquire on the cause of crises. The research also entails two academic theories that relate to the subject. The results of the thesis were gathered by using quantitative research methodology. The method of data collection was questionnaires, which had both closed and open ended questions. The sample size used for analysis this study is one hundred and fifty.

A greater attention was paid to indigenes while administering the questionnaire but non-indigenes also had their views represented in the findings of this study. Young people constitute a larger percentage of recipients that administer the questionnaires. The data realized from this research were tabulated and were later interpreted into information by the researcher.

Findings of this research finally concluded that the impact of recurrent civil crises were devastating and had enormous negative effects of on the people.

Keyword: indigenes, inhabitants, research, socio-economic and social welfare

1.1 Background of Research location and context
1.2 Jos, Plateau and its Civil Crises
1.3 Aim of Research

2.1 Ambe-Uva Terhemda Nom Research
2.2 The Nikki Tobbi Report
2.3 Social Welfare
2.4 Social Policy

3.1 Method of Data Collection
3.2 Data Analysis

4.1 Economic Impacts
4.2 Educational Impacts
4.3 Health Impacts
4.4 Housing Impacts
4.5 Social Impacts
4.6 Others Impacts
4.7 Cause of Crises

5.2 Professional Development

6.1 Lessons Learned


In the past eleven years, there have been occurrences of civil crises in Jos, Plateau state, Nigeria. These crises have mostly been characterized as religious crises between Muslim and Christian congregations. This has been a major concern in the socio-economical and political discussion because of the negative impact that crises pose on economic growth, development and security of lives and properties of the populace. Another negative effect that has generated global debates is the impact that crises have on children, who in some circumstances become orphans. Likewise, residents of the crisis prone areas are constantly exposed to health hazards and other forms of danger that are detrimental to their emotional, physical and psychological wellbeing.

This study includes enquiries which assess the impact of the civil crises on social welfare in Jos. This will be viewed from the socio-economic perspective, because it is the most relative term that is applicable to Nigeria. These include issues such as economics, education, health, housing and social perspectives. This research also includes an enquiry on the argument that has been raised in some quarters, on the context that the continuous crises, which is said to be politically motivated to acquire financial benefit, thereby having nothing to do with religion. The research conducted in this study comprises of views of indigenes (indigenes in the Nigerian context is referred to as Aborigines) of Plateau state, and non-indigenes of Plateau state, who have lived and were living in the state during the period of time when this research was conducted.

Findings of this research are exclusively based on the opinion of people who are either directly affected or in-directly affected by the crises. About eighty percent (with a larger percentage being young people) of the research findings were obtained from people who reside in Jos, while about twenty percent was from people who lived in Jos, but are presently residing in other states in Nigeria. The reason why this research focused more on people’s view is because it goes in-line with the community development methods of people’s active involvement and participation in matters affecting them. Also, because this creates an environment whereby people who are either directly or in-directly affected by a particular concern have a say in the planning, implementation or decision making process. Young people were a major focus of the research because I am of the opinion that it will be good to hear the voice and concern of the youth, since they are regarded as the future of all human society.

The research conducted for this study made use of quantitative research methodology. The method of data collection was questionnaires, which had both closed and open ended questions. The method of data collection was questionnaires with a sample size of one hundred and fifty. These data were analysed by the researcher in his own words concentrating on the major points of the information realized from the data. In view of the fact that governments of respective countries are expected to protect the lives and possessions of its inhabitants, this study also includes an enquiry that evaluated the response of the Nigerian government and its agencies in respect to prevention of the crises, protection of lives and properties of people who reside in Jos, and their post response; which includes compensation, rehabilitation, re-integration and justice.

It should be noted that findings of this research do not reflect on the entire Plateau state, rather it reflects on Jos, which is the capital of Plateau state, a region which comprise of an estimated one third of the state’s population.

1.1 Background of Research location and context

This chapter entails literature about the research location and context of the research. The researcher believes that it will be beneficiary for readers to have a concise understanding of the country that the research was conducted in. This paragraph also entails literature on religion; this is because the crises have always been linked to religion, also because the initiate topic of this research was about religious crises, but was later changed to civil crises, so that the research could be conducted from a neutral point of view. Religion has been said to play an important role in the everyday life of the Nigerians and that they give high regards to religion, which is why a number of its citizens has be defined as fundamentality and extremist. It is said that “Over 90% of Nigerians believe in God, pray regularly and would die for their belief” and a survey...

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Item Type: Project Material  |  Attribute: 66 pages  |  Chapters: 1-5
Format: MS Word  |  Price: N3,000  |  Delivery: Within 30Mins.


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