E-commerce in tourism has been a fast growing sector in the tourism industry; today 90% of companies are using the world wide web variously. The aim of this research work was to have an idea and overview of what e-commerce is all about and how people were accepting it globally and also the policy and strategies has implied since her existence in a tourism market like Nigeria where greater percentage of people still believe in the conventional way of visiting travel agencies in person. The objective was also to see how the modern day technological advancement has made vital impacts on the sector.

This research work contained four exclusive parts which are introduction, the theoretical framework, research environment and the data analysis; The introduction describes the thesis objectives, problem solving and limitations. The theoretical framework will give readers the chance to know how electronic commerce emerged, growth till date and the future.

The research used was qualitative research method, also used to finalized this research, and to give a profound knowledge of human behavior, since the aim was to understand an overview knowledge on how e-commerce have been growing and emerging in a country like Nigeria, also the present reaction of the Government, this form of research has given the researcher more understanding of e-commerce in tourism industry in Nigeria.

Finding of the study revealed that cybercrime and the government lack of vision has crippled the development of electronic commerce in Nigeria‟s tourism sector. With the help of qualitative research been used in this project work, it showed that the private sectors have introduced e-commerce to various target groups and keeps growing.



2.1       A brief history of ecommerce
2.2       Defining e-commerce
2.2.1    Linking e-commerce to tourism development
2.2.2    Application for e-commerce in international tourism
2.3       The future of ecommerce in tourism
2.3.1    Statistical data of internet literacy
2.3.2    The growth rate of e-commerce in tourism
2.3.3    The government’s vision in supporting the sector
2.3.4    Tourism vision 2020
2.4       The effect on e-commerce in travel and tourism
2.5       E-partnering in tourism

3.1       A brief history of
3.2       Wakanow’s aim and vision
3.3 products and services
3.4 growth strategies
3.5 target group
3.6       Electronic partnering in

4.1       Internet usage in Nigeria
4.2       Electronic mobile commerce in Nigeria
4.3       Ecommerce awareness in Nigeria’s tourism sector
4.4       Federal and State Ministry of Tourism

5.1       Qualitative research method
5.2       Presenting the results of the research
5.2.1    Presenting the interview with the representative of
5.2.2    Presenting the customers interview
5.3       Analysis of the research interview
5.3.1    Analysis of the interview of representative of
5.3.2    Analysis of the interview with the customers of
5.4 Findings
5.5 Reliability and validity

6.1       Recommendation
6.2       Conclusion

Electronic commerce has dominated few continents with the daily increment in internet usage. A decade ago conventional commerce was still in vogue which makes consumer to always find it hard to create time in checking various stores for different products or brand, but with e-commerce is quite easy to check different online stores even at the same time without having to step out of the current location. In little time e-commerce has sspread to many sectors which include online retail stores, grocery and tourism sectors, and the tourism sector is currently the most benefitting one just because they rely much on it especially the aviation industry. Conventional travel agencies have been forced to diversify to the e-commerce method since a higher percentage of target groups have become able to make use of the internet to search for flights, holidays and tours in different destination regions.

The state of slow implementation and acceptability of e-commerce in Nigeria‟s tourism sector brought out this research project. The research work will be highlighting some details about what role the government played so far in the development of e-commerce in tourism sector, details on how many government-owned tourism investments engaged in e-commerce there are, and finally how a private company took the risk of making the sector well known among the country citizens before focusing on international tourists coming to Nigeria and all other African nations. In this research work a conclusive studies will be made and the results will be analysed and the overall research generatedconclusions along with recommendations for the case company.

The case company used in this research work is relatively new to the e-commerce but the few years of establishment have been positive in terms of profits and fame as they mainly targeted youths and computer literate and also the company operates with a parent company that took responsibility to target cooperate customers. A part in chapter four of the study analysed the website of the Nigerian federal ministry of tourism on how much and how the government parastatal embraced electronic ways of selling government-owned tourism products to the world since most powerful nations derived more from it.

The main aim of this thesis is to examine the growth of e-commerce in tourism sector in a country like Nigeria where there are tons of tourist destinations across the country. Moreover the usage of mobile internet on phones is rampant among the literate ones so e-commerce firms do not have to be too afraid to take a risk. Also the case company in this research has been the first and successful online travel agency firm currently in Nigeria so therefore this research study will reveal how they have been coping with the higher rate of cybercrime in Nigeria.

Another aim in this study is the fact finding out how the federal and state ministry of tourism has embraced the e-commerce idea, to know if the ministry is financially ready to help the small medium enterprises that are ready to launch and grow rapidly planning travel trips for various target groups.

The problem appearing in this study was due to the slow growth of e-commerce in Nigeria‟s tourism sector since over a decade of its existence in modern day tourism, in the process of the research work it became obvious that reluctantly the nation residents declined to accept the method which has recorded a tremendous growth in other developed and even couple of developing Asian nations.

The only first private company practising electronic commerce in Nigeria has grown rapidly within few years of operation but still there are challenges because they were only able to attract few internet literate and mobile phone internet users, due to the government inability to make provision of internet to every home across the country. The two key problems is facing are: high cybercrime rate and bank card fraud, the company is failing to gain the attention of every average Nigerian who could afford a low price holiday trip abroad or even less expensive state owned tourist destinations.

In this research project a recommendation will be made in order to solve most of the problem the company is facing today.

Secondly problem being identified is the government‟s failure to outsource most of the government-owned tourist destinations to a company like so people could booked and make transportation arrangements without getting to the destination location......

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Item Type: Project Material  |  Attribute: 52 pages  |  Chapters: 1-5
Format: MS Word  |  Price: N3,000  |  Delivery: Within 30Mins.


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