This study examined the impact of broadcast media campaign against Breast Cancer among women in Enugu metropolis. What triggered a research in this area was the UNDP report in January 2010 that cases of breast cancer has been on the increase resulting to about 30% of death among women between 2008 and 2010. The objective of this study were to find out the level of awareness of broadcast cancer campaign among women in Enugu metropolis, to assess the response of women in the area to the breast cancer campaign on the broadcast media, and to find out if the Nigerian broadcast media are seriously committed to fight against breast cancer. The researcher employed information innovation diffusion theory for the research. Survey research design was employed as the methodology for the study. A sample size of 1,190 was selected for the study. The research findings revealed that whopping majority of women in Enugu metropolis are unaware of the broadcast media campaign against breast cancer. It further revealed that most women are aware of breast cancer scourge among others.

Title Page
Table of Contents

1.1       Background of the study
1.2       Statement of problem
1.3       Objectives of the study
1.4       Significance of the study
1.5       Research questions
1.6       Hypotheses
1.7       Scope of the study
1.8       Conceptual definition of terms

2.1       Broadcast Media and Health Communication
2.3 Broadcast Media and Advocacy Against Breast Cancer
2.3       Empirical studies on breast cancer among Nigerian women
2.4       Theoretical framework

3.1       Research Design
3.2       Population of study
3.3       Sample size
3.4       Sampling Technique
3.5       Instrument for Data Collection
3.6       Questionnaire Administration Pattern
3.7       Methods of data presentation and analysis

4.1       Questionnaire Distribution and collection
4.2       Demographic Data
            Summary of the Findings

5.1       Summary and Conclusion
5.2       Conclusion
5.3       Recommendations

To Enzensberger Hans Magnus, the mass media are but a consciousness industry (1970, p. 260). The implication of that statement cannot be far fetched. The media have enormous role in the society. This is a very glaring fact, since the place of the media as the fourth estate of the realm is such that the society can not do without the media nor could any society grow and become something much more important. So, one can say without “tip-toeing” that the media occupy a central place in the life of any country. On this note Oso (2002) notes that, their role in creating awareness of both the immediate environment they operate in and the outside world. Speaking on the importance of the media as instrument for mass education, enlightenment, information and more, Hall cited in Oso (2002, P.39), says, “what we know of our society depends on how things are presented to us by the media and that knowledge in turn informs what we do and what policies we are prepared to accept.” This implies that the mass media in performing that functions illuminate the implications of various government, organizational, social and cultural ideologies, policies, activities, national or international etc; for apt actions and reactions or responses. Umechukwu (2004, p.8) agrees that the mass media therefore, do not only create awareness or are only a means for expression of ideas, but also they are “a social force to be reckoned with and a vehicle for mobilization.” The contemporary society is faced with a lot of environmental, economic, trade, political, cultural, health, relationship education and others challenges.  The solution to these challenges is not tied much to policies but information and education. In proffering solution to the foregoing challenges in a country as large as Nigeria, the mass media should be seen as an essential tool. This is so, because the rate at which diseases and so many other health related problems are escalating is alarming and quite dreadful.  Some of such health related problems include breast cancer, which is particularly found among women.  To draw adequate attention to the disease, the theme for this year’s world women’s day was title “Fight against the Scourge of Breast Cancer.” There was also a charm call on concerned international agencies and countries of the world to carryout sensitization against not only breast cancer but every other brand or kind of cancer in existence. The mass media readily

come handy in executing this task.

In the recent years, cases of breast cancer among women (both married and unmarried) is on the increase and perilous nature of this disease has grown so much so that in Nigeria, there are so many on-going campaigns asking women to go to respective health centers to receive protective medication. The drugs for this exercise are being provided by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in conjunction with the World Health Organization to make sure that cases of breast cancer and other cancerous disease are

annihilated. But the issue remains, are Nigerians fully sensitized on the scourge of breast cancer? Are those in Enugu educated on the need for medical checkup
and the medication to prevent the escalation of cases of breast cancer among residents of the city?

In Nigeria, without doubt, breast cancer according to Ogundipe and Obinna (2008, p.3) is currently the most common malignancy. Little wonder, Adebamo, the director of the Institute for Advanced medical Research and Training (IAMRT) at the University of Ibadan notes: “in our 1999 case-control study of 250 consecutive breast cancer cases seen in our oncology clinic between 1992 and 1995, we found that breast cancer patients tended to be taller, weighed more, had a latter age at onset of first pregnancy and had a higher mean number of children than controls. That last finding was particularly interesting because it is known that multiparty protects against breast cancer. However, pregnancy has a complex relationship with breast cancer. On the short term, on account of the stimulatory effect on breast epitheliah growth, pregnancy increases short term risk of breast cancer. The protective effect of pregnancy is seen decades after the pregnancy-often after the age of 40 years. In a country with low life expectancy like Nigeria therefore, case control studies are likely to highlight the early pro-carcinogenic effect of pregnancy since few women survive the age where the protective effect of pregnancy is more prominent.” To.....

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Item Type: Postgraduate Material  |  Attribute: 96 pages  |  Chapters: 1-5
Format: MS Word  |  Price: N3,000  |  Delivery: Within 30Mins.


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