Title page
Approval page
Table of Contents
List of tables
List of figures

CHAPTER ONE: Introduction
Background to the Study
Statement of the Problem
Purpose of the Study
Research Questions
Significance of the Study
Scope of the Study

CHAPTER TWO: Review of Related Literature
1. Conceptual Framework
Abuse and Types of Child Abuse among in-school adolescents
Patterns of Child Abuse among in-school adolescents
Consequence of Child Abuse among in-school adolescents
Factors Association with Child Abuse among in-school adolescents
Preventive Measures of Child Abuse among in-school adolescents
2. Theoretical Framework
Attachment Theory
Spatial Syntax Theory
3. Empirical Studies on Child Abuse and Preventive Measures Against      
Child Abuse
4. Summary of Literature Review

CHAPTER THREE: Methods       
Research Design
Area of the Study
Population for the Study
Sample and Sampling Techniques
Instrument for Data Collection
Validity of the Instrument
Reliability of the Instrument
Method of Data Collection
Method of Data Analysis

CHAPTER FOUR: Result and Discussion
Summary of major findings
Discussion of findings
Demographic pattern of child abuse among in-school adolescents.
Temporal pattern of child abuse among in-school adolescents.
Spatial pattern of child abuse among in-school adolescents
Preventive measures of  child abuse among in-school adolescents
Differences in the pattern of child abuse according to selected demographic variables

CHAPTER FIVE: Summary Conclusion and Recommendation
Suggestion for further studies

The study was conducted to investigate the pattern of child abuse among in-school adolescents and preventive measures in west senatorial district of Bayelsa state. Eight specific objectives wee formulated with eight corresponding research questions and two null hypotheses were also postulated to guide the study. The descriptive survey design was used for the study. The population for the study was 2024 in-school adolescents. While the sample for the study consisted of 202 in-school adolescents but 198 was retrieve from respondents. A four sectioned research designed questionnaire was the instrument used for data collection. The instrument was validated by five experts. The instrument has a variability index of .86 percentage was used as a guide to answer research questions while chi-square statistic was use in testing the null hypothesis at .05 level of significance (p-value = .05). The results of the study showed that respondents agreed that CPA usually occurred in the morning (48.7%) and afternoon (36.2%) respectively; sexual abuse was experience among in-school adolescents in the afternoon (33.7%) and moderately in the morning (23.9%). Emotional abuse was significantly perpetrated in the morning (67.5%) and fairly in the afternoon (28.3%). Child physical abuse was significantly perpetrated at school (49.1%) and fairly in the Home (45.1%); respondents agreed that sexual abuse mostly occurred in the school (46.1%) and home (43.8%), respondent agreed that emotional abuse mostly occurred in the school (43.1%) and home (41.7%) . According to age, respondents experienced abuse as follows: 16-20yars (60.1%) and 11-13 years (42.8%). According to gender, respondents agreed that female experience abuse more than the male (Female = 65.2% > Male 245.2%).According to level of education respondents agreed that secondary school students experienced abuse more than primary schools students (Secondary 66.1%> Primary 43.2%) and respondents agreed that preventive measures are appropriate (45.5%) and very appropriate (40.2%). There are significant difference ( χ 2 = 61.741 > 0.000, difference = 7, P < .05) in child abuse among in-school adolescents according to age. There was a significant difference ( χ 2 = 54.330 > 0.00066, different = 7, p < .05) in child abuse among in-school adolescents according to level of education.

Background to the Study
Abuse of various dimensions is on the increase among human population. The increase involves a wide spectrum of situations ranging from personal, social, cultural and environmental dimensions, among which is the abuse of children by people. In some communities, abuse is becoming quite rampant, with a high proportion of children population being at risk (Africans Unite Against Child Abuse-AFRUCA, 2001).The report further observed that African children that have been abused in the UK grew from 96, 667 to about 145, 667 in 2002, a phenomenal 50 per cent increase within eight years period. In 2003, 14 per cent of asylum applications were from Africa especially those from conflict zones such as Sierra Leone, Somalia, Angola, Congo, Zimbabwe and Liberia.

Victims of child abuse suffer from different types of health problems (Flesherty, Thompson, Litrowinik, Zolotor, & Runyan, 2009).They further observed that some children suffer from pelvic or muscular pain with no identifiable reason. Traumas caused by experiences of child abuse have serious effects on the developing brain, increasing the risk of psychological problems (Streech- Fischer and Van Der Kolk, 2000). In appropriate sexual behaviour is also linked with abuse, and most commonly with sexual abuse and exposure to highly violent and sexualized environment (Corby, 2006; Merrick, Litrowick,Everson and Cox, 2008).

Neglected adolescents may also display aggressive and disruptive behaviour, externalized behaviour problems are more closely associated with physical and sexual abuse or witnessing domestic violence (Holt, Buckley, & Whelan 2008). It would therefore seem convincing from literature assertions that many child abuse cases which may be a serious public health problem in Nigeria.

A child is a person who is strictly under the protection or care of someone who may be the parents or guardians (Nnabue, 1993). A child is a young boy or girl who has not reached the age of 18 years above (Onuzulike, 1998). Onuzulike further stated that all over the world, the child is seen as one who has to be provided for in terms of food, shelter, protection and social stimulation until such a time they becomes capable of looking after.....

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Item Type: Postgraduate Material  |  Attribute: 90 pages  |  Chapters: 1-5
Format: MS Word  |  Price: N3,000  |  Delivery: Within 30Mins.


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