Library play vital role in educational setting, its use helps in the development of individuals, groups and society. Effective use of library resources helps to achieve educational goals. The study was aimed at determining the knowledge and use of library resources by nursing students in two universities in South east Nigeria. A non-experimental, descriptive survey design was adapted for the study. Six objectives and four hypotheses guided the study.  A sample size of 250 nursing students was drawn from a total population of 712 students using Krejcie and Morgan Power formula. Stratified sampling technique was used to select nursing students from 200 to 500 levels. Questionnaire was the instrument used for data collection with a 96.8% return rate. The instrument was validated by the supervisor and two senior lecturers that were experts in measurement and evaluation in the department of nursing science, university of Nigeria, Enugu campus. The instrument was pilot tested on 25 students with similar features and data obtained were subjected to split- half method and analyzed using Spearmans Brown reliability coefficient which yielded a coefficient of 0.75. Ethical approval was obtained from the ethical boards of University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital, Enugu and Nnamdi Azikiwe University Teaching Hospital, Nnewi.  Written informed consent was obtained from the respondents and confidentiality of information maintained. Data were analyzed with Computer Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS version 20).  It was descriptively analyzed using frequencies, percentages, mean and standard deviation. Hypotheses were tested using Chi-square, Independent samples t- test and analysis of variance. Probability value less than 0.05 and mean of 2.5 and above was considered statistically significant. Major findings revealed that majority of respondents had mean (2.46±1.3) and (P = .927) so, lacked knowledge of the use of library skills and resources; majority (78.9%) were occasional users of library resources while few (21.1%) were non users. However, actual users of library resources were less (19.9%) than the non- actual users (80.1%). The most frequently used library resources were books (54.5%) and journals (21.5%). Respondent’s reason for using library resources was to write assignments (53.4%) and projects/term papers (31.4%). Also, majority (139.3%) of respondents maintained ideal duration in the use of library resources. Major problem confronting respondents in the use of library resources was that resources were obsolete (46.1%) and inconvenient time of opening and closing of the library (22.8%). Conclusions were that few nursing students actually use library resources. The study recommended   that proper awareness creation on library resource use be made to students, staff and others and policy makers in education to include stocking of libraries with current and relevant resources into their priorities. The study Suggested that further research be done on the following:  Impact of student nurses use of library in nursing council and degree exams; performance of actual users of library resources versus standard of clinical nursing practice.

Title Page
Table of Contents
List of Tables

Background to the Study
Statement of the Problem
Purpose of the Study
Research Objectives
Research Questions
Research Hypotheses
Significance of the Study
Scope of the Study
Operational Definitions of Terms

Conceptual Review
Concept of Library Resources
Importance of Library Resources
Use of Library Resources
Knowledge of Skills and Resources used in Library
Problem Students Encounter in Using the Library
Theoretical Review
Application of the Theory to this Study
Empirical   Review
Summary of Literature Review

Research Design
Area of Study
Population of the Study
Sampling Procedure
Instrument for data Collection
Validity of Instrument
Reliability of Instrument
Ethical Consideration
Procedure for Data Collection
Method of Data Analysis

Demographic Characteristics of the Respondents
Knowledge of the Use of library Skills and Resources
Use of library Resources
Frequency of Use Library Resources
Reasons for Use of Library Resources
Extent of Use of Library Resources
Actual Use of Library Resources
Problems Encountered in Using Library Resources
Summary of Findings

Discussion of Major Findings
Summary of the Study
Implications of the Study
Limitations of the Study
Suggestions for Further Study

Background to the Study
Library has unique position as a potential educational force. It plays a vital role in the development of institutions and the society (Onwubiko, 2008). Library use is beneficial to individuals and students and helps them achieve their educational goals. Monroe (2009) stated that intellectual development depends on ones reading abilities and library resource utilization. Therefore, visiting the library and making use of the available resources is a vital aspect  of students’ career and general success in life. This is in line with the popular saying that, “Leaders are readers and committed readers are potential leaders”. However, in the recent times, there has been a declining interest in the reading culture and library resource utilization by students (Onwubiko, 2008).
 Further observation by Olatunde & Adebola (2003) and Ikegbune (2007) revealed that some library users including students lack the knowledge and skills needed for sourcing information and locating resources in the library. Such lack of awareness according to them results in time and energy wastage when browsing the library shelves or navigating the library websites. Library being the repository of knowledge should be one which embraces both the traditional library practices and the modern technological innovations (Eze, 2009). In other words, a hybrid library should be embraced by all. Students and all library users ought to be aware of the skills in library use for effective and efficient time management and adequate library resource utilization.
Library is a collection of written, print, non-print, electronic or other graphic materials (including texts, journals, e-books, e- journals, abstracts, films, tapes, phonographic records, slides, computer programs etc) organized and maintained for reading, study and consultations (Eze, 2009). It is indispensable in educational setting and the hub around which scholarship revolves. Library should be used by students for intellectual development and professional growth (Yusuf & Iwu, 2010). Library with its resources play critical roles in developing the individual and supporting research (Bugard & Green, 2007). Also, library resources as defined by Hodler and Mitson (2011) are  taken to include books, journals, e-books, e-journals, other electronic materials, periodicals, charts, mimeographs, maps, films, pictures, slides, objects, specimen, records, tapes and filmstrips. It is anything in the library environment that may be of value in forwarding the thinking and understanding of pupils and students.
 The use of library resources refers to visiting the library and reading textbooks, journals or reading online texts/ journals and other related materials collected from the library (Yusuf & Iwu, 2010). It includes borrowing library books, visiting library at least 2-3 times a week and studying with library books/materials. Use of library resources were considered in 3 dimensions: duration of stay in the library reading texts collected from the library, borrowing books or other related materials, and use of computers (exploiting the internet) for academic purpose.
Nugent (2009) carried out a study on the use of library by students at the College of Health Sciences Indonesia and observed that there was low patronage of library and its resources by student nurses. He further stated that student nurses are more clinically oriented than academically oriented. This had negative impact on their general education and professional development. Without effective use of library resources by students, there would be poor quality graduates and consequent decline in economic and social development (Sign & Kaurt, 2009). Nursing students need to be conversant with and regularly use library resources to meet up with the academic and clinical demands of their profession.  Onwubiko  (2008), Nnaji and Agboola (2010) also observed that students are losing interest in the use of print, electronic and other related library materials for academic purposes instead, they actively engage in social networks.
The standard of a library shows the commitment of an educational institution to its realization of educational goals. Library aims towards generating new knowledge through research and transmitting such knowledge through teaching (Eze,2009). Library has various roles as identified by Eze which include: Provision of information resources needed for academic programmes, provision of materials needed by the faculty and researchers, provision of materials for aesthetic and personal development of the clientele, provision of security of information resources available in the library among others. Failure to use library resources by students may lead to serious drop in the standard of education, research and professional practice (Oyediran, 2004)...... 

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