The major thrust of this work is to arise the impact of television advertising on Etisalat market audience; a study of Owerri metropolis, Imo state (January – June 2013). This work is divided into five chapters, using the survey method a quantitative tool of data analysis. This work is aimed at solving the problem of how to communicate with different demography of audiences of the Etisalat company and the appropriate media to use. This work also helps Etisalat mobile company to know the need of their customer and how to satisfy them, this research work helps Etisalat company to know if the people of Owerri are exposed to their TV commercials or not. Many literary works and concepts were reviews. The questionnaire approach was also employed to ensure that varying and various shades of opinion about the subject of the research were obtained. One hypothetical question was formulated and tested using the chi-square technique at 0.05% probability level for appropriate inferences. This therefore is a research work that breaks down the effect of television advertisement on Etisalat market audience with particular reference on the Owerri metropolis, Imo state.

1.1              Background of the Study
Advertising has grown increasingly popular as an object of enquiry, a field of
professional practice and an index of modern business. Advertising therefore is the dissemination of sales message through purchases time and space, Fletcher (1979). It is also a form of communication through media about products, services or ideas, paid for by an identified sponsor, Ozor (1998:p.1).

Advertising is an exciting, dynamic and challenging enterprise. Its often persuasive, fascinating and its materialistic nature makes it an object of criticism and misunderstanding, Benson-Eluwa (2004,p.3). It is the non-personal communication of information usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature about products, services or ideas by an identified sponsor through the various media, Bovee and Aron (1986).

Advertising however, performs functions such as marketing communication, education and socialization. It is now a tradition that every business organization communicates with its diverse audience which include; government, consumers, shareholders, distributors, employees, suppliers, and the general public about their new products and policies. Consumer behaviour on the other hand is as varies as consumers themselves. There is no direct link between the act of placing an advertisement in the media and the behaviour of consumer purchasing the product in the sense in which there is a direct link between the consumer purchasing the product and the product leaving the factory. Consumer’s reaction to an advertisement for a product can be varies ranging from a desire to purchase the product to absolute apathy. However, placing advertising in the media is a form of communication which is capable of buying.....

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Item Type: Project Material  |  Attribute: 54 pages  |  Chapters: 1-5
Format: MS Word  |  Price: N3,000  |  Delivery: Within 30Mins.


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