This research work was aimed at finding the Impact of NTA Enugu Commercials on Consumers Demand for Malta Guinness. The researcher made use of the survey design to gather necessary information. Copies of questionnaire were administered and retrieved from the respondent. The findings showed that NTA, Enugu commercials have impact on consumers demand for Malta Guinness. Also commercials affect the choice of products in a competitive market. The researcher made some recommendations based on the findings of the research. That companies should endeavour to spend reasonable amount of money on commercials, which would be regained through increased sales volume. Manufacturing companies should also carry out more pre-advertising and post advertising researches so as to determine effectiveness of the commercial made.

1.1 Background of Study
Advertising is one of the most common strategies used to direct persuasive communication to target buyers and public. Achumba and Osuagwu (1994) quote the American Marketing Association (AMA) as defining advertising as any paid form of non-personal presentation.

Advertising on television offers a number of benefits to businesses by incorporating sound, images and movement to make the whole package interesting for consumers.

Advertising on television is the ability to communicate with a very large audience. Most companies adopt various marketing approaches in a bid to maintain or increase profit margins, market shares or sales volume of their product or services.

Television commercials have always been able to appeal to multiple senses through its combination of text, images, sound and motion.

Television is a powerful advertising medium, it relies on both sound and visual effects. These effects can be used in combination to catch the attention of the audience and then reinforce their retention rate by repeating message using both audio and video.

The role of a good commercial includes creation of awareness, generation of favourable attitude and preference in consumers mind for the demand of the particular brand.

Hence, a good commercial is one that is capable of attracting attention, making consumers develop interest, making them desire to buy the product and use the product. Television reaches a large variety of individuals with different backgrounds which makes it cost efficient for advertisers to reach a mass audience.......

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Item Type: Project Material  |  Attribute: 52 pages  |  Chapters: 1-5
Format: MS Word  |  Price: N3,000  |  Delivery: Within 30Mins.


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