This study probes the impact which TV has on the cultural behaviour of idah polytechnic students. It specifically tackles the impact of channel O musical TV programes on the cultural behavior of idah polytechnic students. The research posits that the current trends in cultural behaviour of youths in Nigeria as observed among idah polytechnic students, kogi state is significantly associated with their perception of western culture and exposure to channel O musical TV programmes. The assumption that foreign media content has direct powerful effects that is shared by optimistic modernization theory. The research applies the theory of acculturation along with the culturation hypothesis. Acculturation of Nigeria youths take place as a result of exposure to western TV (channel O) which influence the perception of TV reality and alters self-image. From the review of related literature, the following hypotheses emerged for testing HI: More exposure to TV will tend to identification of western television stars as models. H2: The improvement of Local TV movies industries will increase Nigerian youths’ preference for local TV product. Research hypotheses 1 and 2 received statistical support from the analysis of collected data using the survey research method for proper analysis, descriptive and inferential statistical tools of measuring data were used in findings of the study, its shows that a positive relationship which means that as television explosive tends to go up, identification with western television stars especially American television stars also tends to go up. It is also confirm that students discard Nigerian norms and values and become manifestly consistently with western behavior in keeping with their perception of cultural values. From the conclusion, the researches of this research problem have shown that youths of Nigeria can confront the problem of channel O musical programmes destroying our cultural values. A policy should be formulated to ensure that only professionals take change of the business of films movies production. Recommendations to check the cultural genocide for further research were preferred.

1.1         Background of the study

This study is on Impacts Of Channel O Musical Television Programmes On The Cultural Behavioural Of Federal Polytechnic Students Idah. The term culture has been defined differently by different people. The different definitions attached to culture are based on the differences in the orientation of the people.

According to Ekeh (1989), culture is construct used in an attempt to analyze and integrate events and ideas in broad spectrum of areas of society. Jekayinka (2002), states that from wider perspective, culture includes the total repertoire of human action which are socially transmitted from generation to generation. Obiora (2002), says the transformation of culture is gradual and not sudden. He contends that culture is a continuous process of change. It changes exactly the same way as the human being change. It is dynamic, learned, acquired, transmitted or diffused through contact or means of communication flow from generation to another. The Nigerian culture is observed to be fading out as a result of the acceptance and adaptation of the modernist’s solution on to underdevelopment. One of such theories which relates to this subtle method of assault international communication is given by Lerner (1956).

In his concept of “empathy”, Lerner states that the inhabitants of third world nations must learn to empathize with the West for modern transformation of their societies to be possible. Schramm (1964), on the other hand, developed an interesting model in which he equates the level of social development of communication to various nations. Access to these modern mass media (Radio, Television, films, telephone, and...

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Item Type: Project Material  |  Attribute: 52 pages  |  Chapters: 1-5
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