
In the dawn of this millennium where communication technologies have taken new and intriguing dimensions, television programmes have taken communication even to a much fascinating plane. The television has made it possible to receive and send information to and from far flung places with the speed of lightening. This study which centres on the effects of ABS television business link programme on the commercial activities of Awka residents at Awka metropolis examined the negative and positive effects of the television programme on the commercial activities of Awka residents. Research methodology used in gathering data and information for the study is questionnaire, presentation of data analysis, testing of hypotheses along with result discussions. The findings revealed that there is a high level of success by the ABS television business link in impacting the desired change in Awka residents and that Awka residents expose themselves to ABS television business link. It recommended that the Government should ensure that ABS television reach those who outside the state so that they can also benefit from it.

1.3              Background of the Study
Most people accept the idea the media can influence people but the degree of that influence as well as who is most impacted, how and why, have been the subject of great debate among communication scholars for nearly a century. Media effects refer to the many ways individuals and society maybe influenced by both news and entertainment. Mass media including film, television, radio, newspapers, books magazines, websites, games and music. Although in this study, the medium used is television.

Media effect has been studied by scholars in communication, psychology, sociology, political, science, anthropology, and education among other fields. Many early communication models designed to explain the process of message dissemination were simple-one-way and linear (Shannon and weaver, 1994), positioning the medium or message as the cause and the behavioural, emotional, or psychological response as the effect (Bryant and Thompson, 2002, pp. 4-5). Morden conceptualization, however, typically illustrate a two-way process that is more transactional or interactive in nature in which the message or the medium affects the recipient(s) , but the audience, in turn, influences and shapes the senders.

In the early part of the 20th century, concerns about political propaganda, manipulation by the elite and the rising popularity of the electronic media led to the so called „cultivation‟ theory, which envisaged media message as strong drugs or potent weapon that could have powerful effect on helpless audience ( LA swell, 1991; Lippmann, 1992). However, while....

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