Cultural tourism have been identified as one area that Africa and Nigeria in particular can take ad-vantage of due to her rich and diverse culture, one aspect of aspect of the Nigerian culture that have survived and could serve the purpose of cultural tourism if the festivals. There are various rich, colorful and exciting festivals across the regions in Nigeria but the Ogun festival in Ondo, South Western region of Nigeria is one festival that has survived through the years and is still celebrated annually almost in its original state. Therefore, the main objective of this study is to attempt a structural functional analysis of Ogun Festival in Ondo. The scope of this study covers the description of the cosmology and religious beliefs of the Ondo people. A sociological analysis of manifest and latent functions of the festival both as a trado-religious festival and a cultural tourism product is also examined. Since Ogun is connected with the origin of Ondo, a chapter is devoted to an analysis of the origin, the socio-political organization and the social structure of Ondo. The empirical part involved the use of qualitative research method, which includes interviews, participant observations and oral tradition. The study covers the preparation for the festival; the different stages of the ceremony as it is practiced in Ondo and the findings of the study include the impact of the study both as a religious festival and as a cultural tourism festival. Finally, the recommendations and future prospect of the festival were examined.

1.1 Background of Study
1.2 The Objective and Significance of Study
1.3 Statement of Problem

2.1 Geographical Location
2.2 Historical Origin
2.3 Socio - Political Organization
2.4 Operational Definition of Terms

3.1 Functionalist Theory
3.2 Customer Segmentation Theory
3.2.1 Table 1: Customer Segmentation of Participants at the Ogun Festival
3.3 Cultural Tourism and Impacts of Festivals on Host Community

4.1 Method of Research
4.2 Field Work
4.3 Analysis

5.1 The Origin of Ogun in Yoruba land
5.2 The Origin of Ogun in Ondo
5.3 The Worship of Ogun
5.4 The Annual Festival
5.5 Music in The Ogun Festival
5.6 Overview of Ogun Festival as a Cultural Tourism Product
5.6.1 Potential customers
5.6.2 Potential services related to the Ogun festival
5.6.3 Marketing and promotion

6.1 Summary of the Findings
6.2 Conclusions
6.3 Recommendations and the Future Prospect

1.1  Background of Study
According to Kareem (2008), tourism has continued to be considered as an important means of generating foreign revenue by policy makers of developing countries. In addition, tourism provides the opportunity for people to experience new culture and environment therefore serving as a vital educational experience (Ijasan and Izobo 2012).

In Nigeria, the vast tourism potentials such as the beautiful and colorful fauna and sauna as well as the exciting and rich festivals have prompted the tourism drive in the country (Ijasan and Izobo 2012). According to Wande (2005), the most important potential of Ni-geria's culture that can be developed for purposes of tourism is the rich and diverse culture of Nigeria's people. He opined that the aspect of Nigerian culture that have survived and could be projected and exhibit to tourists globally is the festivals. Every region of the coun-try has a major festival that can be packaged and exhibited to international tourists; some examples are the annual Argungu fishing festival of Kebbi State (Northern region), the Calaber carnival (Southern region) the Osun Oshogbo and Ogun festival (Western region) (Wande, 2005). According to George (1980) he asserted that among the annual festivals in Yoruba land is the annual ceremony for Ogun.

In recent times festivals are generally considered in Nigeria as one of the important element that contributes significantly to the cultural and economic development wealth of the coun-try. Furthermore, there is no doubt that festivals have major impact on the development of cultural tourism in local communities (Ezeani 2003).

Despite the fact that most popular festivals are gradually being eroded as a result of mod-ernization, Ogun festival is one of the popular festivals still celebrated in Yoruba land. The cult of Ogun is one of the most prominent ones among the cults of the divinities in Yoruba land. It receives special veneration among the people and it has its elaborate cult where worshippers assemble annually and occasionally to worship and consult him when neces-sary (George 1980).

Idowu (1962) in his book “Olodumare God of Yoruba belief” opined that in pranks and mischief making, Ogun is next to Esu, but that Justice, fair play and rectitude rather than evil are associated with the name of Ogun. According to him, Ogun is a god who is directly involved in the people’s lives.

Ogun is easily the most popular and revered deity among the Yoruba generally and the Ondo in particular. He is universally acknowledged and plays important roles in the indig-enous believe system of the Yoruba people. He is an indispensable divinity in as much as all iron and steel belongs to him. Adeyemi (1993), emphasized that “Ogun is the fierce god of war, a cultural hero, the patron of hunters, the god of iron and the patron of all who works with iron and Ogun festival is one of the most elaborate traditional festivals held in Ondo”. He believe that Ogun is easily the most popular and revered deity among the Yo-ruba generally and the Ondos in particular.

The cult of Ogun is highly respected in Ondo that worshippers believe that the deity can give answer to their prayers when they are in trouble and they believe that if on any year Ogun is not worshipped, that year will be a year of disaster, violence, bloodshed and fatal motor accident. Therefore, the annual festival is reinforced by that generally held believe. According to George (1980), he stated that all respondents on Ogun agreed that failure to provide an annual festival for him would have dire consequences, including famine, civil strife and accidents.

The Ogun festival, which forms the core of traditional religion in Ondo, has undergone some structural change especially in the mode of worship of the god. These structural changes have been brought about as a result of the impact of western civilization. In spite of these change, certain features of the festival still persist in the traditional form. The fact...

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