This research project is on Bureaucracy and efficiency (A case study of Enugu State civil service). It is been carried out to assess the level of efficiency in the bureaucracy and the functions of the bureaucracy. It is hoped that the study will help to educate civil servants on their expected roles and factors that can make them to be more efficient in the delivery of social service to the citizenry. The work contains five chapters. The researcher adopted the bureaucratic theory as the theoretical frame work. The bureaucratic theory lays emphasis on the adherence of the idea type principles of bureaucracy as advocated by Max Weber. In the course of the research work, the researcher discovered several issues about the bureaucracy and efficiency among which; are that disregard of administrative ethics as one of the major causes of inefficiency in the civil service. It was equally discovered that there has emerged new approaches that are better than the idea type. Meanwhile the researcher therefore suggest recommends that civil servants should be enlightened on the need to be administratively ethical. There is also the need to shift from the out model Max Weber’s idea type to the new approaches. The research work is very educative, informative and interesting.

In view of the fact that ethics and morality are the norms of every descent society, and the bedrock on which wholesome, efficient just and prosperous bureaucracy can be built upon, there is the need to stress on the importance of efficiency in the civil service. There is no gain saying the fact that effective, efficient, patriotic, and committed public servants who should be accountable for their stewardship are desirable for any nation to match forward.

However, it is of note that our civil servants have become reckless and blatant. Our civil servants now bend the rules and are involved in wide spectrum of acts such as accepting gratification, concealing offences relating to corruption, fraudulent acquisition of property, fraudulent receipt of property, deliberate frustration of investigation, making false statements or returns, bribery of public officials, dealing with property acquired through gratification.

Also worthy of note among many civil servants include, unethical behaviour such as refusal to proceed on transfer or accept posting, habitual lateness to work, deliberate delay in treating official document, unauthorized removal of public records immoral and unruly behaviour, foul language, lethargy, apathy, laziness, rudeness to......

For more Public Administration Projects click here
Item Type: Project Material  |  Attribute: 77 pages  |  Chapters: 1-5
Format: MS Word  |  Price: N3,000  |  Delivery: Within 30Mins.


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