CHAPTER ONE: Introduction
1.1       Background to the study
1.2       Statement of the problem
1.3       Objectives of the Study
1.4       Significance of the Study
1.5       Scope and limitations of the Study
1.5.1    Scope
1.5.2    Limitations of the Study

CHAPTER TWO: Literature Review
2.1       Transformational leadership and effective management
2.2       Nigeria University managements and the components of Transformational leadership Behaviours
2.2.1    Charisma or idealized influence
2.2.2    Inspirational Motivation
2.2.3    Intellectual Stimulation
2.2.4    Individualised consideration or individualized attention
2.2.5    University Management
2.2.6    University Workers
2.2.7    University Students
2.3       Challenges of Transformational Leadership in 21st Century
2.3.1    University Autonomy
2.3.2    Ownership structure and funding of Federal Universities
2.3.3    Entrepreneurship
2.3.4    Digitization
2.3.5    Knowledge Management
2.3.6    Spirituality
2.3.7    Innovation and Transformational Leadership Behaviours
2.3.8    Emotional Intelligence
2.3.9    Self-Efficacy
2.3.10  Gap in the Literature
2.4       Theoretical Framework
2.4.1    Application of theoretical framework to the study
2.5       Hypotheses
2.6       Operationalisation of concepts

CHAPTER THREE: Study Area and Research Procedure
3.1       Study Area
3.2       Research Procedure
3.3       Sources and method of data collection
3.4       Validity and reliability of instrument
3.5       Method of data presentation and analysis

CHAPTER FOUR: Data Presentation, Analysis and Findings
4.1       The relationship between Transformational Leadership and management of Federal Universities in South East
4.2       Management of Federal Universities in South Eastern Nigeria and   the existence of the components of Transformational Leadership Behaviours (TLBs)
4.3       The challenges of Transformational Leadership Behaviours (TLBs) in the Management of Federal Universities in the 21st Century

CHAPTER FIVE: Discussion
5.1       Summary of findings
5.2       Transformational Leadership behaviours (TLBs) and management and the management of Federal Universities in the South Eastern Nigeria
5.3       South Eastern Federal University managements and the existence of the Components of Transformational Leadership behaviours
5.4       The challenges of Transformational Leadership Behaviours (TLBs) in the Management of Federal Universities in the 21st Century

CHAPTER SIX: Summary, Recommendations and Conclusion
6.1       Summary
6.2       Recommendations
6.3       Conclusion


Transformational leadership describes the ideal relationship between leaders and followers. It facilitates a redefinition of a people’s mission and vision, a renewal of their commitment and the restructuring of their systems for goal accomplishment. The ultimate goal of education management is to enhance the institutional mission by ensuring high quality teaching, training, research and services to the immediate and global communities. The achievement of these objectives requires good governance that combines social vision with the understanding of global issues coupled with efficient managerial skills to enhance academic leadership, thus academic productivity. The general goal of the study was to assess how the Federal Universities in South Eastern Nigeria had achieved effective management which is a necessity for their attainment of the world class University Status through the adoption of Transformational Leadership Behaviours. The specific objectives of this study are to: (i) examine the relationship between transformational leadership behaviours and effective management of Federal Universities in the South Eastern Nigeria; (ii) determine the extent to which Nigeria University managers apply transformational leadership roles in their management of the Federal Universities in South East and (iii) identify the challenges of transformational leadership behaviours in the management of the South Eastern Federal Universities. Primary and secondary sources of data collection were used in this study. Primary sources comprised personal observation and face to face interview. The secondary sources included books, newspapers, journals and official documents. The population of the study was 21,000 staff members comprising principal officers, lecturers, senior and junior administrative and Technical staff on the one hand, and a population of 91,000 students from University of Nigeria, Nnamdi Azikiwe University and Federal University of Technology Owerri. Purposive sampling technique was employed in drawing a total of 69 members of staff and 21 student union executive members from different cadres in the three Universities studied. The study found out that Transformational Leadership Behaviours has significant relationship with effective management. Federal Universities in the South Eastern Nigeria need Transformational leaders to be able to attain a World Class University Status. The absence of idealized influence poses a challenge to the application of Transformational Leadership behaviours in the Federal Universities in South Eastern Nigeria.

1.1 Background to the Study
In this era of globalization, technology has been of great relevance, reducing the whole world to a global village. Following this, successful leaders world over tend to draw ideas from one another giving rise to the modern leadership concept known as `transformational leadership behaviours which in turn has a lot of impact world over on education generally (Onwurah, Chiaha and Ogbuanya,2007). World class status has always been the aspiration of any university that intends to continue to be in the education industry (Rozainun, Noormala, Puzziawati, Rohana, 2009). The world declaration on High Education for the 21st Century

(1998)   affirmed   that   the   ultimate   goal    of   education      management    is   to   enhance   the institutional mission by ensuring high quality teaching , training, research and services to the community’. The achievement of these objectives requires governance that combines social vision with the understanding of global issues coupled with efficient managerial skill.

.Bryman, (1992) and Lowe K.B, and Sivasubramaniam, (1996) opined that in more than 100 empirical studies, transformational leadership has been found to be consistently related to organizational effectiveness. Fullan (2001) claimed that the search for effective leadership led to the discovery of transformational leadership behaviours (TLBs).

According to Leithwood (2000), Transformational leadership is that which facilitates a redefinition of a people’s mission and vision, a renewal of their commitment and the restructuring of their systems for goal accomplishment. Transformational leadership fosters

capacity development and brings higher levels of personal commitment amongst ‘followers’

to organizational objectives. According to Bass (1990, 21) transformational leadership “occurs when leaders broaden and elevate the intere sts of their employees, when they

generate awareness and acceptance of the purposes and mission of the group, and when they....

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Item Type: Ph.D Material  |  Attribute: 197 pages  |  Chapters: 1-5
Format: MS Word  |  Price: N3,000  |  Delivery: Within 30Mins.


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