This research work set out to examine the use of ICT in the teaching and learning of oral English in secondary schools in Nsukka Education zone. The specific objectives of the study are: to determine the available ICT facilities for the teaching and learning of oral English in secondary schools in Nsukka Education zone; to determine the ICT skills possessed by oral English teachers and students; to find out the level of the use of ICT facilities by oral English teachers and students; to find out the benefits of ICT in the teaching and learning of oral English and to find out the obstacles to the effective use of ICT facilities in the teaching and learning of oral English. Relevant literature was reviewed. The population of the study was four hundred and fifty-two SSII students and twelve English language teachers randomly sampled from twelve secondary schools. Data was collected through questionnaire. Simple percentage was used to analyze the data. The results revealed that only a few ICT facilities are available in the secondary schools in Nsukka Education Zone. The subjects of the study agree that the use of ICT in the teaching and learning of oral English is beneficial. But, most of the oral English teachers and students do not use them because they do not posses ICT skills. It was generally discovered that effective use of ICT in the teaching and oral English in Nsukka Education zone was hampered by lack of knowledge of ICT, non-availability of computers for the class size, constant electric power failure, lack of trained personnel to handle ICT instructional materials, absence of language laboratories, non-possession of personal computer and access to internet facilities. Recommendations made include that the school administration should encourage government, individuals and NGOs to provide and/or donate ICT facilities to schools. The ICT facilities if provided and/or donated should be used during classroom interactions as the teachers and students should be adequately trained at cheaper or no cost for the proper utilization of the ICT facilities.

Title page
Table of contents

1.0       Introduction
1.1       Background of the Study
1.2       Objectives of the Study
1.3       Research Problem
1.4       Relevance of the Study
1.5       Scope of the Study
1.6       Research Questions

2.0       Review of the Literature
2.1       Conceptual Framework
2.2       Theoretical Framework
2.3       Empirical Studiers
2.4       Summary of Literature Review

3.0       Research Method
3.1       Design of the Study
3.2       Area of the Study
3.3       Population of the Study
3.4       Sample and Sampling Technique
3.5       Instrument for Data Collection
3.6       Validation of the Instrument
3.7       Method of Data Collection
3.8       Method of Data Analysis

4.0       Presentation of Data

5.0       Discussion and conclusion
            Works Cited

1.1  Background of the Study
The English language is not indigenous to Nigeria. Yet, it is studied and used in Nigeria more actively than most of the indigenous languages. The English language is Nigeria’s second language but many parents prefer their children speaking English to their indigenous languages. In some primary schools, English is used as the medium of communication. Whoever speaks indigenous languages is made to pay some money or is severely punished.

In some secondary schools, the same thing is observed. Nigerian tertiary institutions are not left out in the wide spread use of English. The work places cannot but be mentioned. Our aged parents who are half-educated or did not attend any school still hunger and thirst for the English language.

No wonder, Bamgbose (1971) asserts, “Of all heritage left behind in Nigeria by the British at the end of the colonial administration, probably none is more important than the English language”.

If this is the case, the Nigerian users of English should aim at pronouncing English words in a way that brings out their messages best without altering the language to the extent that its value as a medium of communication will be lost. Where this foundation is laid is in the lower levels of education; nursery, primary and post primary schools.

Hence, as important as it is, the English language teaching and learning in Nigerian secondary schools should not be handled lightly. The teaching and learning of the English language here does not only refer to grammar but also oral English.
Iyiola, (2010:2) affirms, “To say that the English of Nigerians is appalling is to state the obvious. This is so because over the years, attention has not been paid to the teaching of the speech sounds of English in schools... He further observes, however the emphasis in recent times on the phonic method of teaching English at the primary school level, and the inclusion of an oral English component in the SSCE syllabus is an indication of a renewed interest in correct pronunciation”.

Onuigbo (1996:103) writes, “ Oral English as a component of the language scheme in the secondary schools, is a very welcome development, a positive development which will not only give rise to good speech habits but will also affect the written form of the language for the better”.

To Omosowone and Akindolire (2003:126), “Oral English is now an integral and essential part of the English language syllabus that also carries reasonable mark in the school Certificate Examination. Oral English is integrated in the school curriculum, not only for the purpose of examination but also, to teach students how to speak English language correctly and meaningfully for effective communication”.

Meanwhile, Ukwuegbu, Okoro, Idris, Okebukola, Owokade and Okebukola (2002:185) write, “The senior secondary school oral English paper has become an important aspect of the English language examination”. They further say, “You should also know that beyond learning oral English for the purpose of passing your examination, you need it to be a better listener and communicator”.

According to Ogunsanwo, Duruaku, Ezechukwu and Nwachukwu (2003:241),

“Since speech is used more in every language than other forms, it is necessary that learners of a language become quite familiar with the correct speech forms of the language. Unlike the old system under which oral English was an optional paper and carried no credit in the.....

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