This topic “The role of marketing in the development of tourism in Nigeria using Nike lake Resort Enugu as a case study” was carried out to show how Nike lake resort provides satisfaction to customers through sales promotion as the role of marketing in the development of tourism. The research is an attempt to give a summary of this work, draw a vivid picture of what the research work is all about while at the same time highlight the purpose, methods and results of the study. The study was divided into first chapters. The purpose of the study covered specifically the following critical areas: determine how sales promotion contributed in the profit motive of the firm used as the case study, determines how customers were stimulated to patronize the hotel. Consequently, in order to ensure that the purpose for the study were achieved the researcher strategically adopted the tools outlined contribution to the findings. The techniques and tools employed were as follows. Sample survey preliminary test, source of data collection, sample size, research population and statistical analysis, All of which we discussed in chapter 3. The information gathered through the questionnaire distributed were used in data analysis in chapter four (4) of this study. In the data analysis, table and percentages were used for analyzing the questionnaires. In fact, hypothesis formulated in chapter four using chi-square (x2) technique. The purpose of which as that it provided accuracy and could be used for one or more variables the results of the hypothesis were summarized in chapter five (5) of this work. In conclusion therefore, it is worthy of note that the adoption of application of the above approaches and or techniques were with the sincere believe to providing an acceptable and reliable information for this research work which at the same time serves as a reference point for subsequent research studies in a related topic.

Title page
Table of contents
1.0   Introduction
1.1   Background of the study
1.2   statement of the problem
1.3   Purpose of the study
1.4   Significance of the study
1.5   Research question
1.6           Hypothesis
1.7   Scope of the study
1.8   Definition of terms
 2.1 Review of Related Literature
2.2 Definition of Tourism
2.3   Role of marketing in the Development of Tourism
2.4 Origin of Tourism
2.5 Benefits of Tourism
2.6 The need for Tourism Development
2.7 The Role of marketing in Tourism
2.8 Tourism marketing
2.9 Marketing concepts in Tourism
2.10 Market mix
3.1Design of the study
3.2 Area of the study
3.3 Population of the study
3.4 Sample of the Study
3.5 Instrument for Data Collection
3.6 Validation of the Instrument
3.7 Distribution and Retrieval of the Instrument
3.8 Method of Data Analysis
4.1 Presentation of Data
4.2      Analysis of Data
4.2.1Analysis of having effective marketing
department in tourist organizations with
marketing professional to oversee and tackle problem
 that may arise.
4.2.2 Analysis of advertising tourist service along
        with the marketing strategies to its consumers
        for effective goals.
4.2.3Analysis of accepting marketing as a discipline
        with its concepts have bearing to management
        of tourism.
4.2.4Analysis to make or mar the economic
development of a nation and the ways in which
government can encourage tourism.
4.2.5                 Analysis of having adequate tourist facilities
             in our tourist centres.
4.3      Hypothesis of the role of marketing in the
development of tourism industry in Nigeria.
4.4      Discussion of findings.
CHAPTER FIVE                     
5.1 Summary of the Findings
5.2 Conclusion
5.3 Recommendations
5.4 suggestion for further Research
Appendix A
Appendix B

1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY                                         
There is no gain saying the fact that the ultimate aim of every business undertaking is to maximize profit. Some organizations fail to recognize that satisfaction is synonymous with profitability. This means that until a consumer is satisfied with an offering, the organization has not achieved its profit goals.
        In fact marketing as one of the management functions,,, has numerous contribution to make in tourism development.
Marketing is the management function which organization and directs all those business activities involved in assessing and converting customer purchasing power into effective demand for a specific product or services to the final consumer or use so as to achieve the profit target or other objectives set by the company, it was seated by British institution of marketing.
J. KRIPPERDORT (1979:35) defined marketing in tourism as the systematic and co-ordinate execution of business which by tourist undertaking to achieve optimal satisfaction of the need of identifiable consumer groups and in doing so to achieve appropriate profit for themselves.
        The 7P’s Tourism
In any business there is the need to understand the marketing mix in order to be successful. Not to over emphasis on this 7P’s of tourism. This 7p’s examined the marketing mix of tourism, the product element, the price element, the promotion element, the place (destination) element, the people element, the process element and the physical evidence element.
These are applied to the package holiday sector of travel industries to illustrate the importance of each element. On this belief emphasis on 7P’s, Tourism which is defined as the practice of travelling for pleasure, especially during holidays and the business of providing holidays tours, hotels etc for tourist.
Tourism is also the sum of the phenomena and relationship arising from the travel and stay of non-residents and is not connected with any earning activity. Defined by 2 HANILIER and KRAFT
It is an industry, which is based in the visits made by people within and outside the country for the purpose of relaxation recreation and participation in non-routine activities.

The destinations of tourist center are often located outside where people live and work.

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Item Type: Project Material  |  Attribute: 75 pages  |  Chapters: 1-5
Format: MS Word  |  Price: N3,000  |  Delivery: Within 30Mins.


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