1.1 Background of the Study
1.2 Statement of Problem
1.3 Objective of Study
1.4 Research Questions
1.5 Research Hypothesis
1.6 Scope of Study
1.7 Significance of Study

2.1 Cultivation Theory Definition
2.2 Assumption on Major Tenets of the Theory
2.3 The Relevance of the Theory to Mass Communication Professionals, Scholars
2.4 Argument for this theory over others

3.1 Introduction
3.2 Research Design
3.2 Method of Data Collection
3.3 Sampling Technique
3.4 Method of Data Analysis

4.1 Introduction
Table 4.1: Gender
Table 4.2: Age gap of respondents
Table 4.3: Favorite TV content
Table 4.4: Hours spent on TV
Table4.5: Time of the day you mostly watchthe content
Table4.6: How do you watch your preferred TV content
Table 4.7:Do you stay awake watching TV than sleep
Table 4.8:Do you watch TV program more than once
4.9 Coding sheet representing focus group 1
4.10 Coding sheet representing focus group 2
4.11 Emerging themes across focus group 2


Chapter One
1.1          Background of the Study
““In the last few years participative Television (TV) has seen the upward growth trend with innovative technologies being deployed by broadcasters Owens et al (1999).Of the modern day inventions, the advent and spread of television channels across the globe have subtly changed the contours of social relationship. The literature on the influence of TV viewing is less. Man is a social animal and socializing plays an important role in keeping ourselves concerned about others in neighborhood. Television is the window of the world. That is through television we can see what is happening in different part of the world. The glamour and glory of television has attracted all sectors of society. It has literally hypnotized the even teenagers. Today the beneficial and adverse influence of television is a matter of great concern. The harmful influence have been often postulated and reported. “But no serious scientific attempts have been made to confirm this. Television viewing is quite random these days. People are more addicted to it rather than giving time to their dear ones.”(Owens et al 1999).

Most viewers now, however, are watching their TV mainly via cable; terrestrial and direct to home television delivered via satellite Internet through mobile phones. Accessibility to television is on increase day by day and has been accepted by the society. Varieties of programs like, News, Sports, Educative, Entertainment, animation, etc. are available round the clock. These are especially designed to attract all sectors of society. Many targeted programs and commercials in television are drawing more number of children to its folds. Adolescent high, students and adult spend more time in front of TV by waiving their regular activities. “The impact of television, a powerful media, used by very large number of student is a matter of great concern to psychologists educationist community health personnel, pediatricians, educationalists, parents, planners and social scientists worldwide.” “Change in lifestyle, low school performances, behavioral abnormalities, sleep disturbances has been associated with the television viewing. Baseline data regarding television viewing habits like time spent in viewing, distance from the television, program selections etc. are crucial which need to be understood to formulate effective awareness strategies.

Influence of the media
The media has become an important institution in our modern societies. However, we often delude ourselves into underrating the capability of the press. We must understand that the press forms part of our life as members of a community. The term media is the plural of medium “the media are one of the many institutions that exist in a society.” (Berger, 2007). As people, we have identified and accepted the influence of various institutions that helps maintained our society in which we lived. Education, the family, religion, and politics, all this institution, have been accepted to have a significant impact in maintaining and influencing our lifestyle and behaviors. However, there is certain degree of delusion to the actual impact of the media on the choices we make in life and generally our way of life.

With human activities becoming more and more sophisticated, society changing, with cultural landmarks being eliminated. The Media in the 21st century have succeeded to be one of the institutions that have helped maintain the community. The media has over the years evolved into an organization that has accommodated almost all other organizations of the society, with a robust platform of presentation that has no physical boundaries. Along with this development is the challenge of “media imperialism” or “media colonialism.”

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