The focus of this research work is based on the impact of interest rate on investment decision in Nigeria. An econometric analysis between the periods of 1981-2010. Secondary data obtained from the central bank of Nigeria (CBN) statistical bulletin (volume 21) DEC 2010. Date was collected and empirical analysis made. To achieve these objective multiple regression was used in analyzing the data that the impact of interest rate on Nigeria prior to interest rate regulation in 1.986 and serve as guide to how interest rate can be fixed to enhance effective accumulation of savings that can channel to investment. Policy recommendation Government should in massively embarks on large-scale agriculture, manufacturing industrialization e.t.c and equally encourages small and medium scale enterprise (SMES). Public private partnership (ppp) should also be encouraged by government for efficient and effective production.

1.1          Background of the Study
Investment is the change in capital stock during a period. Consequently, unlike capital, investment is a flow term and not a stock term. This means that capital is measured at a point in time, while investment can only be measure over a period of time.
Investment plays a very important and positive role for progress and prosperity of any country. Many countries rely on investment to solve their economic problem such as poverty, unemployment etc (Muhammad Haron and Mohammed Nasr (2004).
Interest rate on the other hand is the price paid for the use of money. It is the opportunity cost of borrowing money from a lender to finance investment project. It can also be seen as the return being paid to the provider of financial resources, for going the fund for future consumption. Interest rates are normally expressed as a percentage rate. The volatile nature of interest is determined by many factors, which include taxes, risk of investment, inflationary expectations, liquidity preference, market imperfections in an economy etc.
Banks are given the primary responsibility of financial intermediation in order to make fund available for economic agents. Banks as financial intermediaries move fund. Surplus sector/units of the economy to deficit sector/units by....

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