The industrial sector remains a strong sector of any economy, be it developed or developing. The developed countries are noted for their high industrial performance. The effect of the industrial activities on the economy of underdeveloped or developing nation is still under contention. It’s a fact that the economy will not grow without its industrial activities. These activities include: agriculture, manufacturing, mining and mineral processing and export opportunities for manufacturers. This study specifically analyze the impact of industrialization to economic development. It postulate that inspite of the effort of Nigerian government, Nigeria still show a stunted growth because of some constraints. In order to redress these problems, it was suggested that government should ensure policy consistency by allowing fiscal and monetary policies to work themselves out before a counter policy is introduced, also, industrial policy must be designed, reviewed and implemented in such a way that it will facilitate and not discourage investment in the sector. Based on the above, the prosperity of the nation to a large extent dependents on the development and sustenance of the industrial sector.

Industrialization is regarded as a central object of economic policy in most developing economies. They see industrialization and agriculture as an integral part of development and structural change. Some economic analyst are of the view that industries play a vital role in the economic growth and development of any country. In this research work, effort is made to analyze the impact of the industrial sector to the economic development of Nigeria.

Generally, the industrial revolution which took place in Britain between the late 18th and 19th centuries has gotten much to do with the present set back on industrial development led to the factory process that metamorphosised into industrial production. Thus, history recorded that the industrial sector performance in Nigeria’s economic growth is as old as the nation itself. It dates back to the amalgamation of the southern parts of the country in 1914 to for...

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Item Type: Project Material  |  Attribute: 67 pages  |  Chapters: 1-5
Format: MS Word  |  Price: N3,000  |  Delivery: Within 30Mins.


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