Radio is one of the viable media of mass communication. Just as communication is the transfer of information from the source to a destination. Presently, for anything to be called communication it must efficiently reach to the source, passing through the specified channel. Undoutfully, there is no way communication could be completed without feedback. It is on this background, that the research deemed it necessary to have a look at the listening habit of students in higher institution of learning particularly University of Uyo students.   The researcher went further to find out what could entice students to listening to the radio programme. In the world today, different radio stations exist, but ability to attract audience listening is what matters, and when this is lacken people turn off their radio. Any time a radio station encounters this, the audience interest wear away as the station’s image is put at stake. It is therefore revealed that for a media house to be successful it needs to work on having the audience in place before planning its programmes.
Due to the heterogeneous nature of the student’s population in the University of Uyo which formed my case study, convenient sampling technique was used. In this method, 200 final year students was selected cutting across various faculties of the university from the entire population and this was able to reveal whether students listen more or less to radio programmes.

Title Page

Chapter One: Introduction
1.1     Background of the Study
1.2     Statement of the Problem
1.3     Objectives of the Study
1.4     Research Questions
1.5     Research Hypothesis
1.6     Significance of the Study
1.7     Scope/Limitation of the study
1.8     Definition of Terms

Chapter Two: Review of Related Literature
2.1     Introduction
2.2     Theoretical Framework
2.3     Nature of Radio
2.4     Strengths and Weaknesses of Radio
2.5     Radio Listenership
2.6     Advantages of listening
2.7     Attitude

Chapter Three: Research Methodology
3.0     Introduction
3.1     Research Design
3.2     Area of the Study
3.3     Population of the Study
3.4     Sample of the Study
3.5     Instrument for Data Collection
3.6     Reliability and Validity of Instrument
3.7     Techniques of Data Analysis
3.8     Scoring of the Research Instrument
3.9     Decision Rule

Chapter Four: Data Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation
4.1     Introduction

Chapter Five: Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations
5.1     Summary of Findings
5.2     Conclusion
5.3     Recommendations

1.1      Background of the Study
Radio is an essential mass medium that virtually every member of the society benefits from. Kuewumi (2009) asserts that Radio has radicalized the face of human communication and ultimately become a fixed pointing the daily lives of humans whereby people are informed, taught, nurtured and reformed by way of relaxation, reinvigoration and resuscitation. This he argued, makes radio as a medium of mass communication being constantly sought after by its ardent listeners. Radio is the wireless transmission of signals through free space by electromagnetic radiation of a frequency significantly below that of visible light, in the radio frequency range, from about 30 kHz to 300GHz.
Egbuchulam (2002) defined radio as: a mobilizer and a formidable factor in the new world order in economy, technology and politics. Radio is best described as the cheapest, safest and the most effective medium of communication available to man.
According to Onabajo (1999), in the developing world as in Asia and Africa, radio is cheap; it does not cost much compared to television which is expensive. It is also portable i.e. it can be easily transported from one place to another. It is credible as it transmits messages that its listeners hold important. Radio canalso present news as it happens, brings the voices of news makers and artists into the homes of listeners. It also provides dramatic shows and other entertainment, which listeners can visualize even in the absence of visuals. For that reason, radio enjoys the advantage of simultaneity. It requires little effort of its consumers to comprehend its message. It is a good companion that entertains and informs its listeners.
Kuewumi (2009:148) has this to say about radio: “imagine a world without radio; it will be like a garden without flowers and trees. Radio daily feeds us with information, teaches us and calms our nerves. If radio is well understood and its potentials realized, hardly will there be any one that will live without a radio. Many anxious moments will be healed.” Radio is a vehicle for projecting personality through which it attracts......

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Item Type: Project Material  |  Attribute: 37 pages  |  Chapters: 1-5
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