The research closes the gap between the audience and presenters of wazobia dem say dem say radio program and creates relationship between the public and broadcasters. Relying on the survey design and a 10-item structured questionnaire, which focused on how often they listen to Pidgin English programs on radio, and distributed purposively to 400 respondents, the study assesses meaning presenter of the program “dem say dem say” on wazobia FM tries to pass across to listeners of the program. The questionnaire was structured using Likert scale. The data gathered was analyzed using descriptive statistics. Findings show that number of respondents that listen to PE program on wazobia “dem say dem say”, and have correlation of words they hear with that of the presenters was sixty-two percent and it shows that those who do not have correlation of words with the presenter are less in number. Interestingly is that some language use could be effective in communication despite not being structured as grammarians would suggest.


Table of Contents
List of Tables

Chapter One: Introduction
1.1       Background of the Study
1.2       Statement of the Problem
1.3       Research Objectives
1.4       Research Questions
1.5       Significance of the Study
1.6       Scope of the Study
1.7       Definition of Terms

Chapter Two: Literature Review
2.0       Introduction
2.1       Concept of Meaning Placement
2.3       Language Use
2.4       Pidgin English Usage in Language in Nigerian Radio Broadcasting
2.5       Theoretical Framework

Chapter Three: Research Methods
3.0       Introduction
3.1       Research Instrument
3.2       Population of Study
3.3       Sampling Method & Sample Size
3.4       Data Gathering Instrument
3.5       Validity
3.6       Measurable Variable
3.7       Data Collection
3.8       Data Analysis

Chapter Four: Data Presentation, Analysis & Discussion of Finding
4.1       Data Presentation
4.2       Discussion of Findings

Chapter Five: Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation
5.1       Summary
5.2       Conclusion
5.3       Recommendations

1.0 Background
Communication is exchanging of information either orally or written form. One of the essential elements of communication is feedback and effective communication. Communication is also a “process of using words, sounds, signs, or attitude to express or interchange information or to express your ideas, thoughts, feelings, etc., to someone else”.

In this study, communication is important because it is a way of reaching mutual understanding in which presenter not only exchange information but, it creates and share meaning. Language as a tool of communication, people share their experience and feelings through the easiest means they can be understood in their society and amongst themselves. It doesn’t matter the language used but all that matter is that it conveys the right message that was passed by the source.

The existence of Pidgin English began as a result of the colonial masters coming into Africa. Well respected philosophers noted that there is no language that is an island meaning that language can also develop through a pre-existed one (Akinfeleye, 2008). The existence of Pidgin English was through the English language. The use of Pidgin English began in the colonial era, when it was necessary for Africans to understand the language of the white man in order to be able to fit in the happenings of the society. At that period, if an African man gets to be able to understand the language of the white man, he is placed on a big position ahead other fellow Africans (Ihemere, 2006). As a result, a lot of African’s endeavor to try to fit in with the English language and during the process of change developed the Pidgin English.
The term Pidgin English refers to a language that is developed in the situation where the speakers of another language have to communicate but do not have a common language to share with another (Ndolo, 2005).

Pidgin English is a mixture of English and local languages which enables individuals who do not share a mutual language to communicate

(Akinfeleye, 2008) Stated that the Nigerian Pidgin English accommodates fun and creativity, therefore, it has been able to fill significant actual space of communication in Nigeria. All these must have been considered by Ihemere (2006) stating that the Pidgin English flourishes better being an inter-ethnic medium of communication. It is identified as being important to be adopted at some state or private broadcasting stations to give daily news in it and generally believed to be a very useful broadcasting language in the country. At recent times, job opportunities arise for those that are well spoken and fluent in the Pidgin English language. For instance there are job opportunities within the movies industry, newspapers published in Nigerian Pidgin, magazines and radio programs that are presented on Nigerian Pidgin entertainment. Generally, the Nigerian Pidgin is proposed as being a replacement to standard English broadcasting in Nigeria such that the uneducated people are able to survive the society, knowing very well that the language appeals to wider audience from all parts of the societies in the country (Deuber, 2005).

Therefore, since communication stands as a major life wire of all societies, at all sphere of the societal, cultural, industrial, educational, and all the levels needs information to optimally function in the society (Akinfeleye, 2008).

Therefore they must get some level of communication from the broadcasting media in a language that they can effectively understand. This forms the interest of this paper, to investigate....

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