This work is a study of the merger of theme and style in Chimamada Adichie’s Purple Hibiscus and Zaynab Alkali’ s The Virtuous Woman. It is an analysis of how special configuration of language has been used in the realisation of a particular subject matter/theme in the two novels to achieve a specific aesthetic purpose. The linguistic means as applied in the two novels include how, through characterization, the authors were able to bring out themes and stylistically developed them to capture the interest of readers. These linguistic means include linguistic parallelism, syntactic devices, lexical equivalent, violation ofselection restriction rule, and literary devices. These features have combined to produce the aesthetics of the novels under study. In undertaking this study, we have relied on primary and secondary sources. An intensive research in related published works and internet material helped to provide adequate theoretical framework. Adichie’s and Alkali’s lexical selections delivered the message of the novels in spite of the presence of indigenous words. Thus, Adichie and Alkali have established themselves as prolific writers with great aptitude for presenting their socio-cultural themes with amazing flexibility and dexterity.

Title page
Table of contents

1.1       Background of the Study
1.2       Objective of the Study
1.3       Significance of the Study
1.4       Scope of the Study
1.5       Research Problem

2.1       Conceptual Framework
2.2       Theoretical Framework
2.3       Empirical Framework


Textual Analysis

Summary, Conclusion and Suggestions

CHAPTER ONE: Introduction
1.1              Background of the Study
The relationship between language and literature has remained a subject of scholarly debate. While language is a set of words and phrases with meaning behind them, literature is the manipulation and use of those words and phrases to communicate the intended message.
In literature, language is meticulously crafted, not just to inform a reader but to persuade him, to play and poke at his mind. Consequently, there is this question whether content can exist independent of form or form independent of content or still whether both work together in actualization of aesthetics. In this regard, language comes under form, since it is the carriage-way through which the literary artist passes on his message which is content. It is obvious that understanding content involves understanding the medium that carries it and medium exists because it has content to pass across. Valery in Todrov (30) says that “literature is and cannot be anything but a kind of extension of application of certain properties of language”. Tratigal (28) also argues that “proficiency and competence in the use of language provide effective reading and proper understanding of desired experience in a work of art”. Spitzer quoted in Leech (2) states that “the smallest detail of language can unlock the “soul” of a literary work’’, showing the relationship between language and literature.
Language is solely or totally a human method of communicating ideas, emotions, desires and feelings by means of a system of voluntarily produced symbols. Just like the senses, language offers an opportunity for the articulation of life, and because of this, a novel attempts to reflect reality. A novelist through language expresses his emotions, experiences and thoughts. It is also through language he depicts his characters and their actions. Through the same language he creates and depicts the reality in the real world in his novel. The artistic coherence of a novel, therefore, depends on the writer’s manipulation of language as the success of the writer is judged by his language.

The study of literature, on the other hand, is the study of language use. To respond to any literary work/text one must as a matter of fact, critically understand the inter-relationship between form and content based on the principles of language. A good writer is revealed in the style and language he has created for himself. That is why every creative writer struggles with words in a bid to find the best way of expressing his themes, perceptions, ideas and sensations. Chukwukere in Mgbeadichie (2) says that “the inherent literary creation results from novelist’s failure to grasp fully and articulate skillfully those aspects of socio-literary phenomenon known as sensibility”. A novelist’s success or failure depends partly on his handling of the form, but more importantly, on his awareness of the nuances of language.

This is why Chimamanda Adichie’s and Zynab Alkali’s novels are interesting. They remain skillful artists who create societies with their linguistic peculiarities as seen in the dialogue, actions and behaviour of individuals in their novels. Sincerely speaking...

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