The advantage of cellular communication like GSM technology is a potential solution for such remote controlling activities. GSM-SMS technology can be used to control household appliances from remote places. Remotely, the system allows the home owner to monitor and control his house appliances via his mobile phone set by sending commands in the form of SMS message and receiving the appliances status as well. This system provides ideal solution to the problems caused in situations when a wired connection between a remote appliance device and the control unit might not be feasible. The system is wireless and uses the user’s mobile handset for control and therefore the system is more adaptable and cost effective. The system uses GSM technology thus providing ubiquitous access to the system for appliance control. With this hypothesis, three different approaches have been proposed and implemented in this project; FIRSTLY, home control switch/household appliances are controlled by server mobile which acts as remote control. SECONDLY, GSM-SMS messaging technology is used to control them from remote places and FINALLY, to provide a multiple agents environment.

Nowadays, people’s expectations in their life quality are increasing as the technology is improving rapidly. People need an affordable system (smart) that can make their lives easier, more comfortable, and offer more safety.GSM based home automation system is an electrical and electronic system designed to control home appliance with a mobile phone. The two main technologies applied in the system are GSM and PLC. GSM stands for global system for mobile communication and PLC stands for power line communication. In this study, Nokia 6100 is chosen as the GSM phone that receives command and transfers it to controller. Due to rapidly advancing of mobile communication technology and widely availability make it possible to incorporate mobile technology into home automation systems. ’’AT’’ command is used as communication between GSM phone and microcontroller by passing through a serial interface RS232 with the help of its driver.

The project is based on the principle of GSM network, which enables the user to remotely control the operations of the appliances by using a mobile phone. In other word it would transform a normal home into an intelligent home. The controlling circuit is the most important component in communication and interface between home appliances. It was implemented by....

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Item Type: Project Material  |  Attribute: 58 pages  |  Chapters: 1-5
Format: MS Word  |  Price: N3,000  |  Delivery: Within 30Mins.


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