Table of Contents
List of Tables

Chapter One
1.1       Background of the Study
1.2       Statement of the Problems
1.3       Objectives of the Study
1.4       Significance of the Study
1.5       Scope of the Study
1.6       Limitation of the Study

Chapter Two
Literature Review and Methodology
Review of Related literature
2.1       Introduction
2.2       The relationship between effective leadership and
            organizational performance
2.3       Conceptual clarification
2.4       Leadership and Motivation
2.5       Motivation and Job Performance
2.6       Leadership effectiveness and job performance
2.7       Leadership Style
2.8       Organisational performance
2.9       How to measure organizational performance
2.10     Leadership and communication
2.11     Characteristic and qualities of good leadership
2.12     Managing Subordinates in Organisations
2.13     Summary of the Review of Related Literature
2.14     Methodology of the Study
2.15     Hypotheses
2.16     Theoretical Framework

Chapter Three
3.0       Background to the National Youth Service Corps
            Scheme Corps Scheme
3.1       Objectives of the Scheme
3.2       Functions of National Youth Service Corps
3.3       National Youth Service Corps State governing Board
3.4       State Secretariat
3.5       Local Government committee on the NYSC
3.6       Organisational Structure of NYSC Kogi Sate
3.7       Occupation of the people of Kogi State
3.8       Geography of Kogi State.

Chapter Four
4.0       Introduction
4.1       Data presentation and Analysis
4.2       Presentation of Data
4.3       Data Analysis
4.4       Discussion of Findings

Chapter five
Summary of major findings, conclusion and recommendations
5.1       Introduction
5.2       Summary of major Findings
5.3       Conclusion
5.4       Recommendations
5.5       Contribution to knowledge
5.6       Suggested Area for future Research


The study aimed at evaluating the impact of effective leadership on organizational performance in Nigeria using National Youth Service Corps Kogi State office. The evaluation was done through the use of questionnaire and structured interview question, tailored towards: determining the impact of effective leadership on the performance of the organization; assessing the effect of the relationship between effective leadership and organizational performance in promoting maximization of the objectives of the organization examining whether three are leadership obstacles that hamper organizational performance in the Kogi Sate NYSC; finding out if there are possible way of enhancing organisational performance in the Kogi State NYSC. The study employed survey research design in the work. The questionnaire was structured in five point scale in line with the objectives set out to be achieved in the study. The instrument was checked for reliability using test-re-test method. A sample size of 82 was selected from a total population of 103 and stratified random sampling was used to select the respondents. The data generated from the field survey were presented and analysed using quantitative method like frequency distribution tables and simple percentage (%). The test of hypothesis was performed using chi-square statistical test. The result arising from the primary data tested at 0.05 co-efficient interval and degree of freedom revealed that there is positive and significant relationship between effective leadership and organizational performance in NYSC Kogi State. The study also revealed that there are no leadership obstacles that hamper organisational performance in the Kogi State NYSC resulting from the structure of the organisation management. However, the study revealed that in-spite of the above, there are other factors that affect organizational performance. These factors are lack of good office, equipments, insufficient funds and poor work environment. Again, the work also revealed that in the Kogi State NYSC there are possible ways of enhancing organisational leadership for effective performance. Above all, the study revealed that there are no empirical evidence to show the relationship between effective leadership and organisational performance. In view of the above, since it is people that make up organisation therefore, it has been recommended among others that all those things the people need to enable them perform at high level should be put in place for them.

1.1    Background of the Study
The role of leaders in ensuring excellent organisational performance can not be over emphasized. Adequate motivation, suitable work environment, compensation, efficient communication between managers and subordinates play an important role in promoting this goal. Planning and organisation of work is also very crucial in organisational attainment. Some researchers have argued that the most common problems affecting organisational performance in Nigeria business and other institutions are poor attitude to work among workforce, inefficiency as well as ineffectiveness of leaders in most places, though others share a contrary view. This second school of thought believes that organisations in Nigeria are manged through leadership styles that are strange to typical Nigerian are managed through leadership styles that are strange to typical Nigerian culture. In the wake-up call to address this issue, management practitioners in Nigeria have embarked on series of studies in an attempt to establish the relationship between effective leadership and organisational performance. Some found out that effective leadership styles are positively related to organisational performance while others have a different view. Still there is no empirical evidence to show how effective leadership styles impacts on organisational performance. Again given our cultural background, educational....

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Item Type: Postgraduate Material  |  Attribute: 108 pages  |  Chapters: 1-5
Format: MS Word  |  Price: N3,000  |  Delivery: Within 30Mins.


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