This study is set to find out Effects of Ownership Control on Broadcast Media (A case study of Broadcasting Corporation of Oyo State (BCOS)).
          It is observed that there are factors militating against press freedom and smooth running of media establishment. One of them is Ownership control.
          Mass Media needs to disseminate positive undiluted and objective information that is free of bias, devoid of political and economic undertones. This is the hallmark of ethical journalism. No doubt, this kind of stainless journalism is what virtually every journalist aspire to practice. But somewhere along the line there are factors militating against the desire to uphold this responsibility.
          The above explanation made this study to look at effects this is having on broadcast media and come up with recommendations on the way forward based on the data collected.
          The personnel at BCOS have been selected as our population and questionnaire is the data gathering instrument for the study.

·        Title Page
·        Certification        
·        Dedication
·        Acknowledgement
·        Abstract
·        Table of content

1.0     Introduction
1.1     Statement of the Problem
1.2     Research Question
1.3     Purpose of Study
1.4     Definition of Terms
1.5     Scope of Study
1.6     Limitation of Study
1.7     Significance of Study

2.0     Literature Review
2.1     Media Ownership
2.2     Federal Government Ownership
2.3     State Government Ownership
2.4     Private Ownership
2.5     National Broadcasting Commission
2.6     Initial Administrative Structure       
2.7     History of BCOS

3.0     Research Methodology
3.1     Subject/Study Area
3.2     Population and Sample Size
3.3     Data Generating Instruments
3.4     Validation of Research Instrument
3.5     Administration of Questionnaires
3.6     Methods of Data Analysis
3.7     Problem Encountered

Data Analysis and Discussion of Findings
4.0     Introduction
4.1     Analysis of Data
4.2     Discussion of Findings
4.3     Research Question One
4.4     Research Question Two
4.5     Research Question Three        
4.6     Research Question Four

5.0     Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation
5.1     Summary, Conclusion
5.2     Recommendation

Mass media is the modern means of keeping the society informed, educated and entertained. It includes Radio and Television as well as the printed matter comprising of newspapers, magazines, journals and periodicals. They are basically used for information dissemination, education and entertainment of the society.
They have been useful instrument of propagating and sustaining the culture of the society and by extension politics, economics and social activities of a given society.
The possessive nature of man and his natural tendency to desire wealth has made it mandatory on the human folk to strive to own properties in which man has vested interest. Ownership refers to autonomy of an individual over an organization in general terms; ownership is the state or act of possessing 2 things or object. Media ownership therefore, refers to the paternity or possession of a medium of communication. Paternity here means the act of owning. This paternity may evolve as a result of total financing of a medium either by an individual, an organization or government.
For political reason, government owns radio and television stations. In countries with totalitarian and military regimes, radio and television stations are set up and staffed by government because of the fear that such stations could be used to cause problems, if left in the hands of private businessmen. Nigeria is however not an exception to this rule. From 1992, private radio and television stations were  granted licenses to operate in Nigeria.
Prior to the decree legalizing private radio in 1992, both state and federal governments have been responsible for the establishment of radio and television stations. The federal government went further to set up provisional radio stations and external services. Government not only controls the media but also who can own the media. Media ownership is enhanced in the constitutional principle, which allows for both government and private ownership of print media and put the electronic media under the exclusive reserve of government at both state and federal level, except where an individual is granted the concession to establish it by the president of the nation.
Ownership control by government and private individual has been seen as one of the militating factors against press freedom. This phenomenon has been observed as giving birth to different kinds of control. This, Goke Raufu (2003) listed as:
·        Managerial Control
·        Educational Control
·        Advertiser Control
However in spite of the detestable nature of this phenomenon ownership of media has to be shouldered by some people.

          Mass media has been commonly defined the modern means of relaying news and opinions to a large number of people especially radio and television. Their function includes entertainment, education and information dissemination to the society. For the media practitioners to coordinate these functions effectively and discharge their duty objectively and judiciously without fear of favour depend on a number of factors.
Communication is the core of human existence and superiority over other animals. If we accept that communication is at the center of existence, then we will be doing the world a great deal of damage if we fail to disseminate positive, undiluted and objective information that is free of bias and devoid of political and economic undertone. But somewhere along the line, there lurks a factor militating against the desire to uphold this tenet of press responsibility. This is why it is imperative to look and examine the effects ownership control will have on the totality of the broadcast industry. 

1.       Does ownership control negate the principles of press freedom?
2.       Does ownership control negate smooth running of the establishment?
3.       Does deregulation of the broadcast media serve as a catalyst for media creativity?
4.       Does ownership control affect government owned than private owned stations in their programming content? 

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Item Type: Project Material  |  Attribute: 40 pages  |  Chapters: 1-5
Format: MS Word  |  Price: N3,000  |  Delivery: Within 30Mins.


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