In recent times, there has been growing concern about the rising but volatile rate of investments in Nigeria. Thus concern stem from the fact that investment plays a dominant role in stimulating growth. The study buttress on the overview and empirical analyses into the determinant of investment in Nigeria in other to achieve the objective hypotheses which was stated with the purpose of achieving current and future stable and upswing of investment by readdressing problems of investment, as highlighted in the statement of problem. The study used investment as dependent variable and interest rate, inflation, foreign direct investment, degree of trade openness, gross domestic product, and money supply as independent variable. In analyzing the data, economic model of multiple regression using ordinary least square (OLS) techniques was employed. t- test was conducted to evaluate the significant of independent variables in the model not statistically significant at 5 percent level. Auto correlation and heteroscedaticity test were employed as the second order test.

1.1            Background of the Study
The Nigeria economy has witness a slow pace growth of less
5 percent in the decades. Various reasons have been advanced to this development but the most apparent have been poor investment climate in the economy and this has been attributed to the low available investable funds.

The stimulation of sustained economy growth requires a balance investment in physical and financial assets human and social capital as well as natural and environmental capitals.

Nigeria has been classified as low saving and even lower investment economy (Ajakaiye 2002) one of the principal objectives of the Nigerian government under the 1999 democratic dispensation is fostering of sustained economic growth. Over the years, the government has been in the driver’s seat in growth the government economy. But lessons of experience have shown that government cannot regulate the economy effectively. A typical example has been the shift under the National economic empowerment and development strategy (NEEDS) which has recommended the need to.....

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Item Type: Project Material  |  Attribute: 54 pages  |  Chapters: 1-5
Format: MS Word  |  Price: N3,000  |  Delivery: Within 30Mins.


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