This research work sought to determine the delinquent readership problems in libraries of colleges of education in Enugu and Ebonyi Sates. The main objective was to determine delinquent readership problems in three Colleges of Education Libraries in the two States. Five research questions were adopted for the study. Descriptive survey research method was adopted for the study. The instruments used were questionnaire (delinquent readership problems in Libraries of Colleges of Education in Enugu and Ebonyi States DRPCLQ) and interviews. The population of the study were the staff, students and the college librarians. The questionnaire was administered to 53 library staff of these three institutions to which 50 responded. Two interview schedules were constructed for students and college librarians and librarians of key areas (circulation, reference and serials) of these institutions, one for 45 students and the other one for the college librarians and librarians of key areas. The data collected was presented in tables and analyzed using means. It was discovered from the study that the three institution libraries experience delinquent readership behaviour in the form of hiding of library materials, mutilation, rip-off, theft, vandalism, answering of phone calls and noise-making. The factors responsible for these delinquent acts are poor security in the library, lack of photocopying facilities, lack of conscience among library users, and high cost of library materials These delinquent acts lead to inadequacy of library materials, frustration among the users and lack of interest in making use of the library materials among the users. Strategies for reducing the menace included: securing windows with burglar proofing and screens. orientation for new students, provision of photocopying facilities at reduced rates together with a standby generator and provision of adequate library materials.

Background of the study
Statement of the Problem
Purpose of the Study
Research Questions
Significance of the Study
Scope of the Study

Conceptual Framework
Concept of college libraries
Concept of Delinquent Readership
Factors that Cause Delinquent Readership
Effects of Delinquent Readership
Strategies for forestalling Delinquent Readership
Reviewed Empirical Studies
Summary of Literature Review

Design of the study
Area of the Study
Population of the Study
Sample and Sampling Technique
Instrument for Data Collection
Validation of the Instrument
Reliability of the Instrument
Method of Data Collection
Method of Data Analysis


Discussion of findings
Implications of the study
Suggestions for Further Study
Limitations of the Study

Background of the Study
Education has been identified as the instrument par excellence for national development in Nigeria. Consequently, teacher education has to occupy a position of pre-eminence in the planning and organization of our modern society. This in turn demands that the Nigerian people and government make both teaching and teacher education a very attractive professional pursuit. It is based on this that the Nigeria Certificate in Education (NCE) programme is generally aimed at producing teachers with high personal and professional discipline and integrity, teachers who are dedicated, with appropriate skills and intellectual depth that would facilitate easy achievement of the national goals on education as stated in the National Policy on Education.
The following objectives have been enunciated to represent the mission of colleges of education by the National Commission for Colleges of Education (NCCE) (1996):
*          Discuss intelligently the main ideas that have affected and still affecting the development and practice of education generally and Nigeria in particular.           
*          Examine the main psychological and socio-economic factors that may help or hinder a child’s educational performance.
*          Discuss intelligently major issues affecting the teaching profession in Nigeria.
*          Identify major problems of education in Nigeria.
*          Completely carryout at least, a survey research on any educational problem in Nigeria.
*          Study learners appropriately as to determine the most effective ways of relating to them to ensure their maximum learner-achievement.
*          Select an effective use of appropriate teaching strategies and methods for maximum learner-achievement.
*          Select and make effective use of appropriate instructional resources for maximum leaner-achievement.
*          Broaden studies programme and demonstrate desirable levels of moral and character development.
The library is the intellectual power house of an institution of learning. It is the pivot on which all academic activities revolve. Batley, Carbo and Koenig (2007), define library as an organized collection of books and other materials. Such materials may include magazines, newspapers, maps, films, compact discs, computer systems, and other print, electronic and multimedia resources. Libraries play a vital role in the world’s systems of communication and education. The numerous resources and services that libraries provide help people carry out their work, studies and leisure-time activities. Libraries rank among society’s most important and useful cultural institutions. The libraries render these services to the society by creating knowledge, conserving it, retrieving it and disseminating it. By so doing, they play an active and invaluable role in research, training and education of the citizens and in the production of high level manpower in academic environments.
The libraries of the institutions of higher learning, such as colleges of education, polytechnics and universities, are committed to supporting and promoting the academic and research programmes of the parent institutions. For every college to achieve the above stated goals set by the National Commission for Colleges of Education, it must have a college library that will provide resources and services to the institution. College libraries, like other academic libraries, have the basic function of aiding the parent institutions in carrying out their objectives.
The objectives of the libraries include provision of information materials in support of the learning process, provision of materials to meet the requirements of faculty specialists and postgraduate students who are doing research, and provision of materials to assist the library user in his own personal self-development, (Ozioko, 1996).
            The library contributes to the realization of these objectives and supports the total programme by acquiring and making available the books, materials and services, which are needed. The NCCE (1994) objectives of libraries in Colleges of Education as stated by Adamu (2001) include, to:
*          Ensure that its collection and services are designed to meet the objectives and information requirement of colleges of education.
*          Ensure that the resources and facilities provided are maximally used through proper organization and dissemination.
*          Give qualitative reference and information services for study, teaching and research needs in the college community.
*          Evaluate from time to time the success of the library in meeting the library and information needs of users.
            In the light of the importance of books and other information materials to our academic environment, book abuse in the form of theft, mutilation, hiding of books and vandalism have been a matter of concern to all libraries. The menace of these delinquent acts in the libraries hindered the growth of the library collections and imposed substantial financial drain on limited budgets of the library.
The term “delinquent reader” according to Souter (1976) refers to a “user of the library who over-borrows to a high degree, retains books after they have been recalled or illegally borrows, steals or mutilates books.” User delinquencies according.....

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