Customer relations are clients oriented and at its root lay the need to create a convivial atmosphere that will be beneficial to the organization and its sundry clients. Customer relations entail building or establishing a relationship between an organization and its customers through excellent service provision and delivery in other to create an impressionable opinion of the organization in the minds of the customers. Therefore, this study, “customer relations practice in the old and new generation banks: A comparative analysis”, compares and analyses the customer relations practices of both old and new generation banks in Nigeria with the view to identifying their distinct customer relations orientation and its implications on banks’ profits and sustenance. Using survey research and In-depth Interview methods, 384 respondents were sampled through cluster, quota and systematic sampling techniques respectively. This was from the total population of 783,047 for Enugu and Awka Metropolis. The questionnaire and interview were the instruments of data collection. The findings reveal no bank in Nigeria (both old and new generation banks) has found lasting solution to the problem of traffic and queuing system, which is attributed to staff inefficiency. However, new generation banks were found to do better in terms of service delivery and handling of customers’ complaints. At the final analysis, it is recommended that since all efforts to eliminate long queues in Nigeria banks has not yielded much results, banks should employ more staff as well as open more branches or expand the existing ones where necessary. Also, the daily withdrawal of the maximum of One Hundred Thousand Naira (N100, 000) with ATM Cards should be reviewed upwards so that the customers would have lesser transactions to make inside the banks.

Title Page
Table of Contents

1.1       Background of the Study
1.2       Statement of the Problem
1.3       Objectives of the Study
1.4       Research Questions
1.5       Significance of the Study
1.6       Scope of the Study
1.7       Definition of Terms

2.1:      Focus of Review
2.2:      Banking in Nigeria: A general overview
2.3:      Customer Relationship Management: A Conceptual Appraisal
2.4.      CRM and customer satisfaction: A Review
2.5:      Corporate Image, Public Confidence and Customer Service in Banks
2.6:      Theoretical Framework

31.       Research Design
3.2       Population of Study
3.3       Sample Size Determination
3.4       Sampling Technique
3.5       Measuring Instrument
3.6       Validity and Reliability of Measuring Instrument
3.7       Method of Data Analysis

4.1       Data Presentation and Analysis
4.2:      Discussion of Findings

5.1       Summary of Findings
5.2       Conclusion
5.3       Recommendations

1.1        Background of the Study.
Customer relations is a very broad field that encompasses customer/client service, corporate social responsibility, relationship marketing, reputation/image management among others. Due to its broad scope, it does not have a generally acceptable definition. However, this notwithstanding, one thing is certain-customer relations is clients-oriented and at its roots lie the need to create a convivial atmosphere that will be beneficial to the organization and its sundry clients.

Customer relations entails building or establishing a relationship between an organization and its customers through excellent service provision/delivery in order to create an impressionable opinion of the organization in the minds of the customers. Some organizations that have thrived in business over the years are those that carved a niche for themselves as customer friendly enterprises. In most cases, the difference between ailing and thriving companies or organizations lies in their customer service orientations. This is because, studies have shown that the perception of customers towards a particular organization or company goes a long way in determining the kind of patronage they give the organization. This is why a small company can grow and outshine its better in the market.

Customer relationship management, as the name implies, is saddled with the responsibility of establishing, developing and sustaining relational partnerships between an organization and its clients. It is becoming an important issue in marketing in order to gain customer loyalty, improve customer relations rates, as well as increase profits. Customer relations management refers to a management approach that seeks to create, develop, and enhance relationships with carefully targeted customers in order to maximize customer value and corporate profitability… (Kuo-chung and Chin-shan, 2012:64).

Customer relations (also known as customer care or service in some companies) is seen as giving attention or provision of service before, during and after a transaction. According to Turban et al. (2002), “customer service is a series of activities designed to enhance the level of customer satisfaction – that is the feeling that a product or service has met the customer expectations”. It attempts to make best utilization of both divides. That is, it is geared towards customer satisfaction and aims at increased profitability.
The importance of customer service/relations may vary by product or service offered industry and customer. In the banking sector, customer relations take two dimensions, customer service (care) and financial relations. Although, in most cases separating them is most difficult because both of them are geared towards winning customers and ensuring the loyalty of existing ones. Customer service entails assisting the customer in making cost effective and correct use of a product or service. It includes assistance in planning, training, troubleshooting, maintenance, upgrading and disposal of a product or service. It can be provided by sales or service representatives, or by automated means. Examples of automated, are the Internet sites Automated Teller Machines (ATM). ‘Automated means’ in this instance, can be based entirely on self-service, or may also be based on service by more or less means of artificial intelligence.  


Financial relations, on the other hand, entails relationship marketing (a new

concept in marketing communication). Relationship marketing has been viewed by

Unegbu (2012:4) as buyer – seller relationship that accumulates over time with

opportunities  to    transfer  individual   and    discrete   transactions into     relational

partnerships. She further states.

It implies the development of long-term relationships between the customers and the suppliers, in order to generate advantages for all those involved and to allow the co-creation of value rather than its unilateral distribution. It (relationship marketing) aims not only at attracting but also retaining customers and knowing them better (Unegbu, 2012:3).

Customer relations (which is the concern of this work) is “the frontline between an organization and its customers” (Lawson 2012:1). It highlights the relationship that is based on the understanding existing between an organization and its clients. The role of a customer relations person, to quote Ayo Oyebade, a brand strategist, is mainly to make the client happy and get into his (or her) good books by meeting every possible demand of the client or customer....

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