Title Page
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Table of Contents

CHAPTER ONE: Introduction
1.1. Background to the Study
1.2. Statement of the Problem
1.3. Purpose of the Study
1.4. Research Questions
1.5. Scope and Limitations of the Study
1.6. Relevance of the Study

CHAPTER OF TWO: Literature Review
2.1. Conceptual Framework
2.2. Identification of Morphemes of the English
2.3 Classification of Morphemes
2.2. Empirical Studies on Morphemes
2.3. Summary of Literature Review

CHAPTER THREE: Methodology and Theoretical Framework
3.1. Design of the Study
3.2. Method of Data Collection
3.3. Method of Data Analysis
3.4. Theoretical Framework

CHAPTER FOUR: Presentation and Analysis of Data
4.0. Presentation and Interpretation of Data
4.1. Research Question 1
4.2.2. Research Question 2
4.2.3. Research Question 3

CHAPTER FIVE: Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations
5.1. Discussion of Findings
5.2. Implication of the Study
5.3. Conclusion
5.4. Recommendations for Further Research

Since Language occurs in a great range of modalities; for example, it is encountered in scientific formulas as pure description unconditioned by time and place, and ideally conveys nothing about the individual who constructed it. This study focuses on analyzing and contrasting the processes of morphemes of both English and Igbo languages. The method of data analysis was contrastive, since this research is a contrastive study of morphemes of English and Igbo languages. The various rules and processes of the formation of words via morphemes was identified and classified for the purpose of contrastive studies. In trying to find out the similarities and differences, English and Igbo morphemes were compared so as to postulate the degree of possible interference the learner will have in learning the English as a second language. The researcher applied marching method of contrastive analysis. It is found that all word-formation processes are generally rule-governed, but these rules are sometimes very complicated and some processes overlap and interpenetrate each other. General similarities appear in both languages, in borrowing, affixation and compounding. Both languages use prefixes and suffixes in formation of words via morphemes Compounding in English is a very productive process, likewise in Igbo. It is also found that unpredictable formations in English are not found in Igbo; likewise some formation process in Igbo cannot e found in English. All compounds in Igbo are semantically endocentric, while English offers four types of semantic compounds.

CHAPTER ONE: Introduction
1.1. Background to the Study
In the study of every language, the most important and difficult aspect is the study of the spelling system and word formation. This is important because it is on these that the whole structure of language lies. In the teaching and learning aspect, the most rigorous part of languages which does not have the specific and the scientific rules to provide a guide is the spelling system, as the system is neither guided by the pronunciation nor by the system of language itself. Apart from this spelling system, another aspect of language that beats off specification is the formation of words. Though unlike spelling, it is guided by rules. Akwanya (2008) notes that

language occurs in its great range of modalities; that shows that it is encountered in scientific formulas as pure description unconditioned by time and place, and ideally conveys nothing about the individual who has constructed or spoken it.

Descriptions and the use of rules to govern language structure are more on morphology and syntax.
It is a very common phenomenon for the speakers of the English and Igbo languages in normal speech environment to expect instant perfection and mastery of the use of morphemes in language use. Some people who speak English have come to a conclusion that since morphemes are many in a language, the uses and the application are determined by the individual word. Still they do not seem to realize that there are syntactic rules that help in differentiating the morphemes. For example, every meaning of a word is merely determined by the morpheme that forms the word. In the English language, two words that have the same root (morpheme) but different bound morphemes belonging to the same word class always have different meanings pending greatly on the combination of morphemes. For instance, the noun, systemization is....

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Item Type: Postgraduate Material  |  Attribute: 55 pages  |  Chapters: 1-5
Format: MS Word  |  Price: N3,000  |  Delivery: Within 30Mins.


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