Every nation requires sustainable development to cater for its people and growing economy. Nigeria is not exempted from this trend. The fact is that human resources form any established sustainable development. This implies that the place of teachers cannot be over-emphasized in the teaching -learning process. In Nigeria, it appears that the teaching of art in Junior Secondary schools faces a lot of setbacks not only in infrastructural facilities, equipment, tools and art materials but also in the area of under-employment of trained Art teachers in schools. This incident may have resulted in students’ lack of interest in offering Fine Arts at Senior Secondary level. Due to the important role that Art plays in general education, it is important to see that this subject is taught well at Junior Secondary level. To achieve this, both qualified and adequate number of Art teachers becomes necessary. This study: “Availability and Adequacy of Art Teachers in Junior Secondary Schools in Abuja Municipal Area Council, Nigeria” therefore, has specific objectives of assessing the availability of Art teachers compared to the number of students offering Fine Arts at the Junior Secondary level; determine what needs to be done to solve the problem of inadequacy of Art teachers in the area of study, among others. Survey research design will be employed in this study with two test instruments; Test of Availability of art teachers questionnaire” to be administered among Art teachers and “Test to buttress the data collected through art teachers. The data generated from the study will be analyzed using simple percentages and recommendations made from emerging results.

Title Page
Table of Contents
List of Table and Appendices

Chapter One
1.0       Introduction
1.1       Background of the Study
1.2       Statement of the Problem
1.3       Objectives of the Study
1.4       Scope of the Study
1.5       Significance of the Study
1.6       Research Questions
1.7       Definition of Terms

Chapter Two
2.0       Review of Literature
2.1       Introduction
2.2       The Concept of Art
2.3 Teaching and Objectives of Art Teaching
2.4 Purposes of Teacher Education: Curriculum Challenges;
Qualities and Responsibilities of a desirable, Art Teacher
2.5 The Challenge of Unemployment and Unemployable Art Teacher
2.6 The Art Teacher and Challenge of Modern Technology
2.7 Capacity Building for Teachers
2.8 Need to Encourage Students to undertake in Art Education at Secondary School Level
2.9 Importance of Art Education in Contemporary Times
2.10 Summary of the Literature Review

Chapter Three
3.0       Research Method
3.1       Introduction
3.2       Design of the study
3.3       Area of the Study                              
3.4       Population of the Study
3.5       Sample and Sampling Procedure
3.6       Instrument for the Data Collection    
3.7       Data Collection Process
3.8       Validity of Instrument
3.9       Reliability of Instrument
3.10     Method of Data Analyzes

Chapter Four
4.0       Data Analyzes and Results
4.1       Introduction
4.2       Research Question 1
4.3       Research Question 2
4.4       Research Question 3
4.5       Research Question 4
4.6       Summary of Results 5

Chapter Five
5.0       Discussion of  Results and Collection
5.1       Introduction
5.2       Discussion of Results
5.3       Available Vital Human and Materials Resources for Art Teaching   and Learning
5.4       Effects of Art Teacher’s Attitude to Continuous Training Programmes on Students’ Performance
5.5       Use of Modern Technological Devices in Teaching Art
5.6       Attitude of Students Toward Arts after Junior Secondary Level
5.7       Conclusion on the Finding
5.8       Implications of the Research Finding
5.9       Recommendations on the Study
5.10     Limitations of the Study
5.11     Suggestions for Further Studies
5.12     Summary of the Study
Tables and Appendices

1.0                                           INTRODUCTION
1.1    Background of the Study
Art as a subject has long been accepted and included in the Nigerian school curriculum. This is dated back to 1922 and that was the effort of Aina Onabolu, the first art teacher in the country who started teaching art in some primary schools in Lagos unofficially after developing art skills through private practices. He later obtained a diploma in art in London and started teaching art officially on return to Nigeria.

As a result of students’ growing interest in the subject, Aina Onabulu appealed to the Government of Nigeria to employ the services of some foreign art teachers and this led to the coming of Kenneth C. Murray and Dennis Duerden. Their commitment to the teaching of art gave rise to the establishment of art centres in Lagos, Ibadan, Umuahia and Zaria. Ever since, there has been growing turn out of art teachers from our schools. These teachers are expected to teach either in the primary, secondary or tertiary institutions.

The focus of this work is to investigate the availability, which is in terms of employed art teaching staff and the adequacy thereof, which is in terms of the quantity of such art teachers in Junior Secondary Schools in Abuja Municipal Area Council (AMAC). National Policy on Education (1989:16) states that “Secondary education is the form of education children receive after primary stage”.

This makes it necessary to examine the purpose of art teacher education with the view of establishing whether their services are adequately utilized in Junior Secondary Schools in Abuja Municipal Area Council (AMAC) where art is taught with large student-population records. The study will reveal the worth of art teachers in this area and consider, whether they are adequate enough to enhance art teaching and learning for practical utility. Kanu (1994:104) posits that the relevant Junior Secondary School teacher therefore has:

i.             Clear understanding of the school system within a community context;

ii.       Sound understanding of her teaching subject  content and process skills;

iii.         Understanding of the rational, assumption;

iv.            and practices of contingency implementation model in the context of her teaching area;
v.                 Sound understanding of practical implication for teaching area of the principal of evaluation by continuous assessment.....

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Item Type: Postgraduate Material  |  Attribute: 84 pages  |  Chapters: 1-5
Format: MS Word  |  Price: N3,000  |  Delivery: Within 30Mins.


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