This dissertation is specifically designed to assess the relevance of Universal Basic Education [UBE] school textile weaving programme to youth’s empowerment in lmo State. The samples for the study were drawn from youths who dropped out from some primary and junior secondary schools in the three educational zones of the state. Moreover a review of related literature was done to establish a theoretical background for the work, towards explaining the concept art education and the objectives of the UBE programme in Nigeria. The study looked at the challenges of the implementation of the UBE school vocational programmes with regard to Fine and Applied Arts Education in general and Textile Weaving in particular. The researcher then argued that textile weaving/ dyeing has not been given its rightful environment, thus suggesting that local experts [in weaving/dyeing] be given opportunities to demonstrate their skills in schools. The major aim of mobilization stratagem for the UBE weaving programme should be value orientation, skills acquisition and good work ethics in favour of education among the youths as schooling no longer leads directly to employment. Conclusions were drawn and suggestions proffered.

Title page
Table of Contents
List of Tables

1.1 Background of the study
1.2 Statement of the problem
1.3 Purpose of the study
1.4 Scope of the study
1.5 Significance of the Study
1.6 Research Questions
1.7 Research Hypotheses

2.1 Meaning of Assessment
2.2 Relevance of UBE in relation to the Acquisition of appropriate Skills in Textile
2.3 Effective Training in Weaving, Thus Capacity Building of the Individual
2.4 Coping skills provided by UBE weaving programme
2.5 Influence of UBE in interpersonal relation among youths and the society
2.6 Provision made by Government for the running of Skill Acquisition Centres
2.7 Summary of literature review

3.1 Research Design
3.2 Area of the Study
3.3 Population of the study
3.4 Sample and Sampling Technique
3.5 Instrument for Data Collection
3.6 Validation of Instrument
3.7 Reliability of the Instrument
3.8 Administration of the Instrument
3.9 Method of Data Analysis

 4.1      Analysis concerning Research Question
 4.2      Analysis concerning Research Question 2
  4.3      Analysis concerning Research Question 3
 4.4       Analysis concerning Research Question 4
  4.5     Analysis concerning Research Question 5
 4.6      Analysis concerning Research Question 6
4.7       Analysis of Data concerning Hypothesis l
 4.8      Analysis of Data concerning Hypothesis 2
 4.9      Analyses of Data concerning Hypothesis 3

5.1       Discussion of Findings
5.2       Education Implication of the Study
5.3       Limitation of the Study
5.4       Recommendations
5.5       Suggestions for Further Studies
5.6       Conclusions and Summary of the Study

1.1 Background of the Study
Over the years, the Nigerian Educational System has witnessed several deliberate and sustained changes in response to societal needs and directions. Such changes are imbedded in the National Policy on Education, which was first published in 1977 and subsequently revised in 1981, 1998 and presently 2004. This document contained the structure of the 6-3-3-4 system of education. In section 7articles 39 through 54 of the policy, one notice some bias for science, technology and vocational education as the best option for applying education for service to the needs of Nigerian. The National policy on education [NPE 2004] emerged as a working document with lofty aims and objectives. Section three of the policy for example refers to primary education as the key to success or failure of the whole educational advancement, including preparation for trade and craft of the locality. Meanwhile, teaching at this level shall be practical, exploratory and experimental[FGN 2004].
To this end, the federal government set up a national educational policy implementation committee to translate the policy into workable blue-print that would guide the bodies whose duties it would be to implement the policy. The committee was also to develop monitoring system for the educational plan as it evolved. If the educational programme had been implemented correctly, the result would have been poverty reduction, employment generation, wealth creation and empowering of people through education.
It must be noted that the Federal Governments committed effort through the newly introduced UBE programme was to transform all aspects of the nation’s life. It was also to empower the youths who have been plagued with unsatisfactory end result of students’
 low academic performance which necessitated massive drop-out rate of both primary and junior secondary school especially in Imo State. This calls for some serious reflections on the appropriateness of our academic programmes at all levels of our educational systems.
Parents and guardians on their own part seem to have been complaining silently about the non performance of their children/wards and the quality of education. Some of the problems seem to be attributed to wrong choice of careers imposed by parents/guardians. Again, some of the students, when choosing careers never consider their ability. It seems that what they usually consider is prestige, money, social status and the syndrome that all their mates are in the university. After finding themselves in the wrong careers, unemployment problem sets in. They become unemployed because they have not acquired any requisite skill and technological know-how needed to perform tasks in those chosen careers areas. What is however worrisome is that the variety of learning experiences being projected through our educational system seem to have fallen short of expectations. But how effective the educational scheme will be depends on various reasons.
[a]        The planning and implementation of the scheme.
[b]        Its immediate relevance to the society or community to which it is offered.
[c]        The teachers
[d]       The school environment.
It seems that our educational system is being operated in context which is profoundly different from those for which they were established. The initial education and training, which were regarded as adequate equipment for future working life, turned to be inadequate to the present circumstance. The curriculum implementation served its purpose, but the recent collapse of the education system should provoke at the very least a serious questioning. Possibly, a whole some transformation of the philosophy and goals of education as it had failed to reckon and cater adequately for the peculiar needs and aspirations of most Nigerian youths. Ntagu [2003] observes that many children go to school without knowing what they are supposed to do and leave school without any idea of their potentials and what type of job or career they should pursue. Many therefore have little or no understanding of themselves and their environment. Many also leave or abandon school and end up in the streets. All these show that the individual child was not prepared enough by the school/society, to live effectively in his environment. There is the need to help young people especially the youths to understand themselves in terms of their abilities, interests, value, beliefs and potentials. They should be assisted to acquire skills that would enable them cope with the different circumstances or situations they may encounter later in life. This is because ourcomplex society requires not just basic skills but an unprecedented level of lifecoping skills for self—employment.
This study therefore, assesses UBE textile weaving programme as afunctional education given to the youths outside the formal school system as anopportunity to be useful citizens. It will further encourage the youths to live in theirenvironment, thus; inculcating job and wealth creation through textile weavingentrepreneurship and enterprise. It will also produce a new generation of youthleaders who were schooled and skilful in textile weaving and who would employthemselves if government fails to do so.
            Without doubt, a vocational choice is developmental and it should beginearly in the life of the child. Moreover, if the gains of the 6-3-3—4.system ofeducation are not to go down the drain, serious efforts should be made to sustainsuch cultural activities as weaving of fabric and other life coping skills ofoccupational activities within the UBE programme in order to cater for thedifferences in talents, opportunities towards providing the youths with vocationalskills where necessary for their future roles. This will be done by training andimparting the necessary skills (for example, textile weaving skills) to the youths inorder to be economically self-reliant.

1.2       Statement of the Problem
For the youths to play their leadership roles in the society, they need to bewell educated especially at the primary and secondary school stages. However,there appears to be a general belief that many youths do not attend schools beyondthe primary and secondary schools levels in Imo State. Moreover, during schoolhours, one notices that many youths of school age roam about the streets eitherhawking or getting themselves involved in thuggery, burglary and the like.Emphasis then shified from being well educated to making money by all means.Rather than being in school also, a good number of schools going age youths areengaged as helpers or apprentices at mechanic workshops or several businessoutfits. Some of them who are unfortunate to enter the hands of bad“entrepreneurs” end up being frustrated even the more. At the approach of the endof their serving period as apprentices, their masters could accuse them of one badthing or the other in order to deny them their discharge rights. .Suchdisappointments and the desire to make quick money often lure some of the youthsinto crimes of all sorts....

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