The research project studies the analysis of pear and its oil. The mesocarp from edible African pear “DacryodesEdulis” were evaluated for their oil yield. The pulp from this pear were oven dried at 100oC-105oC to a moisture content level of 29%.The mesocarp was subjected to proximate analysis to determine the percentage of the moisture, ash, fat, crude fibre, crude protein and carbohydrate content which resulted to the values of 29%, 2%, 19.6%, 25.5%, 11.9%, and 12% respectively. Then the dried sample was pulverized by using hammer mill and the oil was extracted by solvent extraction using n-hexane. The oil extracted were analyzed for the chemical properties i.e. (Acid value, saponification value, peroxide value, iodine value) etc. the values obtained are respectively 8.41gm/KOH/gm, 185.1gm/KOH/gm, 2.8gm/KOH/gm 3.96gm/iodine/gm and Physical properties i.e. (Refractive index, Ph value, specific gravity) which the values obtained are 1.469brix, 5.7 and 0.92. and the The percentage oil yield content is 51.57%. This physio-chemical characteristic and fatty acid composition of this oil show that they have industrial potentials.

In the major world, one major source of protein and vegetable oil is from oil seeds /fruits (Williams M. A. 1996). Oil constitutes a well defined class of naturally occurring substance. It is greasy, being soluble in organic solvents but insoluble in polar solvents such as water. Oil is a liquid at room temperature. Commercially, oil as well as fats is sourced from certain plant groups mostly seeds and nuts and some parts of animal within which they occur in relatively large quantity in an easily available form (McGraw-Hill, 1997). The existence of oil in certain plants has been known for century of years (Ogbu 2005).Oil can be grouped into edible and non-edible oil depending on the amount of unsaponified matters and impurities contained therein. Edible oil extracted from African pear, bread fruits, cashew nut, peanut etc. are examples of vegetable oil which are naturally occurring esters of higher fatty acids and glycerol, and are predominantly triglycerides with traces of mono and diglycerides, sterples, anti-oxidants, vitamins, saturated and unsaturated free fatty acids and other minor constituents. They are widely distributed in nature and were first consumed as food. Later, oils were discovered to be used as renewable raw materials for variety of non-food production. For instance; soaps, creams, disinfectants, paints, enamels, inks etc....

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