This work evaluated the efficiency of organizational communication strategies on Power Holding Company of Nigeria, Enugu zonal office. It was anchored on the word of month and agenda-setting theory. The population of the study was drawn from power holding company of Nigeria, Enugu zonal office, using explanatory mixed method (survey and interview methods). From the PHCN Enugu zonal office, a sample size of 298 respondents was selected. Questionnaire and interview served as the instrument for data collection. From the data collected and analyzed, it was revealed that organizational communication strategies has influence productive level of the staff of PHCH negatively, such as promoting team work, reducing grape-vine, and promoting organizational growth. Poor personal relations between superior and subordinates, poor designed of organizational structure, manager’s poor communication skill and lack of efficiency, organizational structure should be designed in such a way that guarantee free flow of communication and selecting appropriate communication patter and vehicle should be prioritized for effective understanding of managers and staff within and outside organizations.

Title Page
Table of Contents

1.1 Background of study
1.2 Statement of problem
1.3 Objectives of Study
1.4 Research Questions
1.5 Significance of Study
1.6 Operational definition of Terms

2.1 Focus of Review
2.2 The Review itself
2.3 Theoretical Framework

3.1 Research Design
3.2 Population of Study
3.3 Sample Size
3.4 Sampling Technique
3.5 Measuring Instrument
3.6 Validity/Reliability
3.7 Method of Data Analysis
3.8 Limitations of Methodology

4.1 Description of the Sample
4.2 Data Presentation and Analysis
4.3 Discussion of Findings

5.1 Summary
5.2 Conclusion
5.3 Recommendations

1.1 Background of the study
Over the years, managers have focused more attention on customer retention as an important and effective strategy in organizational growth. In recent times, they have begun to dedicate the same kind of attention to their employees, recognizing that employees have more to do with the success of a business than virtually any other constituency. A study by consulting firm Watson Wyatt concluded that the bottom line is that organization communication is no longer a “soft” function but rather a business function that drives performance and contributes to a company’s financial success. (Argenti, 2007, 137).

However, organizational communication is a complex, imperative process through which employees coordinate the work process essential to the functioning of any organization. Employees today are likely to want more information about the company for whom they work so organizational communication is the catalyst to organizational excellence and effectiveness and it should be continuous. (Dolphin, 2005,173).

According to Lee (2004) the fundamental purpose of communication in an organization is to enable and energize employees to carry out its strategic intent. It is essential for organizations to have the capability to quickly identify, send receive, and understand strategically relevant information. When making decisions on strategy and policy the necessity and challenge of communication must be taken into account, and organizing the communication so that if functions effectively must be part of the organizing’s strategic priorities.

The level of organization communication the altitude of its efficiency in performance. Communication within an organization cannot be effective as well increase performance if it is not tailored toward strategies that are manager-employee customers oriented. There must be a frame of reference between the manager and employee-customers. These are the three cardinal pillars that determine the success of an organization. This will lead to an open communication environment where manager, employees and customers of the organization feel free to share feedback, ideas and even criticism at every level. Managers who are committed to open communication build an environment of trust that can be the foundation for success (Richard, 1980).

The increasingly complex and highly competitive nature of today’s business environment puts greater pleasure on employees and also calls for more concerted effort in the area of communication (Argent, 2007, 138). Many organizations are not making headway as a result of lack of effective strategic communication that is targeted toward manager-employee-customer oriented. This has greatly affected their performance and on the long run fail to meet up with the demands of their customers. This shows the importance of organization efficiency where employees feel they are involved in decision that affect their day-to-day work. Organizations with a secretive communication environment shut people out, which can stifle involvement and result in lost ideals and opportunities. Employee’s involvement is a key factor that affects employee’s satisfaction and success (Richards, 1980).
Therefore, aim of this study is to evaluate the organization communication strategies of power Holding Company of Nigeria, using Enugu metropolis as a study. This study seeks to know the communication strategies of PHCN and its efficiency on their performance.

1.2 Statement OF THE Problem
In today’s competitive marketing sector, every manager strives diligently to arrest customer’s attention and enhance productivity in the organization. The implementation of a change plan can be successful only when it flows down from superior(s) to the subordinate(s), however, there are factors that hamper the implementation of efficient organizational communication in an organization. For instance, if customers are not satisfied with the provision of Electricity as a result of a gap in communication between between the superior and the subordinates of a company As a result of a grap in communication between the superiors and the subordinates company, this can lead to ma setback in satisfying the customers of that organization.

The Power Holding Company of Nigeria, Enugu Zonal office faces a lot of problems apart from infrastructural facilities and high interest rate, high rate of inflation which is also a problem in PHCN sector, other problems are low level of working capital and high cost of production. Above all, is the lack of effective communication among the staff of PHCN and as such, if good organizational communication is lacking the organization goals will not be achieved.

It is based on this premises that this study seeks to evaluate organizational communication strategies of PHCN, Enugu zonal office. However, problems that arise in this study will agitate the mind of the researcher to conclude if the communication system in PHCN Enugu will give subordinates the opportunity to communicate effectively with those on top and even its customers.

1.3 Objectives of the study
The major objective of this study is to evaluate the organizational communication strategies of Power Company on its organizational efficiency..... 

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Item Type: Project Material  |  Attribute: 67 pages  |  Chapters: 1-5
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