This study evaluates the corporate communication strategies of FRSC in building its image. The study was built on Frank Jefkin’s transfer process model and the image restoration theory. Using survey research design, the study sampled 156 respondents which was got from a population of 3,257, 298 residents of Enugu state. An error limit of 0.08, was applied to the Taro Yamani’s formula in order to obtain the sample size. The study made use of questionnaire as the research instrument. Using simple percentages and frequency distribution tables in analyzing the data, the study found out that majority of the respondents know about the corporate communication strategies of the FRSC to include; ember month rallies seminars and workshops, servicom units but that more than half of the respondents do not know about the FRSC facebook page. The study further revealed that poor implementation of these corporate communication strategies and corruption among FRSC officials undermine the effectiveness of these strategies. The findings also indicated that corporate communication is a veritable tool to build the image of FRSC, if it is well imbibed by the staff, will create confidence in its services to the public. The study recommends that future image management programmes should offer specific solutions to image challenges and this can only be realized through an extensive research based effort incorporated into corporate communication programmes. It also recommends that there should be periodic monitory and evaluation of these strategies.

Title page
Table of Content
List of Table

1.1       Background of Study
1.1.1  Historical Overview of the FRSC
1.1.2  The Nature of FRSC Corporate Communication
1.1.3  FRSC as a Brand
1.2       Statement of Problem
1.3  Objectives of the Study
1.4       Research Questions
1.5       Significance of the Study
1.6       Scope of Study
1.7       Definition of Terms

2.1       Focus of Review
2.2       The Review Itself
2.3       Theoretical Framework

3.1       Research Design
3.2       Population of Study
3.3       Sample Size
3.4       Sampling Technique
3.5       Instrument of Data Collection
3.6       Validity / Reliability of Research Instrument
3.7       Method of Data Administration
3.8       Method of Data Analysis
3.9       Limitation of Study

4.1       Presentation of Data
4.2       Discussion of Findings

1.5       Summary
5.2       Conclusion
5.3       Recommendation

1.1 Background of Study
The views of the publics about an organization tell the level of acceptability of that organization to its numerous publics. This depends on the organizations communication strategy. In support of this view, Udeze (2005:1), assert that, “communication is the epicenter of human society... communication can lead to wars or end wars”.

It is unfortunate that, because we all engage in communication everyday, we tend to assume too much knowledge of it. In line with this, Benson-Eluwa (1998:1), writes that, because we take it for granted, we tend to make many unpardonable mistake that do not only affect our personal and professional image but also the image of our organizations

According to Dominick (2002:351) the earliest forms of image management can be linked to Bethmann Lee; a journalist in America who resigned to open a public relations consultant firm in 1903. His first major assignment was to reposition the image of the battered Anthracite coal firm in America. Today the practice has spread to the extent that many institutions/organizations and even individuals have seen the need to either reposition or sell their image to the society for a better perception or profit maximization.

Studies, over the years, have shown that corporate communication have been used by organizations in their quest to improve their corporate image. Supporting this statement Okafor (2006:119), argued that, every organization/institution has its own goal, some for profit while others are to render quality and satisfactory services to the public, in a bid to live up to their expectations, these organizations employ different strategies to reach the target audience, and one of such strategies is corporate communication. Corporate communication has been used to manage and build the image of most organization.

These corporate bodies need to be heard, and seen in a favourable light in order to be recognized, patronized and promoted to a greater height. According to Belch and Belch (2001:587), many corporations enhance their public images through involvement in the affairs of local communities. No one wants to be seen as being bad. So through the aid of its public relations and corporate communication firms engage in campaigns that makes them acceptable.

Goodman (2000:1), posit that, corporate communication refers to the totality of a corporations efforts to lead, motivate, persuade, inform its various publics, which include consumers, investors, employees, and the media. Goodman notes that corporate communication can include such traditional disciplines as: public relations, investor relations, employee relations, community relations, media relations, labour relations, government relations, technical communication, training and employee development, etc. He also stated that corporate communication is inherently strategic in nature and offers the corporation a vital tool with which to gain a competitive advantage.

Without corporate communication, the good deeds that a socially responsible institution does may pass unobserved and it is corporate communication that help captures the public’s attention when it is highlighted. The creation and maintenance of good image towards an organization is the desirable overall result of corporate communication activity, creating the climate which aids achievement of its corporate objectives. Okoro (1999:v) posits that:

The image making business is not a chance affair. And before you can make someone to feel and look good, you have to feel and look good yourself. You cannot give what you don’t have.
Okoro went further to state that, in the business of image management, it is said that image is not only everything, it is the only thing. And image is the result of (i) what we think (ii) what we say and (iii) what we do. (Okoro 1990:12).

Therefore, the greatest challenge facing many institutions today is how to create and maintain a favourable image/impression about itself in the minds of its publics. It is the desire of most organization to achieve a high level of positive publicity for their programmes and activities: but unfortunately, some ill-informed organizations erroneously believe that their corporate image can be built only on publicity.

Nweke (2001:219), argued that “no matter how good, beautiful, appealing or inviting a corporate identity may be, and even with rapid application of the force of communication, without genuine supportive good deeds, such an identity can hardly lead to the realization of the desired positive impression”. It is a true saying worthy of all acceptance that constant communication without attendant good performance is sheer vanity, empty rhetoric, doomed to make no appreciable impact. It is akin to faith without good work, which invariably is dead.

In the same vein, Igben (1997:20), posit that, “Good behaviour result in goodwill and acceptance. Good behaviour involves deeds that have in them the interest of both the organization and its publics”. By its composition, Igben (1997), further argued that, the greater disclosure of information, awareness and creation of understanding with the internal and the diverse publics will lead to the achievement of good image towards the organization and its activities. So when an organization’s good image becomes tangible, it succeeds in creating the vivid impression that its publics need in order to build trust....

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Item Type: Project Material  |  Attribute: 80 pages  |  Chapters: 1-5
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