The purpose of this study was to assess advertising as a marketing strategy: using MTN Nigeria as a study. The aim of this study was to know the various advertising strategies use by MTN and how these strategies have helped in marketing their products and services. As a study on advertising, the survey design was used for the study, having a sample size of 360 respondents. Cluster sampling technique was utilized in selecting the respondents out of the total estimated population of University of Nigeria, Nsukka. The major findings showed that the various advertising strategies (infomercial, inherent drama, bonus pack, contest, and event sponsorship) used by MTN in marketing their products and services are effective advertising strategies. People subscribe to MTN after listen to their advertisement; People have several reasons of subscribing to MTN network.; Subscribers are impressed by MTN television commercials; Television commercials are very persuasive in nature; The use of television commercials by MTN has change non MTN subscribers to MTN subscribers; the use of dramatic element in MTN advertisement has very good influence on subscribers; Event sponsorship helps in promoting MTN products and services; The use of sports is the best in marketing MTN products and services; Subscribers have interest in the contest “ who want to be a millionaire” ;Who want to be a millionaire has positioned MTN in the mind of subscribers and non-subscribers.; Winners in the contest are not only MTN subscribers; MTN family and friends package compels people to subscribe to MTN., Subscribers use family and friends package because it reduces tariff, etc. Based on the findings, useful recommendations for further research were made: There is need for MTN to make appropriate use of various advertising and marketing strategies in order to win competition. Copying competitors advertising/marketing strategy need to be discouraged. Every strategy adopted by MTN need to be unique, attention arresting and influencing. MTN should reduce their tariff as well make sure that their customers compliant are respected to the core. Every MTN advertisement should be place in the right perspective, MTN should measure their customer’s satisfaction from time to time to avoid losing them to other operators. MTN should device means of upholding customer loyalty, retention as well profitability through giving bonus, event sponsorship and free airtime to customers from time to time. Price, service quality, product quality and availability are expected to be the target of telecommunication operator. Finally, telecommunication operators need to form a continuous lasting relationship with their customers to know them better and satisfy their needs adequately.


1.1 Background of study
1.2 Statement of problem
1.3 Objectives of the study
1.4 Research questions
1.5 Significance of the study
1.6 Scope of the study
1.7 Theoretical framework
1.8 Definition of Terms

2.1 Focus of Review
2.2 Telecommunication
2.3 Telecommunication and Customer Satisfaction
2.4 Advertising and Marketing Strategy

3.1 Research Design
3.2 Population of the Study
3.3 Sample Size
3.4 Sampling Technique
3.5Instrument for Data Collection
3.6 Validity of the Instrument
3.7 Reliability of the instrument
3.8 Technique for Data Analysis and Presentation

4.1 Presentation of Data
4.2 Discussion of Findings

5.1 Summary
5.2 Conclusion
5.3 Recommendations



1.1 Background of Study
In today’s highly competitive market, the ability to be ahead of another or at least at par with others is an essential ingredient for relevance. The face, nature and needs of present day business have drastically changed and so has the concept and practice of advertising.

In this era of intense competitive pressures, many firms are focusing their efforts on maintaining a loyal customer base. This is particularly true in the telecommunication industry where deregulation has created an environment that allows consumers considerable choice in satisfying their communication needs. Today, many network service providers are directing their marketing strategies towards increasing customer satisfaction, loyalty and improving their image through various advertising strategies.

Telecommunication operators are pursuing advertising and marketing strategy, because of the difficulty in differentiating based on the product and service offering. Typically, customers perceive very little difference in the product and services offered by network service providers. Most service providers have discovered that increasing customer retention rates can have a

substantial impact on profits and image of the company.        That is why they
usually embark on different advertising / marketing strategies to lure customers as well as attract new ones to their products and services. But most of these operators have not yet make appropriate use of unique advertising strategies in marketing their products and services. The unavoidable task facing telecommunication operators today is on how to focus on unique advertising and marketing strategies that will result in differentiate their products and services from other operators.

Since the liberalization of telecommunication industry, and the granting of operating licence to some private operators like MTN, ECONET, Multi-links, Intercellular, MOBITEL, EMISS, GLO, STARCOM, ZAIN, VISAFONE, RELTEL and ETISALAT, etc. by the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) to operate the Global System of Mobile Telecommunication (GSM) , the landscape of the industry has witnessed tremendous transformation and competition. The industry has created an environment that allows consumers considerable choice in satisfying their communication needs.

Today, telecommunication operators are pursuing marketing strategy through advertising of various kinds, like inherent drama, infomercial, event sponsorship, contest, bonus pack, etc. because of the difficulty in differentiating based on the product and service offering. Typically, customers perceive very little difference in the product and services offered by network service providers. Many service providers have discovered that increasing customer retention rates can have a substantial impact on profits and image of the company. Many network service providers are directing their marketing strategies towards increasing customer satisfaction, loyalty and improving their image through advertising.
Successful advertising requires good knowledge of overall marketing environments, awareness of consumer’s need and lucid understanding of salient attributes of a product as well as good marketing strategy in a competition environment. Most product benefits are salient until advertisement message make them known to buyers. Consumers are always seen as people who are trying to satisfy needs and as such seek for and given attention to product that has some certain benefits they sought through advertising.

Good marketing requires that you give customers rational reasons for their emotional buying decision. However, Trout (1969, p.51) opines; “the ultimate marketing background is the mind and the better you understand how the mind works, the better you will understand the type of strategy that will work for you.”

The apparent effectiveness of a given advertisement is judged by how much impact it has in the minds of consumers to which it is directed and as a marketing tool aims to accomplish by conveying accurate and compelling information to consumers.
Advertising strategy emerged from analysis of market situation. For instance if a product class is mature, definitely the company becomes the market leader or hero. For advertising to play a significant role in marketing a product in this modern era, it has become increasingly necessary for telecommunication advertisers to use a comprehensive advertising strategy or a particular strategy that will help in positioning their product and services or have much impact in the minds of subscribers....

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