Title Page
Table of Statutes
List of Cases
Table of Contents

1.1.      Background to the Study
1.2       Statement of the Problem
1.3.      Aim and Objectives of the Research
1.4       Justification of the Research
1.5.      Scope of the Research
1.6.      Research Methodology
1.7.      Literature Review
1.8.      Organizational Layout

Conceptual Clarifications of Key Terms
2.1       Introduction
2.2       Concept of Terrorism
2.3       Concept of Terrorist Financing
2.4       Concept of Money Laundering
2.5       Terrorist Financing Through Money Laundering
2.6       The Typologies of Terrorist Financing In Nigeria
2.7       Concept of Crime under Domestic and International Law

Terrorism in Nigeria
3.1       Introduction
3.2       Causes of Terrorism in Nigeria
3.3       Impact of Terrorism on National Development, Peace and Security
3.4       International Legal Framework in Combating Terrorism
3.5       International Legal Regime against Terrorism
3.6       The Regional Efforts of ECOWAS in Combating Terrorism

The Analysis of Domestic Legal Framework in Combating Terrorism and Terrorist Financing in Nigeria
4.1       Introduction
4.2       The Economic and Financial Crime Commission (EFCC) Establishment Act, 2004
4.3       Terrorism (Prevention) Act, 2011
4.4       The Terrorism (Prevention) (Amendment) Act, 2013
4.5       Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999 (As Amended)
4.6       Challenges in Combating Terrorism in Nigeria

Summary and Conclusion
5.1       Summary
5.2       Findings
5.3       Recommendations

Terrorism has been a scourge both to the government and the people of Nigeria. The human and material loss recorded in recent past is enormous and has been a source of worry to all. The sources of information relied here are relevant text materials, statutes (including international instruments), judicial authorities, articles in journal publications and internet materials. The problem of this research work, therefore, is how to bring terrorism to an end in Nigeria.In view of this, the objectives of this research work, adopting a doctrinal research methodology, is therefore, to examine the legal framework for combating terrorism in Nigeria, to examine the causes of terrorism in Nigeria and to proffer solutions to the menace of terrorism in Nigeria. The major finding of this work is the conflicting role of the National Security Adviser and the Attorney General of the Federation. The 2013 Act stated that the office of the National Security Adviser shall be the coordinating body for all security and enforcement agencies under this Act while it further stated that the AG of the Federation shall be the authority for the effective implementation and administration of this Act. The role of the NSA and AGF under this Act is overlapping and is capable of frustrating the workings of this Act especially where the occupants of these offices want to show the superiority of the offices they occupy. This is a potent danger in the administration of the Act and if not looked into may derail the fight against terrorism.One of the recommendations of this research work, therefore, is the amendment of Section 1A (1) and (2) of Terrorism (Prevention) Act, 2013 which is on the powers of the National Security Adviser and that of Attorney General of the Federation to clearly delineate their roles and functions in order to strengthen the fight against terrorism.

1.1.            Background to the Study
On Tuesday 11 September, 2001, four commercial planes were hijacked by terrorists. One hijacked passenger Jet leaving Boston, Massachusetts crashed into the north tower of the World Trade Centre at 8:45am setting the tower on fire. Eighteen minutes later, a second hijacked airline, United Airlines Flight 173 from Boston, crashed into the south tower of the World Trade Centre and exploded: Both airlines caused massive structural damage to the towers. Later that morning both the north and south towers collapsed, plummeting into the streets below. At 9:43am, a third hijacked airliner (American Airlines Flight 93) crashed in Somerset county, Pennsylvania, south east of Pittsburgh1.The crashing of these hijacked airliners into buildings and on land was the worst terrorists attack in the history of the United States. This led to the loss of nearly 3000 innocent lives and damaged property running into billions of dollars....

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Item Type: Project Material  |  Attribute: 122 pages  |  Chapters: 1-5
Format: MS Word  |  Price: N3,000  |  Delivery: Within 30Mins.


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