This study, The Influence of Home Movies on the Dressing Patterns of Students of Tertiary Institutions in Abia state, notes that home movies mediate in the culture of students of tertiary institutions in Abia state especially as it relates to their dressing patterns. Research has shown that, Movies, like books, are important medium of cultural transmission and socialization. Thus, the concern on media Influence has led to the development of different communication theories in an attempt to explain the relationship between communication messages and their Influence on the respondent. The thrust of this work was therefore, to examine the Influence that home movies have on the dressing patterns of students of tertiary institutions in Abia state. The survey research method was adopted, with a sample size of 400. The questionnaire was the research instrument for the collection of data. Findings showed that home movies celebrate African values in their dress patterns. This is in contrast with the obvious practice in Western and foreign movies where the contemporary trend is in the swap of roles between the male and the female gender as manifested in the swap of dress culture. This shows that home movies have Influence on the pattern of dressing of students of tertiary institutions in Abia State. The study recommends among other things that the home movies industry should use their medium to promote the very rich cultural values of Nigeria and Africa. More so, the Tourism industry should cash in on the large audience that the entertainment sector is drawing, to re-brand, package and present the good image of Nigeria as a country of economic opportunities and decent moral values.

Title Page
Table Of Contents
List Of Tables

1.1 Background of study
1.2 Statement of Problem
1.3 Objectives of study
1.4 Research Questions
1.5 Significance of Study
1.6 Scope of the Study
1.7 Definition of Terms

2.1 Focus of Review
2.1.1 Historical Analysis of Home Movies in Nigeria
2.1.2 Influences of Home Movies Viewing on Students Psychographical attributes
2.1.3 Home Movie Content: Gender and Racial Stereotyping
2.1.4 Studies on Media Influence: An Overview
2.2       Theoretical Framework

3.1 Research Design
3.2 Population of Study
3.3 Sample Size
3.4 Sampling Procedure
3.5 Measuring Instrument
3.6 Method of Data Analysis & Interpretation
3.7 Validity of Instrument
3.8 Reliability of Instrument

4.1Presentation of Data
4.2. Discussion and Interpretation of Findings

5.1 Summary
5.2 Conclusion
5.3 Recommendations


1.1        Background of study
The value of home movies as a medium of mass communication is esteemed all over the world. In Nigeria there are over one million audiences of home movies films who are affected in one way or another, by the subjects treated in Nigerian home movies. These movies portray message that have Influence on the viewers, mostly, their mode of dressing.

Movies hold a very special place in the culture of a people. “Movies, like books, are a culturally special medium…an important medium of cultural transmission. (Baran, 2009:75). Studies show that movies contribute to socialization and the transmission of culture (Baran, 2009; Daramola, 2007).

Research has shown that there exists a relationship between the mass media and social ills and other behavoural and attitudinal change in the society. For instance, the media are attributed considerable power to shape opinion and belief, change habits, and actively moulding behaviour and imposing political system even against resistance.

In discussing the Influence of home movies on the dressing pattern of students of tertiary institutions in Abia State, it is imperative to mention discourses on media influence. This is because, home movies are a mode of media transmission. In all of researches, the area of media Influence appears to be the most contentious. For one, if the media have no Influence on the society. Is there any realistic justification for their continued existence? For another, if the media do have influences on the thought process and attitude of mankind, should they take responsibility for the emergent foibles and discomfitures of man in the society?

The concern on media Influence has led to the development of different communication theories. This is an attempt to explain the relationship between communication messages and their Influences on the respondent.
O’Rork (2006) and Wogu (2008) argue that audiences are more likely to emulate models of behavior seen on the media if they expect to receive gratification from emulating another person “… Behaviour is influenced not only by personal or live models but by those presented in the mass media”. (O’ Rork, 2006:72)

Analyses on media Influence continue to show that the media have Influence on the pattern of behaviour of its audience. (Uwakwe, 2010; Okunna, 1999 and Okoye 1993).
Okunna, opines that because of their special power to affect the way people think, feel and behave, the mass media have been credited with incredible persuasive ability to change attitude and behaviour (1999:161). Culturally, this media Influence could be in the area of language, behavioural response, pattern of eating and dressing.

Since it has been established that film is a mass medium, it is proposed in this study that the home movie genre, which is the Nigerian local or indigenous films have Influence on the pattern of dressing of students of tertiary institutions in Abia State . This supposition is hinged on the fact that home movies have gained wide follower-ship among students of tertiary institutions in Abia State, especially the youths.
The home movie genre has come a long way in Nigeria. Akpan (2002) notes that the arrival of film in Nigeria came with the colonial government that established a film unit as part of the information department. And this was inherited by Nigeria after independence and became part of the ministry of information. However, as Akpan notes further, the production of feature films in movie film format began in Nigeria in the late 1980s.

Studies show that, the home movie, Living in bondage, released in 1992, set the stage for the Nigerian indigenous home movie, popularly known as Nollywood. This industry has continued to grow and explode to greater proportion such that it has pushed foreign media off the shelves of movie rental shops across Nigeria and other parts of Africa. (Uwakwe, 2010). Thus, Nollywood is the household name for Nigerian movie industry and which by definition, means Nigeria’s movie industry by Nigerian production team for the Nigerian audience.

This study utilizes the theory on media Influences on pattern of behaviour and attitude change and thus examines the Influence of home movie on the dressing pattern of students of tertiary institutions in Abia State.

1.2        Statement of Problem
Home movies are veritable tools of mass communication, which cut across national and cultural boundaries with wide and fast distributing networks internationally. Home movies are seen as source of entertainment and education, as....

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