The aim of the thesis work is to study carefully how Finnish companies and busi-nesses can be introduced and incorporated into Nigerian market in years to come. With different views of market analysts and major players in the world economy, Africa is considered as one of the continents with great potentials and enlargement possibility in the future. Nigeria is blessed with a lot of natural resources and in-habitant these natural gifts and the entire inhabitant are still not fully utilized to-wards the nation’s growth. How these inhabitants and the market potential of the country could be fully utilized by both Finnish and Nigerian customer is the core focus of this thesis work.
Many companies and industries both public and private failed to function well due to the fact that the country lack effective and efficient telecommunication despite all the telecommunication in Nigeria like MTN,GLO and NITEL majority of the in-habitant are still lacking the benefit and important of telecommunication, It is rec-ommended that network operators should increase capacity of their network to solve the problem of network failure, unemployment, qualities of services in mobile system, Labor management ,employers and Government.
This thesis work will concentrate on how the Telecommunication market of the country could be better-quality for the customer by both Finnish and Nigerian with-out violating all guiding rules of the International communication Policy of market investment as well as the living of Nigerians at large.
The methodology used was Secondary Sources which is the collection of the ex-isting data information gathered from eBooks, materials from library, internet, newspaper and couple of article written by concern Nigeria and foreigners on Tel-ecommunication issues.
Because of the huge inhabitant and the demand for the telecommunication in Ni-geria is more than the supply which result to lack of customer satisfaction. According to market experts, after Asia market growth Africa would be the next continent to witness market growth and already countries like China has started exploring this great business opportunities because there is lot of china companies in Nigeria with different investment because the chine’s can try it and they are making it therefore if the Finnish investors can try it they will also make it because Nigeria is a land of huge opportunities for business. I can assure you that in less than 5 years, you will recoup back your investment.



1.1 Thesis Objective
1.2 Thesis Methodology

2.1 Porter Generic Strategy
2.2 Theory of Competitive Strategy

3.1 Nigerian Business History and Culture
3.2 Economics and Political History of Nigeria
3.3 Historical Background of Mobile Market and Customer Service

4.1 Quality of Services Management of a Telecommunication Services
4.2 Foreign Market
4.3 Global Strategy
4.4 Foreign Market Entry Modes
4.5 Nigeria Enterprise Foreign Market Expansion Models

5.1 Customer Expectation and Requirement
5.2 Network/Services Management by Customers
5.3 Infrastructure of Mobile Network in Finland
5.4 Grabbing the Opportunities
5.5 Culture

6.1 Importance of Employment Relationship
6.2 Emerging Market
6.3 New Opportunities
6.4 Bridging the Gap between Domestic and Global Markets
6.5 Labour Management, Employers and Government




The world is fast becoming a global village and communication is a very essential tool for communication. Telecommunication is a leading light, the telecommunica-tions industry all over the world is growing very rapid as one innovation replaces another in a matter of weeks. A major development is the wireless telephone which comes in either fixed wireless telephone lines or the Global System of Mo-bile (GSM) communication is absolutely a major driver of any economy.

In Africa, mobile subscriber numbers have improved by over 1,000 per cent be-tween 1998 and 2003 to reach 51.8 million; mobile user numbers have long ex-ceeded those of fixed wired line users which stood at 25.1 million at the end of 2003. Mobile telephone has been critical in boosting access to telecommunica-tions in Africa and has significantly helped lift telecommunications users, mobile penetration had reached 6.2 per cent at the end of 2003. In contrast to 3 per cent for fixed line, the rise of mobile phone usage has been driven by a combination of factors, such as demand, sector reforms, the licensing of new competition and the emergence of major strategic investors, such as Vodacom, MTN, and Celtel (Blake 2004 and Moholi 2005).

Therefore Nigeria has made wonderful improvement in the last few years in tele-communications most importantly in the Global System. It was pointed out as not-ed by Okoruwa (2004) that Africa still lags far behind the more industrialized parts of the world in telephone penetration and Internet access, but that as demonstrat-ed by GSM, huge opportunities exist for Africa to leap frog the gulf, self-indulgent backing on the advances in cellular technology.

By 2002, mobile subscribers in Nigeria stood at 1.5 million (Nigerian Tribune, 2003) but by the end of 2003, MTN alone had 1,650,000 active subscribers on its network, Econet Nigeria (Vmobile) had subscriber base of over one million, new entrants Globalcom and M-Tel (owned by NITEL - Nigerian Telecommunications Limited) have not less than one million subscribers (The Guardian, 2004). This shows that there is rapid growth in mobile phone subscription and usage in the Nigeria. The growth rate of GSM in Nigeria is a bold pointer to how much it im-pacts on life itself. The growth in telephone penetration in Nigeria and the future potential for even more growth and pervasiveness tends to shift the paradigm of thought and maximize the fears of what was once morbidly referred to as the digi-tal divide (Okoruwa, 2004).

According to Frank Aneke Nigeria is the fastest growing telecommunications mar-ket in Africa and third in the world behind China and Brazil which also lead to more movement of mobile in the country. As a virgin market experiencing rapid growth, Nigeria has become a favorite destination for international technology investors from South Africa, Middle East, Europe, Asia and North America. Competitors are other mobile with low price. Some years ago industries experts predicted the growth of telecommunication and ICT in Africa, but never reckoned that Nigeria could grow exceedingly from teledensity figures of .04 lines per 100 inhabitants in year 2000, to teledensity figure of 42 lines per 100 inhabitants in October 2008.

The Nigeria Telecommunication market gained more than 11.3 million new cus-tomers in the first half of 2008, growing by 28 percent to reach 51, 7 million mobile users. Nearly 4 million customers were added in the first quarter of 2008, while an impressive 7.3 Million were added in the second of 2008.

Nigeria is obviously a major market in the West African sub-region with a popula-tion of over 100 million people. Nigeria remain African’s most densely inhabited nation and blessed with abundance of material resources and therefore has what it takes to attract attention of potential investor’s to this largely telecommunication market.

Presently, communications quality is low and ICT Penetration is still inadequate considering Nigeria’s size and population it is also important to build up the inter-nal linkage that will make up the national telecommunications networks.

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