This study is a stylistic analysis of Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie‟s novel
Half Of A Yellow Sun, which comprises four parts with a total number of 37 chapters and 433 pages. The aim of this study is to identify the predominant stylistic devices used by the author in the novel and the effects achieved by using them. To achieve this aim, the researcher uses quantitative stylistic analysis which entails the counting and writing down the number of times each device occurs in the selected chapters of the novel. Review of related literature is also done. The researcher chooses this study because Half Of A Yellow Sun is

Chimamanda‟s second and most voluminous novel; it is also an award winning novel and not much has been done on the stylistic analysis of the novel. 24 chapters are selected out of the 37 chapters and tables are used to represent the frequency of occurrence of the predominant stylistic devices used in the novel. Random selection sampling was used in parts two and four respectively to select six chapters from each while part one and part three are selected because they have six chapters each and need no random sampling. At the end, the predominant devices found out to be used by Chimamanda are Compound sentences followed by Compound complex sentences, Parenthetical expression, Italics, Transliteration and Code-mixing. It is then recommended that other young writers should adopt Chimamanda‟s style since the aim of studying style is to improve the vigour of one‟s writing.

Language is a tool or a code system used for human communication.

It is made up of sounds or graphic symbols, which users or speakers

have accepted to use as units of communication.

Language is a symbol system based on pure or arbitrary conventions infinitely extendable and modifiable according to the changing needs and conditions of the speakers.

Robins (1985).

According to Lyons (1970) Languages are:

The principal systems of communication used by particular groups of human beings within the particular society (Linguistic community) of which they are members.

The use of language is not restricted to only human beings but for

the    purpose    of     this     study,    the     researcher    is     concentrating    on

language used by human beings. Language as a human property is

used      to       perform      various      functions      in       a       society      such      as

communication, instruction and socialization, which is why its study is...

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Item Type: Project Material  |  Attribute: 69 pages  |  Chapters: 1-5
Format: MS Word  |  Price: N3,000  |  Delivery: Within 2hrs


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