DEVS Modeling & Simulation separates a model from its simulator. A DEVS model describes the structure and the behavior of a system, while a DEVS simulator generates the trajectories of these descriptions through execution threads.

The goal of a DEVS standard is to provide a simple and mostly automated way of executing simulations that involve remote and/or heterogeneous DEVS models. This can be achieved by taking two different approaches, which are simulator-based interoperability and model-based interoperability:
·         In model-based interoperability, models themselves are deployed as services instead of simulators. Using this model driven approach, the operations invoked through the network are no longer simulation mechanisms, but model functions.
·         In simulator-based interoperability, the main idea is to have a collection of simulation services distributed over the Internet. These services provide several operations for simulating DEVS models in a unified manner.

In this work,we propose a Web Services-based modeling and simulation which can be used to solve the above mentioned problem of interoperability of DEVS -based models and DEVS-based simulator. We thendeployed an example of Web Services-based modeling and simulation using the DEVS toolkit SimStudio_1.1and Apache Axis2. We also did a literaturereview of SOA-based DEVS modeling and simulation.


Chapter 1: Introduction
I.1 Research Context
I.2 Problem Statement
I.3Research Objectives
I.4 Research methodology
I.5 Organization of the document

Chapter 2: Related work
2.1 Standardizing DEVS Model Representation
2.3 DEVS Modeling Language (DEVSML)

Chapter 3: DEVS and Web services State of Art
3.1 DEVS
3.1.1 DEVS modeling formalism Classic DEVS atomic model Classic DEVS coupled model PDEVS atomic model PDEVS coupled model
3.1.2. DEVS toolkits
3.2 Web services
3.2.1 Service-Oriented Architectures (SOA)
3.2.2 Existent technologies-based SOA CORBA JAVA RMI DCOM
3.2.3Web Services Web Services components Service Description: WSDL Service Discovery (UDDI) Why Web Services Web services Tools and Vendors Example of services

Chapter 4: DEVS modeling and simulation as a service
4.1 Overview
4.2 DEVS modeling and simulation as a service
4.2.1 Example of DEVS modeling and simulation as a service using the SimStudio_1.1 Axis2 Web Services deployment of the SimStudio_1.1 Configuration of Eclipse for Web Services with Axis2 Configuration of services.xml Creation and deployment of Service archive Consuming the Axis2 Web Services

Chapter 5: Conclusion
5.1 Result
5.3 Perspectives

Chapter 1: Introduction
This chapter introduces the topic of this research project with its context, problem statement, objectives, and methodology. In addition it introduces the organization of the present document.

I.1 Research Context
During the last years, the DEVS community provides many contributions towards the realization of a world-wide platform for collaborative Modeling & Simulation. The goal of such a platform would be to enable the sharing and reuse of models between scientists, as well as the seamless simulation of distributed and heterogeneous models. Therefore, one of the major research fields is the definition of architectures for integrating heterogeneous DEVS components, meaning simulators and/or models written in different frameworks and programming languages. In this thesis, we present Web services, one strategy for providing such interoperability between DEVS components. Web services are concerned with the problems of enabling systematic application-to-application interactions over the Web, and the integration of the existing network computer infrastructure into the Web. The goal of Web services is to provide a flexible frameworkbased on sending XML messages in a specific SOAP format. SOAP is a specification that defines an XML grammar for both sending messages and responding to messages that you receive from other parties. The goal of SOAP is to describe a message format that is not bound to any hardware or software architecture, but one that carries a message from any platform to any other platform in an unambiguous fashion.

I.2 Problem Statement
Distribution and Interoperability among DEVS-based models and DEVS-based simulators continues to be of key interest within the simulation community[1].The reason is that DEVS Modeling and Simulation (M&S) has various implementations with various computer languages such as JAVA, C++, and C#. To enhance model reusability with different implementation, and an interoperable mechanism for simulation of heterogeneous DEVS models, we need interoperable systems such as CORBA, HLA, and SOA[2]. As an infrastructure of an interoperable system, SOA is applicable because it provides platform and language independence. In this work, we will studyhow to realize SOA using web service technology and try to see how it can be applied to enhance the problem of distribution and interoperability of DEVS-based models and DEVS-based simulators.

I.3 Research Objectives
Firstly this research aims to propose a web service solution that will guaranty the interoperability between DEVS-based model and DEVS-based simulator in order to enhance the collaboration among DEVS programmers; secondlyit aims to give an example of DEVS modeling and simulation as service usingexisting DEVS toolkit SimStudio_1.1. The rest of the thesis will provide answers to the following questions:
·         What technologies are used for the development of DEVS-based model and simulator?
Why and How to create DEVS-based modeland simulator as a web service?....

For more Computer Science Projects click here
Item Type: Postgraduate Material  |  Attribute: 40 pages  |  Chapters: 1-5
Format: MS Word  |  Price: N3,000  |  Delivery: Within 2hrs


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