This thesis is to develop the business prospect of Transcorp Hilton Hotel market-ing process for implementation of their marketing activities. This process will enable Hilton Hotel to be more profitable in terms of sales and marketing.
The research problem is to examine the marketing activities of Transcorp Hilton Hotel, Nigeria. The Question is raised, for Transcorp Hotel as regards to their ma-keting activities.
This thesis aims at observing where improvement is needed for Transcorp Hilton Hotel in the area of marketing communication. This thesis will further give sug-gestions on how Hilton Hotel could improve its marketing communication ap-proach; also some of the marketing techniques that could be used will be intro-duced to Transcorp Hilton Hotel.
The theoretical part of this thesis consists of marketing communication from dif-ferent sources and the most valuable one will be selected for the thesis. Secondly, the theoretical part concentrates on the marketing 4P`s place, price, product, pro-motion, and will also segment the marketing 4P´s in various categories.The em-pirical part of this thesis describes the case company; Transcorp Hilton Hotel’s marketing activities in Nigeria.
The research method is data collection, which was obtained from the conducted research. Data was also collected from interviews with top executives of Hilton Hotel regarding their marketing activities.
The research shows how Transcorp Hilton Hotel marketing communication can be improved.The interview results give a possible answer for improvement. The the-sis will give an accurate solution for improving the Transcorp Hilton Hotel with the best suitable marketing tool.
The thesis gives some suggestions on how private persons and organizations can benefit from Transcorp Hilton sales promotion and advertising.

Keywords:  Marketing communication, 4P`s, Transcorp Hilton Hotel, Nigeria

1.1 Background of the thesis
1.2 Limitations of the thesis
1.3 Objectives and research questions
1.4 Theoretical frame work
1.5 Research method

2.1 Definition of Marketing
2.1.1 Services  Marketing Mix Process
2.1.2 Definition  of Product / Services
2.1.3 Brand Name
2.1.4 Functionality
2.1.5 Quality
2.1.6 Safety
2.2 Price
2.2.1 Price Strategy
2.2.2 Payment
2.2.3 Seasonal  Pricing
2.2.1 Price Flexibility
2.2.2 Price Discrimination
2.3 Place
2.3.1 Distribution Channels
2.3.2 Marketing  Coverage
2.3.3 Processing
2.3.4 Transportation
2.4 Promotion
2.4.1 Promotion Strategies
2.4.2 Advertising
2.4.3 Personal Selling  & Sales Forces
2.4.4 Sales Promotion
2.4.5 Public Relations

3.1       Hilton Hotel Chain in General
3.2       Transcorp Hilton Hotel Nigeria
3.3       Transcorp Hilton Nigeria Marketing Process
3.3.1    Product/Services
3.3.2    Price
3.3.3    Place
3.3.4    Promotion

4.1 Product /Services of Transcorp Hilton
4.2 Pricing for Services in Transcorp Hilton
4.3 Utility of Transcorp Hilton
4.4 Promotion of Transcorp Hilton


6          SUMMARY


This thesis is to develop the business prospect of Transcorp Hilton Hotel market-ing communication for implementing their marketing activities. The process will enable Transcorp Hilton hotel to be highly profitable in terms of sales and market-ing.The objective of this thesis is to clarify the marketing communication of Tran-scorp Hilton Hotel; furthermore this is done in order to find out whether the ap-proach could be useful for Transcorp Hilton Hotel.
The second chapter of this thesis will further explain more about the general background of the thesis, some descriptions on how this topic was chosen and why the writer decided to use Transcorp Hilton Hotel as the case study. Further-more the third chapter f this thesis explains the limitations, and the final fourth chapter explains the aims and objectives of the thesis more deeply. The process for conducting the research questions will be mentioned and the forms of the col-lection of the research data.

1.1      Background of the thesis
This thesis looks at the marketing communication of Transcorp Hilton Hotel, Ni-geria, the present situation of their marketing activities and how their marketing communication is being carried out in Nigeria since the operations began. Also what could be put into consideration for selecting which marketing communica-tion mode is most suitable and recommended for Transcorp Hilton Hotel.

The main reason that motivated the writer to choose this subject was because the writer had his practical training in Hilton Hotel, and during this training period the writer found out that some improvement is needed, precisely the marketing com-munication of the company, which would be more profitable.

1.2      Limitations of the thesis
This thesis will focus on the marketing communication of Transcorp Hilton Hotel and also some sources will be used for references purpose for Transcorp Hilton Hotel. This thesis is not aimed at focusing on the economics part of the hotel. This thesis will, basically, focus on explaining more about the marketing mix 4P`s for proceeding to the main marketing communication that will be used to an im-provement Transcorp Hilton Hotel marketing communication.
This thesis will not mention the budgeted amount used for their yearly activities. This thesis only concentrates on the marketing activities that were targeted to pri-vate customers in Nigeria.

1.3      Objectives and research questions
The objective of this thesis is to clarify and improve the marketing process and marketing communication of Transcorp Hilton Hotel. Furthermore this research process is done in order to find out which modes could be useful for Transcorp Hilton Hotel, when improving their marketing process. One of the research ques-tion of this thesis is to know how Transcorp Hilton Hotel Nigeria conducts their marketing process and communication, for example, to explain how often in a month their marketing activities take place?, What has the reaction of their cus-tomers been through their marketing communication? Also materials from mar-keting articles relating to Transcorp Hilton Hotel Nigeria will be used in this the-sis. Furthermore, more detailed information about Transcorp Hilton Hotel Nigeria will be concentrated on.
The scope of this thesis is to mainly look into the marketing communication of Transcorp Hilton Hotel and select the activities that will be suitable for the Nige-rian market. Also it will be studied, what will make people to adopt with these new marketing activities.

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Item Type: Project Material  |  Attribute: 44 pages  |  Chapters: 1-5
Format: MS Word  |  Price: N3,000  |  Delivery: Within 2hrs


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